| Hi there all,
I'm looking forward to checking this music out ASAP. Sorry, btw, it was
a bit naughty of me to use such deliberately contentious and subjective
words as "good, exciting, interesting", but it's interesting to see if
people have an emotional attachment to purely synthesised music to the
same extent that people have to music made in more traditional ways.
All the best,
Art Hunkins wrote:
> Likewise for all my Csound works except "What's in a Name?" (which is
> pure and obviously sample-based).
> http://www.arthunkins.com
> As to "exciting"? No. (My objective is meditative anyway.)
> As to "good"? Again, in the mind of the beholder.
> I surely agree that it is far easier to get "interesting" (as is
> real-life-like) sound starting with samples. Real life sounds are so
> subtle and complex that it well-nigh impossible to emulate most of them
> with pure synthesis. (Typically, I wouldn't know where to begin, in most
> cases.) It would be rather like trying to emulate a violin on an organ.
> Just adding vibrato doesn't do it.
> And of course there's always the question, "Do you *want* to emulate
> real life sounds?", and if so to what degree?
> Art Hunkins
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dave Seidel"
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2008 1:57 PM
> Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: RE: Re: about the synthesis on an
> excellent sound found in freesound.
>> My Csound-based music is pure synthesis as well. All of the pieces
>> have been posted here, and can all be found at http://mysterybear.net.
>> Following John's comments, whether it is "interesting, emotive,
>> exciting... er... good" is up to someone other than me.
>> - Dave
>> jpff wrote:
>>>>>>>> "Joseph" == Joseph Sanger writes:
>>> Joseph> What I'd really like to know is: Are there any other "pure
>>> synthesis" Joseph> composers/designers on the list, and can people
>>> point to any examples of Joseph> interesting, emotive, exciting...
>>> er... good..., music which is entirely Joseph> synthesised, with no
>>> "real sound sampling" used in the composition Joseph> process?
>>> (Examples which are free to listen to, of course!).
>>> Most of my music is pure synthesis; whether it is good, exciting,
>>> interesting,... is subjective. Some of these are on the csounds.com
>>> site.
>>> I think Mike Gogin's stuff is pure, good, emotive and exciting. Seek
>>> it out on ruccas or CDBaby
>>> ==John ffitch
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