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[Csnd] table

Date2011-10-05 15:23
Subject[Csnd] table
I'm having a problem while reading long sound files with tablei and a phasor. The file is about 3 minuntes long and the GEN 01 has 2^24 points (about 6 minutes long)
At the begginig it sounds normal but after one minute there is some strange noise and I can't figure out what it could be.
Is there any limitation with tablei? (I attached the csd-file)
Many thanks,

instr 1050;table player

Sifn = "piano_quarter2.aiff"

ifilelen filelen Sifn

gitemp1020 ftgen 987, 0, 16777216, 1, Sifn, 0, 4, 1 ;piano

itlen = ftlen(987)

ixmode = 0 ;raw index ;1; index 0-1

ixoff = 0

iwrap = 0

kcps = 1/ ifilelen

and phasor kcps

andx = (and * ifilelen * sr) ;/ kpitch ;apitch

as1 table3 andx, 987 ,ixmode, ixoff, iwrap

as2 = as1

outs as1, as2

ktime times

kmin = floor(ktime / 60)

kseconds = ktime%60

ksamples downsamp andx

printks "%n %t %d sec %t %dm %ds %t %d samp %t table: %d samp", 1, ktime, kmin, kseconds, ksamples, itlen


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