| Pow-two tables are always pow-two-size+1. So 512 is always 513 points.
I suppose the best way to deal with 24bit audio is to defer the length and
set the 'type' to be read from sf header and leave libsndfile to deal with
Samples will always be converted to floats (32 or 64bit depending on
version of csound).
----- Original Message -----
From: "Marco Stroppa"
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 5:30 PM
Subject: [Csnd] 24 bits and tablesize?
I have a (probably stupid) question concerning the table size with using
interpolating oscillators. If the table is used for an amplitude envelope
and is, say, 513 points long, the right instruction for a triangle is "f1 0
513 7 0 256 1 256 0" or "f1 0 513 7 0 256 1 257 0"? In other terms, which of
the two instructions generate 513 points? I guess it is the first one, but
I'm not sure.
Also, what should I use if I want to load a 96 KHz, 24bit file onto a GEN01?
There is not format for 24bit-files. Should I use 5 (32-bits long integers)?
And bite-shift the file or not?
Thank you very much for any help.
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