| Hi Joachim,
Thanks! I've just had a look and it seems sourceforge have finally
changed this bad policy. I think if you are logged into sourceforge,
you can now edit the wiki without me having to do anything. Can you
I will take the beer or cake anyway =)
On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 7:51 AM, joachim heintz wrote:
> great!
> should it now be called "Welcome to CsoundQt's Media Wiki " instead of
> "Welcome to QuteCsound's Media Wiki"?
> i kindly ask you to authorize me. i can also offer a cake for this, or
> some beers in hannover ...=)
> thanks -
> joachim
> Am 05.10.2011 08:30, schrieb Andres Cabrera:
>> Hi,
>> There is a CsoundQt wiki here:
>> http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/qutecsound/index.php?title=Main_Page
>> But like wikis on sourceforge, you need to visit once, then ask me to
>> authorize you...
>> Cheers,
>> Andres
>> On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 11:50 PM, joachim heintz wrote:
>>> these descriptions are so useful ... - thanks tarmo.
>>> should it perhaps be uploaded anywhere?
>>> joachim
>>> Am 03.10.2011 14:04, schrieb Tarmo Johannes:
>>>> Hi!
>>>> I wanted to try out the new CsoundQt, some tips how I got it work:
>>>> (opensuse 11.3, 64bit, Qt 4.71, csound 5.13 from git)
>>>> - downloaded the csv verstion, see http://sourceforge.net/scm/?type=svn&group_id=227265
>>>> - in qcs.pro uncommented lines:
>>>> CONFIG+=pythonqt
>>>> CONFIG+=builddoubles
>>>> downloaded pythonqt from http://pythonqt.sourceforge.net/
>>>> Sinse I had Qt 4.7 installed, it did not build (because Pythonqt was put together about a year ago and the qt classes have changed a bit meanwhile). It gave error something like:
>>>> "CocoaRequestModal is not member of QEvent"
>>>> I found a hint on page: http://wiki.realxtend.org/index.php/Building_Naali_from_source_trunk :
>>>> Edit file generated_cpp/com_trolltech_qt_core/com_trolltech_qt_core0.h in your PythonQt2.0.1 dierctory:
>>>> "Remove CocoaRequestModal = QEvent::CocoaRequestModal from the eventlist(Doesn't work with qt 4.7)"
>>>> I did it and pythonqt built well! ( qmake && make all )
>>>> The necessary libraries get compiled to folder PythonQt2.0.1/lib/
>>>> One could copy the .so files to a library where system finds them (like /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib)
>>>> but I prefered to add the directory where the files already were to the ldconfig system
>>>> I added a file pythonqt.conf (or you could name it as you like) to folder /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ with just one line:
>>>> /home/tarmo/src/PythonQt2.0.1/lib/
>>>> (the folder of my compilation)
>>>> and did
>>>> sudo /sbin/ldconfig to validate the new libararies dir
>>>> And the Pythonqt test programs worked!
>>>> Then rebuilt the qutecsound:
>>>> qmake qcs.pro
>>>> it could not find pythonqt
>>>> I added line
>>>> PYTHONQT_TREE_DIR=/home/tarmo/src/PythonQt2.0.1/
>>>> to my config.user.pri (create it if it does not exist) in the qutecsound root dierectory
>>>> and qmake was succesful!
>>>> I launched CsoundQt and the only problem was - I could not start any file, the system complained:
>>>> unknow long option --old-parser
>>>> It is logical, since my csound was not compiled with the new parser support. I did not find yet, how to solve it. Can I fix in some configuration file or should one edit the source? and which file?
>>>> Very thrilled about the new possibilities!
>>>> greetings,
>>>> tarmo
>>>> On Sunday 02 October 2011 20:39:21 Andres Cabrera wrote:
>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>> QuteCsound is dead! Long live CsoundQt!
>>>>> For all intents and purposes the name has now been changed. There are
>>>>> a few internal things where the old name remains, but these will be
>>>>> phased out as things progress. So the next release will feature the
>>>>> new name.
>>>>> I think to remove the rest of the Quteness and make CsoundQt all
>>>>> macho, can anyone volunteer a set of icons? They can be any free
>>>>> icons, but to save me some work, please give them the same names as
>>>>> the current set:
>>>>> http://qutecsound.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/qutecsound/trunk/qutecsound/images/
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Andres
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