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Re: [Csnd] terminating at end of wav file

Date2012-12-23 23:24
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectRe: [Csnd] terminating at end of wav file
I would suggest this:

1)don't use -i

2) Use the following CSD:

-d -m0 -M0 -odac

giSine ftgen 0, 0, 8192, 10, 1
ga1 init 0
ga2 init 0
instr 1
SFile = "rawfile.wav"
idur filelen SFile
p3 = idur
a1, a2 diskin2 SFile, 1
event_i "i", 100, 0, p3,0.5, 0.9
ga1 = a1 + ga1
ga2 = a2 + ga2
instr 100
itime = p4 * 2
itimeR = itime * 1.5
iLfdbk = p5 * 0.025
iRfdbk = iLfdbk ; * 0.8
aL = ga1
aR = ga2
klfo oscil 0.002, 0.4, giSine
kfiltLFO oscil 400, 0.13, giSine
adelL delayr itime
aLtap deltapi (itime*0.5) + klfo
aLfilt resonr aLtap, 700+kfiltLFO, 300
delayw aL + aLfilt*iLfdbk
adelR delayr itimeR
aRtap deltapi (itimeR*0.5) - klfo
aRfilt resonr aRtap, 700-kfiltLFO, 300
delayw aR+aRfilt*iRfdbk
aoutL = aL*0.7 + adelL*0.7
aoutR = aR*0.7 + adelR*0.7
outs aoutL, aoutR
ga1 = 0
ga2 = 0

i1 0 1


On 24 Dec 2012, at 00:10, pj@pjb.com.au wrote:

> I wrote:
>>   csound -i rawfile.wav -o processedfile.wav delayprocessor.csd
>> produces an hour-long long output file because of the line:
>>   e 3600
>> How could the .csd detect when the rawfile.wav is finished,
>> and then tidy up its alwayson instrument and exit ?
> joachim wrote:
>> you can terminate csound with the opcode exitnow.
>> what do you want to do exactly?
> I want to detect, within the .csd, when the rawfile.wav is
> finished, so that it can tidy up its alwayson instrument,
> (like waiting for any pending delays to work their way through)
> and then exit.  How do I detect when rawfile.wav is finished ?
>> can you post a csd?
> Anything with ins and outs would do, but my .csd was:
> --------------------------------------------
> ; see Csound Power p268
> -d -m0 -M0
> sr=44100
> ksmps=64
> nchnls=2
> 0dbfs=1
> giSine ftgen 0, 0, 8192, 10, 1
> alwayson "DelayProcessor", 0.5, 0.9
> instr DelayProcessor
>    itime = p4 * 2
>    itimeR = itime * 1.5
>    iLfdbk = p5 * 0.025
>    iRfdbk = iLfdbk ; * 0.8
>    aL, aR ins
>    klfo oscil 0.002, 0.4, giSine
>    kfiltLFO oscil 400, 0.13, giSine
>    adelL delayr itime
>    aLtap deltapi (itime*0.5) + klfo
>    aLfilt resonr aLtap, 700+kfiltLFO, 300
>    delayw aL + aLfilt*iLfdbk
>    adelR delayr itimeR
>    aRtap deltapi (itimeR*0.5) - klfo
>    aRfilt resonr aRtap, 700-kfiltLFO, 300
>    delayw aR+aRfilt*iRfdbk
>    aoutL aL*0.7 + adelL*0.7, 9
>    aoutR aR*0.7 + adelR*0.7, 9
>    outs aoutL, aoutR
> endin
> e 3600
> --------------------------------------------
> Regards,  Peter Billam
> http://www.pjb.com.au      pj@pjb.com.au     (03) 6278 9410
> "Follow the charge, not the particle."  --  Richard Feynman
> from The Theory of Positrons, Physical Review, 1949
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> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
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Dr Victor Lazzarini
Senior Lecturer
Dept. of Music
NUI Maynooth Ireland
tel.: +353 1 708 3545
Victor dot Lazzarini AT nuim dot ie

Date2012-12-24 00:10
SubjectRe: [Csnd] terminating at end of wav file
I wrote:
>    csound -i rawfile.wav -o processedfile.wav delayprocessor.csd
> produces an hour-long long output file because of the line:
>    e 3600
> How could the .csd detect when the rawfile.wav is finished,
> and then tidy up its alwayson instrument and exit ?

joachim wrote:
> you can terminate csound with the opcode exitnow.
> what do you want to do exactly?

I want to detect, within the .csd, when the rawfile.wav is
finished, so that it can tidy up its alwayson instrument,
(like waiting for any pending delays to work their way through)
and then exit.  How do I detect when rawfile.wav is finished ?

> can you post a csd?

Anything with ins and outs would do, but my .csd was:


; see Csound Power p268

-d -m0 -M0


giSine ftgen 0, 0, 8192, 10, 1
alwayson "DelayProcessor", 0.5, 0.9

instr DelayProcessor
    itime = p4 * 2
    itimeR = itime * 1.5
    iLfdbk = p5 * 0.025
    iRfdbk = iLfdbk ; * 0.8
    aL, aR ins
    klfo oscil 0.002, 0.4, giSine
    kfiltLFO oscil 400, 0.13, giSine
    adelL delayr itime
    aLtap deltapi (itime*0.5) + klfo
    aLfilt resonr aLtap, 700+kfiltLFO, 300
    delayw aL + aLfilt*iLfdbk
    adelR delayr itimeR
    aRtap deltapi (itimeR*0.5) - klfo
    aRfilt resonr aRtap, 700-kfiltLFO, 300
    delayw aR+aRfilt*iRfdbk
    aoutL aL*0.7 + adelL*0.7, 9
    aoutR aR*0.7 + adelR*0.7, 9
    outs aoutL, aoutR

e 3600


Regards,  Peter Billam

http://www.pjb.com.au      pj@pjb.com.au     (03) 6278 9410
"Follow the charge, not the particle."  --  Richard Feynman
 from The Theory of Positrons, Physical Review, 1949