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[Csnd] [OT] re^n administration

Date2010-08-20 08:48
Fromjohn ffitch
Subject[Csnd] [OT] re^n administration
> Also, do these people whose email clients add an extra "re" not
> realize they're doing it? Could someone (with some sort of real, or
> delegated by real authority) tell them politely off-list? I'd do it
> myself if I felt it was place, but it certainly is not my place.
> It comes up every couple months, nobody seems willing to take a
> systematic approach to it, and It's really obnoxious.
> If I do it (I don't believe I do), please tell me so I can fix it.
> Greg

The extra Res are added by SYMPA, the mailing list software.  People
with sane mailers can remove excess RE: from the subject line, knowing
that SYMPA will always add one more.   I am aware that I do not always
remember to so that and I ought to reprogram emacs to do that... not
really hard.

I have complained about this to our local software team; it appears
that the bug is fixed by the authors, but we only update software in
the summer.  I will see if i can get conformation that this will be
fixed this year.

==John ffitch

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