| Hmmm,.... strange. Usually the problem I have with large sessions
are playback drop-out errors. Once "I bounce to disk", those errors
go away because there is no longer any realtime processing going
on at that point. When it's bounced, it's just two tracks and no FX,
so no buffer or playback errors on the "Performance" indicators.
Also at that point, I don't have any extrenal instruments via
"plugins" on or engaged. Sometimes I need to go in and make adjustments
to RAM buffer sizes so I don't get buffer errors on the "Performance"
- check buffer sizes
- playback errors don't get bounced to disk. They just sound annoying.
you can usually tell it's a playback vs recorded error, it occurs
and sounds different with each pass.
I have MOTU's DP 4.52, running OS 10.3.9 on a Mac Power Book G4, with
a full load (2Gig) of RAM. I've also been using MOTU since 1987, so
I've don't have many problems it. Really minor glitch every now and
Had a hard drive crash, haven't finished installing apps yet, MacCsound
is one that's not back on yet. Was running v1.25a and had just loaded
v1.35 a couple weeks before the crash. Barely got to look thru it.
Want to get back to it soon, I miss not having there with all my other
soft-synths (Reason 3 and Arturia's Moog Modular V).
I work at Line 6, we're the Propellorhead distributor in the Americas,
and everyone in our department is expected to have some version of
Reason, Recycle or Record (Propellorhead in general). One of my
department mates is a Propellorhead person and also is into MAX/MSP
and into some Csound.
--- peimankhosravi@gmail.com wrote:
From: peiman khosravi
To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
Subject: Re: [Csnd] MacCsound RIP
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2011 01:25:52 +0100
Yes it would. Also with Ardour and Logic. But don't get me started
with DP, I struggled with it for a year. Nightmare DAW... Can't even
bounce large sessions as you get random glitches everywhere. The only
way is to record the session in real-time on a separate track to be
On 22 July 2011 21:43, Partev Barr Sarkissian
Will that make it compatible with MOTU DP4?
--- peimankhosravi@gmail.com wrote:
From: peiman khosravi
To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
Subject: Re: [Csnd] MacCsound RIP
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2011 11:07:16 +0100
This sounds great Matt. I have one more to add: AU!! Please!!!
On 21 July 2011 18:48, matt ingalls wrote:
i just noticed today that the new MacOS Lion does not support
Rosetta, which is needed for MacCsound to run.
so this is indeed the final nail in the coffin...
well it was a good run and i really appreciate all of you users
out there and a big thanks for all the paypal donations youve given
over the years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am willing to put more effort into a Mac STANDALONE (see below), if
people find it useful
so far it seems, no one is using it? -- maybe now with maccsound
broken for good there will be more interest?
i hope to at least:
+ update the videos to show how to do this with XCode 4
+ apply script (thanks Andres!) to embed Csound framework within your
standalone bundle (so users do not have to csound installed to run)
+ make code available so that you could compile MacOS apps yourself
+ i'm particularly interested in getting the multitouch trackpad
Iamworkingon an OSX Standalone that you can import your own .csd
anddesignyourown Cocoa interface. Here is a movie i made explaining
Ifyouwantto try it out for yourself you can download the standalone h
(Universal32-bit-OSX 10.5 or higher needed)
Stillin-progress(optimizationneeded especially)
butletmeknow if you think it is of any use!
Ifthere'senoughinterest, i could create a "compiler" application to h
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