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[Csnd] Two questions

Date2013-06-20 13:47
Subject[Csnd] Two questions
Hello everyone!

I'm working on a program for playing with klavier tuning systems. Now I'm stuck at user interface part and have two questions.

1) Is there a standard way to make a group of FLTK radio buttons? I know about FLbutBank, but I need named buttons.

2) Is there any place where I can get Csound API manual besides http://csound.sourceforge.net/refman.pdf? It's unavailable now.

Thanks in advance.

Date2013-06-20 13:50
FromNicholas Arner
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Two questions
Hi there,

Here's a link to an online version of the manual: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/


On 20 June 2013 13:47, <tossel@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello everyone!

I'm working on a program for playing with klavier tuning systems. Now I'm stuck at user interface part and have two questions.

1) Is there a standard way to make a group of FLTK radio buttons? I know about FLbutBank, but I need named buttons.

2) Is there any place where I can get Csound API manual besides http://csound.sourceforge.net/refman.pdf? It's unavailable now.

Thanks in advance.

Nicholas Arner 
MSc in Music Technology by Research
Department of Electronics
University of York