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[Csnd] cecilia 2.5.8 on intel mac 10.4.11 wont open

Date2008-08-09 06:19
FromJuan Vesa
Subject[Csnd] cecilia 2.5.8 on intel mac 10.4.11 wont open
i can't get cecilia to open on my intel mac running os x tiger  
10.4.11. i have tcl/tk installed. it just opens, bounces in the dock  
and then crashes. in the console.app it says that:

2008-08-09 15:15:59.912 Property List Editor[376] CFLog (0):
	CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): plist parse failed; the data is  
not proper UTF-8. The file name for this data could be:
	The parser will retry as in 10.2, but the problem should be  
corrected in the plist.

but i'm not sure how to correct it.
can anyone please help?
