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[Csnd] Re: Csound in Russia

Date2008-08-08 16:51
FromMichael Bechard
Subject[Csnd] Re: Csound in Russia
So obviously the book is out, but there is plenty of other available material as far as sounds and examples go. For starters, CSound ships with a bunch of example code that I'm sure you could post on your website. As for actual mp3s, blue ships with several pieces (under examples\pieces), but you have to compile them first. The ones by Dave Seidel are explicitly licensed under the Creative Commons, so be sure you attribute them accordingly and show the license with the download. The ones by Steven Yi, on the other hand, have no real license information attached. Since he included them with blue, and blue is an open source project, he may not mind if you posted his work on your website, but I'd definitely get explicit permission from him anyway.

Similarly, if you go here (http://www.csounds.com/podcast) and search for Creative Commons, you'll find all the pieces people have posted that have the Creative Commons license. Again, make sure you show the CC license along with the downloads. Go here (http://wiki.creativecommons.org/FAQ) for more information about posting these works online.

And like Michael Gogins already mentioned the CSound program itself is open source, so you're free to offer it from your website. Do consider providing some of the many quality, open source front ends for CSound too, like blue, Lettuce, etc. Do a search for them, there are plenty.

As far as official endorsement, I imagine once you get it up and running you could ask one of the guys running the csounds.com website to provide a link back to you.

Lastly, I would strongly suggest you take the time to translate one of the many tutorials out there, like the ones found here (http://www.csounds.com/tutorials), and post them on your website (providing a link back to the original too). Particularly the beginner ones.

Good luck,
Michael Bechard

----- Original Message ----
From: "daemon@csounds.ru" 
To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
Sent: Friday, August 8, 2008 6:44:11 AM
Subject: [Csnd] Csound in Russia

Hi all,

My name is Maxim Vorobyev, I am from Russia.
I like Csound very much because of I am interesting in music synthesis 
and signal processing. I think that many people may interested in 
csound too, but they don't know anything about it.
So, I have registered domain csounds.ru and I want to populize csound 
in Russia. I'm going to create a site, where anybody can find 
completely information about Csound in russian language.
Please, tell me, what can I do for having a status "The official site 
of the csound in Ruusia". I really want it very much.
May I put mp3, orc and sco files from your site to my(of course with 
link, that this is your files)? May I put csound installers, 
documentation and tutorials from your site?
And may I put translated version of Csound book(I have purchase it) on 
my site?

Thanks for your pleasure,
Vorobyev Maxim

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