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[Csnd] 24 bits and tablesize?

Date2008-08-06 17:30
FromMarco Stroppa
Subject[Csnd] 24 bits and tablesize?

I have a (probably stupid) question concerning the table size with using interpolating oscillators. If the table is used for an amplitude envelope and is, say, 513 points long, the right instruction for a triangle is "f1 0 513 7 0 256 1 256 0" or "f1 0 513 7 0 256 1 257 0"? In other terms, which of the two instructions generate 513 points? I guess it is the first one, but I'm not sure.
Also, what should I use if I want to load a 96 KHz, 24bit file onto a GEN01? There is not format for 24bit-files. Should I use 5 (32-bits long integers)? And bite-shift the file or not?

Thank you very much for any help.


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