| or you can use a phasor+table if that is a problem.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steven Yi"
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 5:34 PM
Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: UDO question..
>I think you can use a conditional to not run the opcode, but then you
> lose the phase incrementing. If that's not important, then it's not
> an issue then to wrap the call to the oscil with a conditional.
> Regarding the point of pre-allocation, I think if you don't call the
> oscil it should still be fairly efficient if you cut off calling down
> the chain with conditionals. Otherwise, I was thinking that you have
> sort of the same issue with variable length delay lines in needing to
> pre-allocate the max buffer size, so maybe thinking about it that way
> makes it a little more palatable. =)
> steven
> On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 9:15 AM, Victor Lazzarini
> wrote:
>> you might be able to turn them off though, with conditionals...
>> At 16:58 25/11/2008, you wrote:
>>> Victor just suggested that to me off list, here's another simple
>>> example:
>>> opcode theBuzz, a, kkkip
>>> kamp, kfreq, khrm, ifn, icnt xin ; read input parameters
>>> if (icnt >= 100) goto skip
>>> kcnt = icnt;
>>> if(kcnt>khrm) then
>>> kamp=0
>>> endif
>>> a1 theBuzz kamp, kfreq, khrm, ifn, icnt+1
>>> skip:
>>> aout oscil (kamp/khrm), kfreq*icnt, ifn
>>> xout (aout+a1) ; write output
>>> endop
>>> It's a pity that one must set a max as this allocates a whole load of
>>> oscils that one might never need. Anyway, I now have to try adding
>>> some kind of envelope for each new instance. For curiousty sake the
>>> max I can go to without dropouts is a around 500.
>>> Rory.
>>> 2008/11/25 Steven Yi :
>>> > Hi Rory,
>>> >
>>> > It's an interesting issue! It's actually something I've needed to
>>> > spend a little time solving myself. There's a number of issues
>>> > involved. I wrote a UDO and a test instrument as well as automated the
>>> > number of harmonics (CSD below). What I did was set a max number of
>>> > harmonics. The UDO will always recurse down the max number of
>>> > harmonics and will always call the oscil3 in each level. The reason I
>>> > used maxharmonics was so that each UDO would get initialized. The
>>> > reason I always call the oscillator was because I wanted each
>>> > oscillator to keep incrementing its phase. I used the knh to
>>> > determine if the oscillator would get mixed into the signal or not.
>>> > Now, the example is a bit harsh in that it will just cut out the
>>> > harmonic altogether or not. It would be more ideal to envelope the
>>> > harmonic or instead of using an int value for the knh to actually read
>>> > fractional part to determine an amplitude for that harmonic. (i.e.
>>> > 1.5 would mean play 1st harmonic full strength, 2nd harmonic at .5).
>>> >
>>> > Anyways, let me know if this is more along the lines of what you are
>>> > looking for!
>>> >
>>> > steven
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > ;
>>> > ; "Recursive Opcode Example"
>>> > ; by Steven Yi
>>> > ;
>>> > ;
>>> > ; Generated by blue 0.124.3
>>> > (http://csounds.com/stevenyi/blue/index.html)
>>> > ;
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > sr=44100
>>> > ksmps=1
>>> > nchnls=2
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > ga_bluemix_1_0 init 0
>>> > ga_bluemix_1_1 init 0
>>> > ga_bluesub_Master_0 init 0
>>> > ga_bluesub_Master_1 init 0
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > gk_blue_auto0 init 10
>>> > gk_blue_auto1 init 0
>>> > gk_blue_auto2 init 0
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > opcode recursiveOscil3,a,ikkp
>>> >
>>> > imax, knh, kfreq, icount xin
>>> >
>>> > gi_sine_table chnget "recursiveOscils.table"
>>> >
>>> > if (gi_sine_table == 0) then
>>> > gi_sine_table ftgen 0, 0, 65537, 10, 1
>>> > endif
>>> >
>>> > aout oscil3 1, kfreq * icount, gi_sine_table
>>> >
>>> > if (icount < imax) then
>>> > a2 recursiveOscil3 imax, knh, kfreq, icount + 1
>>> >
>>> > if (icount < knh) then
>>> >
>>> > aout = aout + a2
>>> >
>>> > endif
>>> >
>>> > endif
>>> > xout aout
>>> >
>>> > endop
>>> > opcode pan_gm2,aa,ak
>>> >
>>> > ain, kspace xin
>>> >
>>> > klast init -2
>>> > kleft init 0
>>> > kright init 0
>>> >
>>> > ;from MIDI GM-2 Default Pan Curve (RP-036)
>>> > ;Left Channel Gain [dB] = 20*log (cos (Pi/2* max(0,CC#10 ? 1)/126)
>>> > ;Right Channel Gain [dB] = 20*log (sin (Pi /2* max(0,CC#10 ? 1)/126)
>>> >
>>> > if (kspace != klast) then
>>> > kpercent = (kspace + 1) / 2
>>> > kleft = ampdb(20 * log(cos($M_PI_2 * kpercent)))
>>> > kright = (kpercent == 0) ? 0 : ampdb(20 * log(sin($M_PI_2 *
>>> > kpercent)))
>>> > endif
>>> >
>>> > aleft = ain * kleft
>>> > aright = ain * kright
>>> >
>>> > xout aleft, aright
>>> >
>>> > endop
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > instr 1 ;testInstr
>>> > iamp = ampdb(p4)
>>> > ifreq = (p5 > 20 ) ? p5 : cpspch(p5)
>>> > kspace = p6
>>> >
>>> > kenv adsr .04, .01, .95, .1
>>> >
>>> > aout recursiveOscil3 10, gk_blue_auto0, ifreq
>>> >
>>> > aout = aout * kenv * iamp
>>> > aleft, aright pan_gm2 aout, kspace
>>> >
>>> > outs aleft, aright
>>> > endin
>>> >
>>> > instr 2 ;Blue Mixer Instrument
>>> > ktempdb = ampdb(gk_blue_auto1)
>>> > ga_bluemix_1_0 = ga_bluemix_1_0 * ktempdb
>>> > ga_bluemix_1_1 = ga_bluemix_1_1 * ktempdb
>>> > ga_bluesub_Master_0 sum ga_bluesub_Master_0, ga_bluemix_1_0
>>> > ga_bluesub_Master_1 sum ga_bluesub_Master_1, ga_bluemix_1_1
>>> > ktempdb = ampdb(gk_blue_auto2)
>>> > ga_bluesub_Master_0 = ga_bluesub_Master_0 * ktempdb
>>> > ga_bluesub_Master_1 = ga_bluesub_Master_1 * ktempdb
>>> > outc ga_bluesub_Master_0, ga_bluesub_Master_1
>>> > ga_bluemix_1_0 = 0
>>> > ga_bluemix_1_1 = 0
>>> > ga_bluesub_Master_0 = 0
>>> > ga_bluesub_Master_1 = 0
>>> >
>>> > endin
>>> >
>>> > instr 3 ;Param: numHarmonics
>>> > gk_blue_auto0 init p4
>>> > turnoff
>>> > endin
>>> >
>>> > instr 4 ;Param: Volume
>>> > if (p4 == p5) then
>>> > gk_blue_auto1 init p4
>>> > turnoff
>>> > else
>>> > gk_blue_auto1 line p4, p3, p5
>>> > endif
>>> > endin
>>> >
>>> > instr 5 ;Param: Volume
>>> > if (p4 == p5) then
>>> > gk_blue_auto2 init p4
>>> > turnoff
>>> > else
>>> > gk_blue_auto2 line p4, p3, p5
>>> > endif
>>> > endin
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > i1 0.0 2 80 369.99445
>>> > i1 2.0 2 80 391.99545
>>> > i1 4.0 2 80 369.99445 0
>>> > i1 6.0 2 80 391.99545
>>> > i2 0 8
>>> > i3 0.3836805522 0.0001 9
>>> > i3 0.7673611045 0.0001 8
>>> > i3 1.1510416269 0.0001 7
>>> > i3 1.534722209 0.0001 6
>>> > i3 1.918402791 0.0001 5
>>> > i3 2.3020832539 0.0001 4
>>> > i3 2.6857638359 0.0001 3
>>> > i3 3.069444418 0.0001 2
>>> > i3 3.453125 0.0001 1
>>> > i3 3.859375 0.0001 2
>>> > i3 4.265625 0.0001 3
>>> > i3 4.671875 0.0001 4
>>> > i3 5.078125 0.0001 5
>>> > i3 5.484375 0.0001 6
>>> > i3 5.890625 0.0001 7
>>> > i3 6.296875 0.0001 8
>>> > i3 6.703125 0.0001 9
>>> > i3 7.109375 0.0001 10
>>> > e
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 3:26 AM, Rory Walsh wrote:
>>> >> After thinking about this more I can now simplify my question down to
>>> >> this:
>>> >>
>>> >> Is it possible to build a recursive UDO with a k-rate variable
>>> >> determining the level of recursion?
>>> >>
>>> >> Below I've presented another example. I want to simply sum a series
>>> >> of
>>> >> numbers together but I want to specify the range of numbers to be
>>> >> summed.
>>> >>
>>> >> opcode test, k, kp
>>> >> krange, icnt xin ;read input parameters
>>> >> if (icnt >= krange) goto skip
>>> >> k1 test krange, icnt+1
>>> >> skip:
>>> >> ksum = icnt
>>> >> xout k1+icnt ;write output
>>> >> endop
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> 2008/11/25 Rory Walsh :
>>> >>> Thanks Steven, I had forgotten about your article. It's not quite
>>> >>> what
>>> >>> I'm looking for but now that I think of it I'm not sure what I am
>>> >>> doing can be done with a UDO. I need so simplify my example. I'll
>>> >>> get
>>> >>> back you on it! Thank for taking a look.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Rory.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> 2008/11/25 Steven Yi :
>>> >>>> Hi Rory,
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> I'm not sure if this is exactly what you're after, but I had done
>>> >>>> this UDO:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> opcode yi_add_table,a,ikko
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> itable, kenv, kpch, i_index xin
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> itablesize = ftlen(itable)
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> ifreq tablei i_index, itable
>>> >>>> iamp tablei i_index + 1, itable
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> kfreq = kpch * ifreq
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> if (iamp > 0) then
>>> >>>> asig oscil3 iamp, kfreq, gi_sine
>>> >>>> else
>>> >>>> asig = 0
>>> >>>> endif
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> kcount = 0
>>> >>>> kenv_local = kenv
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> loopStart:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> kenv_local = kenv_local * kenv
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> loop_lt kcount, 2, i_index + 2, loopStart
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> asig = asig * kenv_local
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> aout = asig
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> if (i_index < itablesize - 2) then
>>> >>>> anextsig yi_add_table itable, kenv, kpch, i_index + 2
>>> >>>> aout = aout + anextsig
>>> >>>> endif
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> if (i_index == 0) then
>>> >>>> aout balance aout, asig
>>> >>>> endif
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> xout aout
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> endop
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> in this Csound Journal article:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> http://www.csounds.com/journal/2006summer/controlFlow_part2.html
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Maybe that helps?
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> steven
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 11:58 AM, Rory Walsh
>>> >>>> wrote:
>>> >>>>> Thanks Steven, changing khrm to an i-rate variable works as one
>>> >>>>> would
>>> >>>>> expect. But using a kgoto doesn't work either. I'm assuming that
>>> >>>>> something like this can be done?
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> Rory.
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> 2008/11/24 Steven Yi :
>>> >>>>>> Hi Rory,
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> I think there must be an issue when you change your comparison
>>> >>>>>> against
>>> >>>>>> the 10 (constant) to the khrm (k-rate) that the type of goto must
>>> >>>>>> be
>>> >>>>>> changing. Could you do a test making khrm as ihrm to see if that
>>> >>>>>> works?
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> steven
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 8:30 AM, Rory Walsh
>>> >>>>>> wrote:
>>> >>>>>>> One of my students was asking if there is a version of the the
>>> >>>>>>> buzz
>>> >>>>>>> opcode that has a fade-in for each harmonic so that pops do not
>>> >>>>>>> occur
>>> >>>>>>> in the output. I didn't know if there was and couldn't find on
>>> >>>>>>> in
>>> >>>>>>> the
>>> >>>>>>> manual so I set about doing a simple UDO for him. Here's what I
>>> >>>>>>> have,
>>> >>>>>>> the problem is explained below:
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> opcode testBuzz, a, kikip
>>> >>>>>>> kamp, ifreq, khrm, ifn, icnt xin ; read input parameters
>>> >>>>>>> if (icnt >= 10) goto skip
>>> >>>>>>> kenv linseg 0, 0.1, 1, 1, 1
>>> >>>>>>> a1 testBuzz kamp*kenv, ifreq, khrm, ifn, icnt+1
>>> >>>>>>> skip:
>>> >>>>>>> aout oscil kamp/khrm, ifreq*icnt, ifn
>>> >>>>>>> xout (aout+a1) ; write output
>>> >>>>>>> endop
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> The problem is that if I use khrm instead of 10 in my test
>>> >>>>>>> against
>>> >>>>>>> icnt, csound will baulks out at init-time. Any suggestions as
>>> >>>>>>> how
>>> >>>>>>> can
>>> >>>>>>> I do this? I'm trying to use that hkrm value toset the number of
>>> >>>>>>> harmonics.
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> Rory.
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
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>> Victor Lazzarini
>> Music Technology Laboratory
>> Music Department
>> National University of Ireland, Maynooth
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