| phatness!
On Mon, 17 Jun 2013 16:36:05 -0400, Rory Walsh wrote:
> http://createdigitalmusic.com/2013/06/bolsa-bass-critter-and-guitari-bass-in-trippy-cute-animation/
i see what you mean. i didn't love it, but there's no accounting for
taste, right? it seemed a bit condescending toward electronic musicians
[like they're all rave-heads, some are, but not all]; but maybe it's just
i did crack up with Mr. MIDI [or whatever]- although the animation was
lame for that. but then again, i am a programmer so my expectations are
probably not the same as the "average" viewer. i wanted to see "note on"
messages passing through ... hahah!
these guys [critter & guitari] do some interesting stuff and i've thought
about buying some of their hardware but never pulled the trigger. also,
since the 8 bass sounds are probably readily available in csound, and
since i care about music mostly [not hardware vs. software], and since i'm
a cheap bastard, i'll probably stay with csound. but i do like the
hardware stuff too- thx for sending it along.