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[Csnd] how to set a timer...

Date2010-09-10 03:48
Subject[Csnd] how to set a timer...
Dear list

I'd like to ask advice for a time problem

Thanks to some help i got here, i could make a dynamic filter : high pass
filter when a certain amplitude of a .wav file is reached, and a low pass
when the amplitude is under the amplitude threshold; furthermore i added a
small 20 msec delay between the the threshold and the shift of the filters; 

my question is : i'd like to add something that "freezes" the filter for a
few time (say 0.5 sec for exeample) after its change, to prevent constant
changes of filter when the music has an amplitude close to the threshold...
in other words, when a filter i set, i want it to stay in place for at least
0.5 sec (even if the amplitude threslhold is reached)

i couldn't figure out ho to make it; as far s i understood, neither delay or
delayk, or clockon, or time, ou timeinsts were helpfull; i've also
considered loops... but i couldn't succeed; a possible way could be, in my
case to update the value of krms (obtained via rms opcode) every half
second, but i could loose some precicion regarding the shift of the filters;
regarding clockon, after "clockon 1", and "readclock 1", the only value i
get is 0.0000 every time....

thank you


-odac ; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o dispfft.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform

sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2

instr 1
asig diskin2 "/home/victor/Bureau/violin_mono.wav", 1, 0, 1, 0, 32
krms rms asig
clockon 1
ithreshold init 1500
icutoffh init 8000
icutoffl init 2000
krmsdelay vdelayk krms, 0.2, 5
if (krmsdelay > ithreshold && krms > ithreshold) then
		aout2 butterhp  asig, icutoffh
		aout3 butterhp  aout2, icutoffh
		aout4 balance aout3, asig
	aout3 butterlp  asig, icutoffl
	aout4 balance aout3, asig
outs aout4, aout4
dispfft aout4, 0.1, 512
printk 0.5, krms
printk 0.5, itime

; Play Instrument #1 for three seconds.
i 1 0 481

Date2010-09-10 04:48
FromSteven Yi
Subject[Csnd] Re: how to set a timer...
Hi Victor,

You may want to try using two variables, one for state and one for
count. The state variable would be to designate if you should be using
a high-pass or a low-pass filter, and the counter could be used to
designate if it's been x amount of time to wait.  So something like:

kstate init 0
kcounter init 0

itimethreshold = (.5 * sr) / ksmps ; calculate number of ksmps in time
the threshold should be

if([insert logic here to detect amplitude threshold] && (kcounter >
itimthreshold)) then
  kstate = 1
  kcounter = 0 ; reset counter on state change
else if(kcounter > itimethreshold) then
  kstate = 0
  kcounter = 0 ; reset counter on state change

if (kstate == 0) then
  ...high pass...
  ...low pass...

kcount = kcount + 1

I think the above should work should delay changing of state for .5
seconds after a state change. (Haven't tested, but hopefully this

Good luck!

On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 10:48 PM, victor  wrote:
> Dear list
> I'd like to ask advice for a time problem
> Thanks to some help i got here, i could make a dynamic filter : high pass
> filter when a certain amplitude of a .wav file is reached, and a low pass
> when the amplitude is under the amplitude threshold; furthermore i added a
> small 20 msec delay between the the threshold and the shift of the filters;
> my question is : i'd like to add something that "freezes" the filter for a
> few time (say 0.5 sec for exeample) after its change, to prevent constant
> changes of filter when the music has an amplitude close to the threshold...
> in other words, when a filter i set, i want it to stay in place for at least
> 0.5 sec (even if the amplitude threslhold is reached)
> i couldn't figure out ho to make it; as far s i understood, neither delay or
> delayk, or clockon, or time, ou timeinsts were helpfull; i've also
> considered loops... but i couldn't succeed; a possible way could be, in my
> case to update the value of krms (obtained via rms opcode) every half
> second, but i could loose some precicion regarding the shift of the filters;
> regarding clockon, after "clockon 1", and "readclock 1", the only value i
> get is 0.0000 every time....
> thank you
> victor
> -odac ; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
> ; -o dispfft.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform
> sr = 44100
> ksmps = 32
> nchnls = 2
> instr 1
> asig diskin2 "/home/victor/Bureau/violin_mono.wav", 1, 0, 1, 0, 32
> krms rms asig
> clockon 1
> ithreshold init 1500
> icutoffh init 8000
> icutoffl init 2000
> krmsdelay vdelayk krms, 0.2, 5
> if (krmsdelay > ithreshold && krms > ithreshold) then
>                aout2 butterhp  asig, icutoffh
>                aout3 butterhp  aout2, icutoffh
>                aout4 balance aout3, asig
> else
>        aout3 butterlp  asig, icutoffl
>        aout4 balance aout3, asig
> endif
> continue:
> outs aout4, aout4
> dispfft aout4, 0.1, 512
> printk 0.5, krms
> printk 0.5, itime
> endin
> ; Play Instrument #1 for three seconds.
> i 1 0 481
> e
> --
> View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/how-to-set-a-timer-tp2834447p2834447.html
> Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"

Date2010-09-10 12:32
Subject[Csnd] Re: how to set a timer...
thank you Steven, that helped!

i'm sure filter shift is "frozen" for exactly 0.5 sec, but it stabilizes the
whole thing a lot, which is what i was looking for; i'll try to measure more
precisely if i can

here is the complete code; and thanks again


-odac ; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o dispfft.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform

sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2

instr 1
asig diskin2 "/home/victor/Bureau/violin_mono.wav", 1, 0, 1, 0, 32
p3 filelen "/home/victor/Bureau/violin_mono.wav"
krms rms asig
ithreshold init 1500 ; cutoff amplitude
icutoffh init 8000 ; cutoff high pass filter
icutoffl init 2000 ;cutoff low pass filter
kstate init 0
kcounter init 0

itimethreshold = (1 * sr)/ksmps ; 
kretard init 0.2
krmsdelay vdelayk krms, kretard, 5 

if (krmsdelay > ithreshold && kcounter > itimethreshold) then
	kstate = 1
	kcounter = 0
elseif (kcounter > itimethreshold) then
	kstate = 0
	kcounter = 0

if (kstate == 1) then ; high pass filter
	aout2 butterhp  asig, icutoffh
	aout3 butterhp  aout2, icutoffh
	aout4 balance aout3, asig
else ; low pass filter
	aout3 butterlp  asig, icutoffl
	aout4 balance aout3, asig
kcounter = kcounter + 1
outs aout4, aout4
dispfft aout4, 0.1, 512
printk 0.5, krms

; Play Instrument #1 for three seconds.
i 1 0 "p3"