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[Csnd] New piece: Law Of Octaves

Date2008-08-12 20:15
FromDave Seidel
Subject[Csnd] New piece: Law Of Octaves
Hi all,

I've just put up another piece, called "Law Of Octaves", at 
http://mysterybear.net/article/28/law-of-octaves.  It's another take on 
an idea I've worked with previously in "Drift Dhikr" and "Drift Dhikr 
II", but with a richer, more complex sound, exploring the lines between 
stasis and change on the one hand, and consonance and dissonance on the 
other hand (not sure about the third hand).  I hope you enjoy it.  As 
always, the CSD is there, as well as MP3 and OGG renderings, all 
licensed under a Creative Commons "Attribution" license.

- Dave

Date2008-08-12 20:41
Fromna bob
Subject[Csnd] Re: New piece: Law Of Octaves
Hi Dave,

i just wanted to say i enjoy this piece very much.
I like the Big Sound, like the planets in the universe.



--- On Tue, 8/12/08, Dave Seidel  wrote:

> From: Dave Seidel 
> Subject: [Csnd] New piece: Law Of Octaves
> To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk, MakeMicroMusic@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Tuesday, August 12, 2008, 9:15 PM
> Hi all,
> I've just put up another piece, called "Law Of
> Octaves", at 
> http://mysterybear.net/article/28/law-of-octaves.  It's
> another take on 
> an idea I've worked with previously in "Drift
> Dhikr" and "Drift Dhikr 
> II", but with a richer, more complex sound, exploring
> the lines between 
> stasis and change on the one hand, and consonance and
> dissonance on the 
> other hand (not sure about the third hand).  I hope you
> enjoy it.  As 
> always, the CSD is there, as well as MP3 and OGG
> renderings, all 
> licensed under a Creative Commons "Attribution"
> license.
> - Dave
> http://mysterybear.net
> Send bugs reports to this list.
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body
> "unsubscribe csound"


Date2008-08-12 20:56
FromDave Seidel
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: New piece: Law Of Octaves
Thanks, Menno!

na bob wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> i just wanted to say i enjoy this piece very much.
> I like the Big Sound, like the planets in the universe.
> Menno
> http://home.hccnet.nl/mag.knevel/
> http://www.jamendo.com/de/album/6789/
> http://www.jamendo.com/en/album/7428/

Date2008-08-20 17:12
FromLou Cohen
Subject[Csnd] New piece: shape01
[Csnd] New piece: shape01
Hello, everyone,

I just listened to Dave Seidel’s “Law of Octaves” and was surprised at how similar my latest piece, shape01 sounds at the opening. The pieces diverge from there but you can’t help wondering how distant minds follow similar paths!

You can hear it at http://ruccas.org/wiki.pl/Lou_Cohen or go directly to


cheers! comments welcome.


Permanent email:           loucohen@jolc.net
Music and video:            http://ruccas.org/wiki.pl/Lou_Cohen
More music and video:   http://www.youtube.com/loucohen
Astronomy:                    http://www.jolc.net
Open Sound:                 http://www.opensound.org

Date2008-08-25 22:06
FromLou Cohen
Subject[Csnd] More on New piece: shape01
[Csnd]  More on New piece: shape01 I should have mentioned something about the technique I used for my new piece, shape01. Someone asked for the sco file and I realized that there is essentially no sco file. The score consists of a single “i” command that runs an instrument for 1 second. That instrument uses “event” to start up many other instances of other instruments.

All of the sound in the piece is generated from within the orchestra by the interaction of the “event” opcode and a set of tables that are used for all aspects of the composition, from wave forms to control signals that determine all parameters.

I’m curious if others have generated compositions in this way?

I’ve added the csd files and all included files to the link:


-Lou Cohen

On 8/20/08 12:12, "    Lou Cohen" <loucohen@jolc.net> wrote:

Hello, everyone,

I just listened to Dave Seidel’s “Law of Octaves” and was surprised at how similar my latest piece, shape01 sounds at the opening. The pieces diverge from there but you can’t help wondering how distant minds follow similar paths!

You can hear it at http://ruccas.org/wiki.pl/Lou_Cohen or go directly to


cheers! comments welcome.


Date2008-08-25 23:33
FromDave Seidel
Subject[Csnd] Re: New piece: shape01
Hey, that's cool, Lou,  I don't think the similarity is too surprising, 
if you consider we were both following a process-oriented approach. 
Looking forward to studying the code -- I tend to have simple scores and 
somewhat more complicated orchestras as well, except when I'm using 
something like blue to generate score events.

- Dave

Lou Cohen wrote:
>     Hello, everyone,
>     I just listened to Dave Seidel’s “Law of Octaves” and was surprised
>     at how similar my latest piece, shape01 sounds at the opening. The
>     pieces diverge from there but you can’t help wondering how distant
>     minds follow similar paths!
>     You can hear it at http://ruccas.org/wiki.pl/Lou_Cohen or go
>     directly to
>     http://www.jolc.net/lcpublic/shape01html/
>     cheers! comments welcome.
>     -Lou

Date2008-08-27 16:57
FromMichael Rhoades
Subject[Csnd] SEAMUS 2009 - Call For Works
Attention Composers and Presenters.

The 2009 SEAMUS National Conference will be held in the all new 
Sweetwater campus in Fort Wayne, Indiana on April 16, 17 and 18. The 
call for works is now available at http://seamus.sweetwater.com. The 
deadline for submissions is October 15th.

The conference web site will continue to grow and provide pertinent 
information as the conference approaches so be sure to check back often 
for updates. Please feel free to send questions or concerns to 

Apologies For Cross Postings