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[Csnd] Announcing SAMPLEPLAY for realtime Csound5

Date2011-10-13 23:17
From"Art Hunkins"
Subject[Csnd] Announcing SAMPLEPLAY for realtime Csound5
My latest "performance utility" for Csound5 is now available at 
http://www.arthunkins.com. It is a realtime player for up to 25 samples plus 
a background loop. There are two versions: SamplePlay for MIDI device 
(typically a 25+ key MIDI keyboard) and SamplePlayASC (ASC keyboard only).

A set of 25 samples plus ambiant loop is included: Oiseaux Ordinaires (bird 
samples gathered on my front stoop with a handheld digital recorder, in 
honor of the great French composer Olivier Messiaen, and his piano 
composition, Oiseaux Exotiques).

I've been very involved in nature soundscapes recently, especially those 
involving birds and crickets. The project has also incarnated in an 
additional Sugar activity for children as an .xo activity file. The whole 
idea is to create a vehicle to perform one's own sound collage - without 
special hardware. (This will be my *last* Sugar activity for a *good long 
time*. A bit too much PyGTK, Python and Linux for this composer!)

An explanatory text file is available at: www.arthunkins.com/SamplePlay.txt 

A 3-minute .mp3 demo (using only the first 8 samples + loop): 
www.arthunkins.com/OiseauxOrdinaires.mp3 .

It's all found at the top of my home page at arthunkins.com.

I'd be happy and honored with any and all feedback.

Art Hunkins 

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Date2011-10-16 17:44
FromRory Walsh
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Announcing SAMPLEPLAY for realtime Csound5
Sounds like you live in quite a lovely area. At least that's the
impression one gets form listening!

On 13 October 2011 23:17, Art Hunkins  wrote:
> My latest "performance utility" for Csound5 is now available at
> http://www.arthunkins.com. It is a realtime player for up to 25 samples plus
> a background loop. There are two versions: SamplePlay for MIDI device
> (typically a 25+ key MIDI keyboard) and SamplePlayASC (ASC keyboard only).
> A set of 25 samples plus ambiant loop is included: Oiseaux Ordinaires (bird
> samples gathered on my front stoop with a handheld digital recorder, in
> honor of the great French composer Olivier Messiaen, and his piano
> composition, Oiseaux Exotiques).
> I've been very involved in nature soundscapes recently, especially those
> involving birds and crickets. The project has also incarnated in an
> additional Sugar activity for children as an .xo activity file. The whole
> idea is to create a vehicle to perform one's own sound collage - without
> special hardware. (This will be my *last* Sugar activity for a *good long
> time*. A bit too much PyGTK, Python and Linux for this composer!)
> An explanatory text file is available at: www.arthunkins.com/SamplePlay.txt
> .
> A 3-minute .mp3 demo (using only the first 8 samples + loop):
> www.arthunkins.com/OiseauxOrdinaires.mp3 .
> It's all found at the top of my home page at arthunkins.com.
> I'd be happy and honored with any and all feedback.
> Art Hunkins
> Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug tracker
>           https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=81968&atid=564599
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe
> csound"

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Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
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