| Greetings.
I've been trying the example on p268 of Jim Aikin's Csound Power:
---------------------my retyping:--------------------
; see p268
-d -m0 -M0 -iadc -odac
giSine ftgen 0, 0, 8192, 10, 1
alwayson "DelayProcessor", 0.5, 0.9
instr DelayProcessor
itime = p4 * 2
itimeR = itime * 1.5
iLfdbk = p5 * 0.025
iRfdbk = iLfdbk ; * 0.8
aL, aR inch 1, 2
klfo oscil 0.002, 0.4, giSine
kfiltLFO oscil 400, 0.13, giSine
adelL delayr itime
aLtap deltapi (itime*0.5) + klfo
aLfilt resonr aLtap, 700+kfiltLFO, 300
delayw aL+aLfilt*iLfdbk
adelR delayr itimeR
aRtap deltapi (itimeR*0.5) - klfo
aRfilt resonr aRtap, 700-kfiltLFO, 300
delayw aR+aRfilt*iRfdbk
aoutL = aL*0.7 + adelL*0.7
aoutR = aR*0.7 + adelR*0.7
outs aoutL, aoutR
e 3600
but it only gives me:
orch compiler:
instr DelayProcessor
error: too many input args, line 39:
aL, aR inch 1, 2
error: illegal no of output args, line 39:
aL, aR inch 1, 2
2 syntax errors in orchestra. compilation invalid
and yet however hard I stare at that "aL, aR inch 1, 2" line
it look the same to me as the same line in the book. I get the
same result whether I use -iadc or -i ~/some_stereo_file.wav
I do notice that
aL, aR ins
seems to work, and also
aL inch 1
aR inch 2
does produce output; is it a csound-version thing ? I'm using
debian stable, 5.12, and the book says it's tested on 5.13...
Regards, Peter Billam
http://www.pjb.com.au pj@pjb.com.au (03) 6278 9410
"Follow the charge, not the particle." -- Richard Feynman
from The Theory of Positrons, Physical Review, 1949