| Of course, my pleasure.
On 19 Sep 2010, at 12:36, Andres Cabrera wrote:
> Hi,
> I've made a QuteCsound version, and I've included it in the examples.
> Is that OK with you Victor?
> Cheers,
> Andrés
> On Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 4:01 PM, Victor Lazzarini
> wrote:
>> For the PV-based one, you can trying changing the fftsize from 512
>> to 1024
>> for a more recognisable vocoder effect.
>> Victor
>> On 5 Sep 2010, at 14:07, Richard Boulanger wrote:
>>> Victor,
>>> Thanks for making and posting these "autotune" instruments.
>>> (And thanks also to Brian Carty for inspiring them.)
>>> In this week's "first" Csound class at Berklee, I will definitely be
>>> "singing" some part of the lesson!
>>> Dr.B.
>>> On Sep 1, 2010, at 5:39 PM, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>>>> From an original idea by Brian Carty, and with apologies to our
>>>> microtonalist friends, here's an indispensable
>>>> tool for all the budding popstars among us: an autotune +
>>>> harmoniser.
>>>> Hours of fun for all the family.
>>>> Victor
>>>> -b128 -B256
>>>> sr = 44100
>>>> ksmps = 64
>>>> nchnls = 1
>>>> opcode PitchShifter, a, akkii
>>>> setksmps 1 ; kr=sr
>>>> asig,kpitch,kfdb,idel,iwin xin
>>>> kdelrate = (kpitch-1)/idel
>>>> avdel phasor -kdelrate ; 1 to 0
>>>> avdel2 phasor -kdelrate, 0.5 ; 1/2 buffer offset
>>>> afade tablei avdel, iwin, 1, 0, 1 ; crossfade windows
>>>> afade2 tablei avdel2,iwin, 1, 0, 1
>>>> adump delayr idel
>>>> atap1 deltapi avdel*idel ; variable delay taps
>>>> atap2 deltapi avdel2*idel
>>>> amix = atap1*afade + atap2*afade2 ; fade in/out the delay taps
>>>> delayw asig+amix*kfdb ; in+feedback signals
>>>> xout amix
>>>> endop
>>>> /**** autotune ***********************************/
>>>> /* aout Autotune asig,ism,ikey,ifn[,imeth] */
>>>> /* asig - input
>>>> */
>>>> /* ism - smoothing time in secs */
>>>> /* ikey - key (0 = C,... ,11 =
>>>> B */
>>>> /* ifn - table containing scale pitch classes (7) */
>>>> /* imeth - pitch track method: 0 - pitch (default) */
>>>> /* 1 - ptrack, 2 - pitchamdf
>>>> */
>>>> /***************************************************/
>>>> opcode Autotune, a, aiiio
>>>> iwinsize = 1024
>>>> ibase = 440
>>>> ibasemidi = 69
>>>> asig,ism,itrans,ifn,im xin
>>>> if im == 0 then
>>>> kfr, kamp pitch asig,0.1,6.00,9.00,0
>>>> kfr = cpsoct(kfr)
>>>> elseif im == 1 then
>>>> kfr, kamp ptrack asig, 1024
>>>> else
>>>> kfr, kamp pitchamdf asig,130,1040
>>>> endif
>>>> if (kfr > 10) kgoto ok
>>>> kfr = 440
>>>> ok:
>>>> ktemp = 12 * (log(kfr / ibase) / log(2)) + ibasemidi
>>>> ktet = round(ktemp)
>>>> kpos init 0
>>>> itrans = 2
>>>> test:
>>>> knote table kpos, ifn ; get a pitch class from table
>>>> ktest = ktet % 12 ; note mod 12
>>>> knote = (knote+itrans) % 12 ; plus transpose interval mod 12
>>>> if ktest == knote kgoto next ; test if note matches pitch class +
>>>> transposition
>>>> kpos = kpos + 1 ; increment table pos
>>>> if kpos >= 7 kgoto shift ; if more than or pitch class set we
>>>> need to
>>>> shift it
>>>> kgoto test ; loop back
>>>> shift:
>>>> if (ktemp >= ktet) kgoto plus
>>>> ktet = ktet - 1
>>>> kgoto next
>>>> plus:
>>>> ktet = ktet + 1
>>>> next:
>>>> kpos = 0
>>>> ktarget = ibase * (2 ^ ((ktet - ibasemidi) / 12))
>>>> kratio = ktarget/kfr
>>>> kratioport port kratio, ism, ibase
>>>> aout PitchShifter asig,kratioport,0,0.1,5
>>>> xout aout
>>>> endop
>>>> instr 1
>>>> ain inch 1
>>>> interv1 = 2^(p6/12)
>>>> interv2 = 2^(p7/12)
>>>> ain2 PitchShifter ain*0.5,interv1,0,0.1,5
>>>> ain3 PitchShifter ain*0.5,interv2,0,0.1,5
>>>> aout Autotune ain,0.01,p4,p5
>>>> aout2 Autotune ain2,0.01,p4,p5
>>>> aout3 Autotune ain3,0.01,p4,p5
>>>> out (aout+aout2+aout3)*0.5
>>>> endin
>>>> f3 0 8 -2 0 2 4 5 7 9 11 12 ; major mode
>>>> f4 0 8 -2 0 2 3 5 7 8 10 12 ; minor mode
>>>> f5 0 16384 20 1
>>>> ; key mode intvl1 intvl2(semitones)
>>>> i1 0 60 0 3 -5 4 ; C major 6-4 harmonies
>>>> i1 + 60 0 4 -3 5 ; C minor (natural) 6-3 harmonies
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> --
> Andrés
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