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[Csnd] Fwd: [Icad] ICAD 2012 : Registration Now Open

Date2012-04-18 21:51
Subject[Csnd] Fwd: [Icad] ICAD 2012 : Registration Now Open
[Apologies for doubles]

Hi All,
There's and small but active group of Csounders in the ICAD community.

I ran the student ThinkTank last year in Budapest
and am involved again this year. Participants report that it is a valuable experience.


Begin forwarded messages:

The organizers of ICAD2012 wanted to let you know that Registration is now open for the ICAD2012 conference. We look forward to seeing you at ICAD in Atlanta this June, and we invite you to register and sign up for the exciting workshops. Space is limited for the workshops and tutorials, so be sure to register early. http://icad2012.icad.org, and click on Registration. Note, too, that there are still spots open (and FUNDING) for the student ThinkTank. Please check out the details on the web page, or contact Terri Bonebright (tbone@depauw.edu). Please pass this on to students who may be interested! Best regards, Bruce Walker ICAD2012 General Chair

[please pardon crossposts]

18th International Conference on Auditory Display
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA
June 18-22, 2012


Registration is now open for the 18th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD2012), which will be held June 18-22, 2012, at the Georgia Institute of Technology in the heart of midtown Atlanta, Georgia. The event will mark the 20th anniversary of the 1st International Conference on Auditory Display. Since 1992, ICAD has been the premier international venue for the dissemination and discussion of work related to the science, art, and practice of sound as a communicative display.

The primary conference venue will be the Historic Academy of Medicine at Georgia Tech (http://www.academy.gatech.edu). Special social events for the week will include a concert, a banquet, and a welcome reception. A variety of other informal social gatherings and excursions in the midtown and downtown Atlanta (and surrounding) areas will be available.

Areas of Interest
Technical areas for ICAD include but are not limited to:
* 3D and Spatial Audio
* Aesthetics, Philosophy, and Culture of Auditory Displays * Accessibility
* Applications of Sound in Systems
* Auditory Display Theory and Methods
* Auditory Information Design * Evaluation and Usability of Auditory Displays
* Human Factors of Auditory Display * Sound Interaction
* Auditory Cognition, Perception, and Psychoacoustics
* Sonification and Exploration of Data through Sound
* Sonification as Art
* Technologies and Tools for Auditory Display

Keynote Speakers
ICAD2012 is proud to present two distinguished keynote speakers. Elizabeth Mynatt is the Executive Director at the Institute for People and Technology and a Professor in the College of Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology, and Jonathan Berger is the Denning Provostial Professor in Music, in The Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA), at Stanford University.

Workshops and Discussion Panels
Workshops/tutorials will be held on Sunday, June 17, 2012. Four workshops, in two sessions, are planned on the topics of sonification creation, evaluation methods, and design principles. Details are available on the ICAD2012 website.

Student ThinkTank Consortium
A student ThinkTank consortium will be held on Saturday, June 16, 2012.  Students working in the field of auditory display will present works-in-progress (e.g., toward theses or dissertations) and will benefit from intensive feedback from and discussion with a panel of experts and their student peers. The ThinkTank will be sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Funding for travel and accommodations is available.  Details are available on the ICAD2012 website.

ICAD will host a sonification concert the evening of June 19, 2012 at the Academy of Medicine. Sonic Generator, the professional contemporary music ensemble in residence at Georgia Tech, will perform seminal works of the second half of the twentieth century that employ creative and innovative approaches to the use of data in musical performance, including music by Charles Dodge, Steve Reich, and Jonathan Berger.

ICAD 2012 Organizing Committee
General Chair: Bruce N. Walker, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA
Program Chair: Michael A. Nees, Lafayette College, Easton, PA, USA
Music Chair: Jason Freeman, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA , USA
Workshops/Tutorials Chair: Tae Hong Park, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, USA
ThinkTank (Doctoral Consortium) Chair: Terri Bonebright, DePauw University, Greencastle, IN, USA
Accessibility Chair: Carrie Bruce, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA USA
Webmaster: Rick Swette, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA

Bruce Walker, Ph.D.       bruce.walker@psych.gatech.edu
School of Psychology            (404) 894-8265 (office)
Georgia Institute of Technology    (404) 894-8905 (fax)
654 Cherry Street,  Atlanta,  Georgia,  USA   30332-0170
   Web:  http://sonify.psych.gatech.edu/~walkerb/

Dr David Worrall
Adjunct Research Fellow, Australian National University
Board Member, International Community for Auditory Display
Regional Editor, Organised Sound (CUP) 
IT Projects, Music Council of Australia 

Dr David Worrall.
- Experimental Polymedia:   worrall.avatar.com.au
- Sonification: www.sonification.com.au
- Education for Financial Independence: www.mindthemarkets.com.au