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[Csnd] Csound6 for Android rc3

Date2013-06-12 02:43
FromMichael Gogins
Subject[Csnd] Csound6 for Android rc3
AttachmentsNone  None  
Get it here: 

Csound 6 for Android now can be restarted with crashing, thanks to Victor Lazzarini.

This release includes the signal flow graph opcodes, the Fluidsynth opcodes, the libstdutil library, and the Lua opcodes. 

The Lua opcodes enable running Lua programs in Csound at the speed of compiled C code. This Lua code can call into Csound and can even be used to write opcodes for Csound. LuaJIT can also call any exported C function in any shared library that Anroid will permit it to load. That includes, for example, the stdutil library and libsndfile, which are shared libraries in the app's native lib directory.

Please note, contemporary smartphones are as powerful as small personal computers. My Samsung Galaxy S4 has four cores and performs Csound pieces faster than the netbook that I used to compose my last concert piece.

I will soon post a short User's Guide and an archive of example csds.

There is one stubborn bug. If your csd uses a plugin opcode, the first time you start the piece, the plugins don't load. The second time you start the piece, they do load and the piece plays just fine. This shouldn't stop people from fooling around while we try to fix this.

Many thanks to VIctor Lazzarini, Steven Yi, and anyone else who started and developed this amazing app. There is no question at all that this is the most powerful synthesizer available on Android.


Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions
Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com

Date2013-06-12 09:37
Fromjoachim heintz
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Csound6 for Android rc3
sounds excellent -- thanks to all!

i suppose that instead of "Csound 6 for Android now can be restarted 
with crashing, thanks to Victor Lazzarini" you meant "without crashing" 
... =)

all best -


Am 12.06.2013 03:43, schrieb Michael Gogins:
> Get it here:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/csound/files/csound6/csound6.0rc3/Csound6.apk/download
> Csound 6 for Android now can be restarted with crashing, thanks to
> Victor Lazzarini.
> This release includes the signal flow graph opcodes, the Fluidsynth
> opcodes, the libstdutil library, and the Lua opcodes.
> The Lua opcodes enable running Lua programs in Csound at the speed of
> compiled C code. This Lua code can call into Csound and can even be used
> to write opcodes for Csound. LuaJIT can also call any exported C
> function in any shared library that Anroid will permit it to load. That
> includes, for example, the stdutil library and libsndfile, which are
> shared libraries in the app's native lib directory.
> Please note, contemporary smartphones are as powerful as small personal
> computers. My Samsung Galaxy S4 has four cores and performs Csound
> pieces faster than the netbook that I used to compose my last concert piece.
> I will soon post a short User's Guide and an archive of example csds.
> There is one stubborn bug. If your csd uses a plugin opcode, the first
> time you start the piece, the plugins don't load. The second time you
> start the piece, they do load and the piece plays just fine. This
> shouldn't stop people from fooling around while we try to fix this.
> Many thanks to VIctor Lazzarini, Steven Yi, and anyone else who started
> and developed this amazing app. There is no question at all that this is
> the most powerful synthesizer available on Android.
> Regards,
> Michael Gogins
> Irreducible Productions
> http://michaelgogins.tumblr.com
> Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com