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[Csnd] massignLayer opcode Needed

Date2010-04-01 15:15
From"Dr. Richard Boulanger"
Subject[Csnd] massignLayer opcode Needed
Dear Csound Developers,

There is a real need for an opcode, like massign, that would allow us
to have input from MIDI channel 1 be assigned to multiple instruments
so that we can layer more simply and intuntively "layer" our MIDI  
in Csound.

Maybe there is a UDO for this already?  But....  Would you consider  
writing and adding another MIDI opcode?

It would be really useful to have something like massign, but with  
scaling - call it mlayer or massignMulti or massignLayer

You would use it in instrument 0 (like massign)

mlayer 1, 3, 100, 12   (simplest version - MIDI channel 1 is mapped to  
control instrument 3, 100, and 12)

mlayervel  1,   3,.9,  100, .6, 12, 1.0  (mix version - MIDI channel 1  
is mapped to instr3 with velocity scaling by 90%, to instrument 100  
with velocity scaling at 60%, and instr 12 with no velocity scaling)

Currently, I am doing layering in my MIDI orchestras with the subinstr  
opcode (which is really cool, but quite complex)

Something simple like this  -  a couple of new "massign-like" opcodes  
would be really great.

Hope you can add them to Csound.

Dr. B.

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