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[Csnd] Announcement: Csound Rubette for Rubato Composer

Date2008-07-21 16:09
FromMichael Gogins
Subject[Csnd] Announcement: Csound Rubette for Rubato Composer
A Csound player Rubette (plugin) for Rubato Composer can now be freely downloaded from:


Rubato Composer is an extensible system for doing algorithmic composition in a Java-based visual programming language, based on the mathematical music theory of Guerino Mazzola (musicologist, author of _The Topos of Music_, and free jazz pianist) and programmed by Gerard Milmeister and others:


Rubato Composer has certain similarities with my original Silence system written in Java, in that a composition is a directed acyclical graph of parent nodes that can transform their child nodes. However, the mathematical bases of Rubato Composer are category theory and modules, which promise more flexible extensibility. By comparison, the mathematical bases of Silence (and of CsoundAC) are scene graphs and matrix arithmetic, which are less abstract.

The Csound Rubette uses the Java Csound API, and enables any score generated by Rubato Composer to be rendered using a Csound orchestra that is stored in the Rubato XML file.

The intention here is to put Rubato Composer into the same category as Common Music, athenaCL, blue, or CsoundAC as an all-round composition system with a very capable synthesis back end.

I found, in writing the Csound Rubette, that writing new Rubettes for Rubato Composer is very straightfoward and that the requirements and interfaces for doing so are well-documented.

Note that Rubato Composer and the Csound Rubette, being Java software, are cross-platform.


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Date2008-07-22 15:52
FromDave Phillips
Subject[Csnd] Re: [Cs-dev] Announcement: Csound Rubette for Rubato Composer
Michael Gogins wrote:
> A Csound player Rubette (plugin) for Rubato Composer can now be freely downloaded from:
> http://www.rubato.org/rubettes.html
> Rubato Composer is an extensible system for doing algorithmic composition in a Java-based visual programming language, based on the mathematical music theory of Guerino Mazzola (musicologist, author of _The Topos of Music_, and free jazz pianist) and programmed by Gerard Milmeister and others:
> http://www.rubato.org
Hi Michael,

Thanks again for leading us to another interesting Java-based 
music/sound application. I'm preparing an article about just such 
software (Java-based soundapps), is there anything else you know of that 
I should consider ? (And if anyone else wants to chime in with their 
favorite Java-based music app, please do.) I'll cover blue and some 
obvious others (jMusic, AVS, JMSL, etc), but I'm always on the look-out. :)

Best regards,


Date2008-07-22 16:08
Fromluis jure
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: [Cs-dev] Announcement: Csound Rubette for Rubato Composer
on 2008-07-22 at 10:52 Dave Phillips wrote:

>I'm preparing an article about just such software (Java-based
>soundapps), is there anything else you know of that I should
>consider ? 

hi dave,

not strictly a music/sound application, but processing has some basic
sound functions. i think the most interesting aspect, though, is that
it can eventually communicate with csound via osc (never done this
myself, hardly know the basics of processing). i don't know if this
falls within the scope of your article, but i thought it might be worth





Date2008-07-22 16:33
FromDave Phillips
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: [Cs-dev] Announcement: Csound Rubette for Rubato Composer
luis jure wrote:
> not strictly a music/sound application, but processing has some basic
> sound functions. i think the most interesting aspect, though, is that
> it can eventually communicate with csound via osc (never done this
> myself, hardly know the basics of processing). i don't know if this
> falls within the scope of your article, but i thought it might be worth
> mentioning.
Hi luis,

I took a brief look at Processing for my last series of articles in the 
on-line LJ, but I'll mention it again in the new article. Thanks for the 
reminder, and yes, Processing definitely has interesting possibilities 
re: Csound.

