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[Csnd] time-shift in diskin2

Date2012-03-13 16:56
FromMichele Nasti
Subject[Csnd] time-shift in diskin2
is there any way to implement a time-shifting method using diskin2 ? something like modifying the output a-variable, for example. I already used timescal, mincer, pvsanal... but I don't want to load all the music in RAM before playing it, it could cost me several seconds and 2-3 GB of RAM). 

I am also interested in the time-shifting technique, the math that is underneath it. Can you tell me if it's simple or complicated, if you have any links that I can read to implement my time-stretching engine in another programming language ... (In my lab we have the Csound book, so if it's written there, you can tell me in what chapter). 

Michele Nasti

Date2012-03-13 17:09
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: [Csnd] time-shift in diskin2
The Wikipedia has a good basic introduction to time stretching (which,
correct me if I'm wrong, is what you mean by "time-shifting"). Csound
either already implements, or can be used fairly easily to implement,
all of the methods discussed except for the commercial ones (neural
network, combined PSOLA/phase vocoder).


Another option, if you are working on Windows, is to use some
commercial VST plugin that does time stretching in the way you want in
Csound using the vst4cs opcodes. (There may be equivalent plugins in
other formats on other operating systems that I don't know about.)


On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 12:56 PM, Michele Nasti  wrote:
> Hi,
> is there any way to implement a time-shifting method using diskin2 ?
> something like modifying the output a-variable, for example. I already used
> timescal, mincer, pvsanal... but I don't want to load all the music in RAM
> before playing it, it could cost me several seconds and 2-3 GB of RAM).
> I am also interested in the time-shifting technique, the math that is
> underneath it. Can you tell me if it's simple or complicated, if you have
> any links that I can read to implement my time-stretching engine in another
> programming language ... (In my lab we have the Csound book, so if it's
> written there, you can tell me in what chapter).
> Michele Nasti

Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions
Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com