| Yes, I'd be interested in reading the code.
I'm not too good at Java, but guess I'll be able to make some sense
out of it (and perhaps learn a bit of Java while reading).
2010/8/23 jean-pierre lemoine :
> I agree that Dave is making a very good use of AVS design, a design
> that has been largely inspired by the works of the csound community,
> and of course the developpers of the opcodes.
> More info on the opcodes I used:
> Sound Generators
> Analog -> vco2 and mooglader
> Analog2 -> vco2
> Chant -> fof, based on a design made by Iain McCurdy, 2006
> CycleWave -> cycle wave stored in a table + phasor
> FM -> foscili
> Noise -> pinkish
> Pluck -> pluck
> Vosim -> vosim
> WaveLoop -> diskin2
> WaveTable -> oscili
> Important for the design, the amplitude envelope is runing at a rate
> Effects
> AnalogDelay -> deltapi, based on Steven Cook work
> Chorus -> osciliktp + delayr + deltap3
> GrainWild -> syncgrain
> MoogFilter -> moogladder
> Pan -> pan2
> Phaser -> phaser1
> PvsBlur -> pvsanal + pvsblur + pvsynth
> PvsFilter -> diskin2 + pvsanal + pvsfilter + pvsynth
> PvsMix -> diskin2 + pvsanal + pvsmix + pvsynth
> PvsMorph -> diskin2 + pvsanal + pvsmorph + pvsynth
> PvsScale -> pvsanal + pvscale + pvsynth
> PvsShift -> pvsanal + pvshift + pvsynth
> PvsSmooth -> pvsanal + pvsmooth + pvsynth
> Rezzy -> rezzy
> RingModulator -> asig * arm , arm is oscili or vco2
> SpectralArp -> pvsanal + pvsarp + pvsynth
> SpectralDrone -> pvsanal + pvsbuffer + pvsbufread
> StateVarFilter -> statevar
> Waveguide -> wguide1
> Waveguide2 -> wguide2
> Waveset -> waveset
> The reverb is reverbsc (wonderfull opcocde)
> If of interest I can publish the java source code that generates the
> csound code. Even if it is java, I think it is more readable that the
> csound generated code.
> Best
> jp
> On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 8:44 AM, Oeyvind Brandtsegg
> wrote:
>> Thumbs up to JP for the good sounding instruments and to you for
>> making good use of them.
>> Screenshots would be interesting, and more info from JP too.
>> best¨
>> Oeyvind
>> 2010/8/23 Dave Phillips :
>>> Oeyvind Brandtsegg wrote:
>>>> Wow, P81-130810 contains some very nice orchestral textures/timbres.
>>>> Could you outline how they were made?
>>> AVSynthesis includes a set of predefined instruments/generators, one of
>>> which is an analog synth. The program also includes a set of audio
>>> processors, one of which is a waveguide filter. P81-130810 has three audio
>>> tracks, each of which is a combination of an Analog synth and a Waveguide
>>> filter. Their parameter values are selected at random from delimited ranges.
>>> All done in the AVS GUI. If you like, I'll post some screenshots of the
>>> synthesizer, sequencer, and mixer pages for P81.
>>>> And is that an SC reverb you're using?
>>> I don't know what opcode JP uses for the reverb in AVS. Perhaps he'll
>>> enlighten both of us ? :)
>>> Best,
>>> dp
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