| Hi Victor,
You may want to try using two variables, one for state and one for
count. The state variable would be to designate if you should be using
a high-pass or a low-pass filter, and the counter could be used to
designate if it's been x amount of time to wait. So something like:
kstate init 0
kcounter init 0
itimethreshold = (.5 * sr) / ksmps ; calculate number of ksmps in time
the threshold should be
if([insert logic here to detect amplitude threshold] && (kcounter >
itimthreshold)) then
kstate = 1
kcounter = 0 ; reset counter on state change
else if(kcounter > itimethreshold) then
kstate = 0
kcounter = 0 ; reset counter on state change
if (kstate == 0) then
...high pass...
...low pass...
kcount = kcount + 1
I think the above should work should delay changing of state for .5
seconds after a state change. (Haven't tested, but hopefully this
Good luck!
On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 10:48 PM, victor wrote:
> Dear list
> I'd like to ask advice for a time problem
> Thanks to some help i got here, i could make a dynamic filter : high pass
> filter when a certain amplitude of a .wav file is reached, and a low pass
> when the amplitude is under the amplitude threshold; furthermore i added a
> small 20 msec delay between the the threshold and the shift of the filters;
> my question is : i'd like to add something that "freezes" the filter for a
> few time (say 0.5 sec for exeample) after its change, to prevent constant
> changes of filter when the music has an amplitude close to the threshold...
> in other words, when a filter i set, i want it to stay in place for at least
> 0.5 sec (even if the amplitude threslhold is reached)
> i couldn't figure out ho to make it; as far s i understood, neither delay or
> delayk, or clockon, or time, ou timeinsts were helpfull; i've also
> considered loops... but i couldn't succeed; a possible way could be, in my
> case to update the value of krms (obtained via rms opcode) every half
> second, but i could loose some precicion regarding the shift of the filters;
> regarding clockon, after "clockon 1", and "readclock 1", the only value i
> get is 0.0000 every time....
> thank you
> victor
> -odac ; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
> ; -o dispfft.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform
> sr = 44100
> ksmps = 32
> nchnls = 2
> instr 1
> asig diskin2 "/home/victor/Bureau/violin_mono.wav", 1, 0, 1, 0, 32
> krms rms asig
> clockon 1
> ithreshold init 1500
> icutoffh init 8000
> icutoffl init 2000
> krmsdelay vdelayk krms, 0.2, 5
> if (krmsdelay > ithreshold && krms > ithreshold) then
> aout2 butterhp asig, icutoffh
> aout3 butterhp aout2, icutoffh
> aout4 balance aout3, asig
> else
> aout3 butterlp asig, icutoffl
> aout4 balance aout3, asig
> endif
> continue:
> outs aout4, aout4
> dispfft aout4, 0.1, 512
> printk 0.5, krms
> printk 0.5, itime
> endin
> ; Play Instrument #1 for three seconds.
> i 1 0 481
> e
> --
> View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/how-to-set-a-timer-tp2834447p2834447.html
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