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[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Pulseaudio realtime

Date2008-11-26 21:52
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Pulseaudio realtime
Try running pulseaudio with debug logging. Perhaps it would tell you

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "cochedelaferte" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 9:12 PM
Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: Pulseaudio realtime

> Hi Victor,
>> I fixed a bug in audio input, which might have been causing your 
>> problems,
>> as it was hanging here if I used input and output together.
> Great thank's, but... no luck for me today...
> Cheers,
> Sergio
> -- 
> View this message in context: 
> http://www.nabble.com/Pulseaudio-realtime-tp20673671p20709082.html
> Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> Send bugs reports to this list.
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe 
> csound" 

Date2008-11-27 00:53
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Pulseaudio realtime
Hi Victor :

First i launch Pulseaudio :

bash-3.00# /usr/local/bin/64/pulseaudio/pulseaudio --log-level=debug
W: This program is not intended to be run as root (unless --system is
I: device opened in O_RDWR mode.
I: created 0 "solaris_input" with sample spec "s16be 2ch 44100Hz"
I: created 0 "solaris_output" with sample spec "s16be 2ch 44100Hz"
I: created 1 "solaris_output.monitor" with sample spec "s16be 2ch 44100Hz"
I: Loaded "module-solaris" (index: #0; argument: "device=/dev/audio").
I: loaded 1 modules.
I: Loaded "module-detect" (index: #1; argument: "").
I: Loaded "module-esound-protocol-unix" (index: #2; argument: "").
I: loading cookie from disk.
I: Loaded "module-native-protocol-unix" (index: #3; argument: "").
I: starting with empty ruleset.
I: Loaded "module-volume-restore" (index: #4; argument: "").
I: Loaded "module-rescue-streams" (index: #5; argument: "").
I: Loaded "module-gconf" (index: #6; argument: "").
I: Daemon startup complete.
I: Unloading "module-detect" (index: #1).
I: Unloaded "module-detect" (index: #1).

Now the Pulseaudio server is initialized, i launch on my Csound console :

bash-3.00# ./csound -+rtaudio=pulse -o dac examples/xanadu.csd

Here the Pulseaudio output :

I: created 0 "Native client (UNIX socket client)"
I: client 0 changed name from "Native client (UNIX socket client)" to
I: created 0 "csound-out" on solaris_output with sample spec float32le 2ch
D: Memory block too large for pool: 1048576 > 16368
D: memblockq requested: maxlength=264600, tlength=176400, base=8,
prebuf=174636, minreq=1764
D: memblockq sanitized: maxlength=264600, tlength=176400, base=8,
prebuf=174640, minreq=1760
I: Creating new entry for 

As the render hangs up, i kill manually the process but not the Pulsaudio
server, which says :

I: freed 0 "csound-out"
I: freed 0 "csound"

So i'm able to launch in another console :

bash-3.00# /usr/local/bin/64/pulseaudio/paplay
/export/home/root/Csound5.09.0.cc.64/Xanadu.wav (Xanadu.wav obtained before
the actual tries and spared)

I: created 1 "Native client (UNIX socket client)"
I: client 1 changed name from "Native client (UNIX socket client)" to
I: created 1 "/export/home/root/Csound5.09.0.cc.64/Xanadu.wav" on
solaris_output with sample spec s16be 2ch 44100Hz
D: Memory block too large for pool: 1048576 > 16368
D: memblockq requested: maxlength=132300, tlength=88200, base=4,
prebuf=87318, minreq=882
D: memblockq sanitized: maxlength=132300, tlength=88200, base=4,
prebuf=87320, minreq=880
I: Creating new entry for 
D: Memory block too large for pool: 65536 > 16368
D: Memory block too large for pool: 22664 > 16368
D: Memory block too large for pool: 16384 > 16368
I: freed 1 "/export/home/root/Csound5.09.0.cc.64/Xanadu.wav"
I: freed 1 "paplay"

I heard as well Xanadu.wav, now it's released and i'm able to launch another
.wav file i have, called "lindau.wav" ; the server gives :

I: created 2 "Native client (UNIX socket client)"
I: client 2 changed name from "Native client (UNIX socket client)" to
I: Restoring volume for 
I: Restoring sink for 
I: created 2 "/export/home/user/scwk/scmu/lindau.wav" on solaris_output with
sample spec s16be 2ch 44100Hz
D: Memory block too large for pool: 1048576 > 16368
D: memblockq requested: maxlength=132300, tlength=88200, base=4,
prebuf=87318, minreq=882
D: memblockq sanitized: maxlength=132300, tlength=88200, base=4,
prebuf=87320, minreq=880
D: Memory block too large for pool: 65536 > 16368
D: Memory block too large for pool: 22664 > 16368
D: Memory block too large for pool: 16384 > 16368
I: freed 2 "/export/home/user/scwk/scmu/lindau.wav"
I: freed 2 "paplay"

Played and released as well.

>From that all we can deduce that the complains about too large blocks aren't
worrying, i mean either for the playback nor also for the realtime render,
right ?



View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Pulseaudio-realtime-tp20673671p20711930.html
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Date2008-11-27 15:49
FromVictor Lazzarini
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: Pulseaudio realtime
I get many more messages under loglevel debug. I'll copy them to you
as soon as I have the chance.

At 00:53 27/11/2008, you wrote:

>Hi Victor :
>First i launch Pulseaudio :
>bash-3.00# /usr/local/bin/64/pulseaudio/pulseaudio --log-level=debug
>W: This program is not intended to be run as root (unless --system is
>I: device opened in O_RDWR mode.
>I: created 0 "solaris_input" with sample spec "s16be 2ch 44100Hz"
>I: created 0 "solaris_output" with sample spec "s16be 2ch 44100Hz"
>I: created 1 "solaris_output.monitor" with sample spec "s16be 2ch 44100Hz"
>I: Loaded "module-solaris" (index: #0; argument: "device=/dev/audio").
>I: loaded 1 modules.
>I: Loaded "module-detect" (index: #1; argument: "").
>I: Loaded "module-esound-protocol-unix" (index: #2; argument: "").
>I: loading cookie from disk.
>I: Loaded "module-native-protocol-unix" (index: #3; argument: "").
>I: starting with empty ruleset.
>I: Loaded "module-volume-restore" (index: #4; argument: "").
>I: Loaded "module-rescue-streams" (index: #5; argument: "").
>I: Loaded "module-gconf" (index: #6; argument: "").
>I: Daemon startup complete.
>I: Unloading "module-detect" (index: #1).
>I: Unloaded "module-detect" (index: #1).
>Now the Pulseaudio server is initialized, i launch on my Csound console :
>bash-3.00# ./csound -+rtaudio=pulse -o dac examples/xanadu.csd
>Here the Pulseaudio output :
>I: created 0 "Native client (UNIX socket client)"
>I: client 0 changed name from "Native client (UNIX socket client)" to
>I: created 0 "csound-out" on solaris_output with sample spec float32le 2ch
>D: Memory block too large for pool: 1048576 > 16368
>D: memblockq requested: maxlength=264600, tlength=176400, base=8,
>prebuf=174636, minreq=1764
>D: memblockq sanitized: maxlength=264600, tlength=176400, base=8,
>prebuf=174640, minreq=1760
>I: Creating new entry for 
>As the render hangs up, i kill manually the process but not the Pulsaudio
>server, which says :
>I: freed 0 "csound-out"
>I: freed 0 "csound"
>So i'm able to launch in another console :
>bash-3.00# /usr/local/bin/64/pulseaudio/paplay
>/export/home/root/Csound5.09.0.cc.64/Xanadu.wav (Xanadu.wav obtained before
>the actual tries and spared)
>I: created 1 "Native client (UNIX socket client)"
>I: client 1 changed name from "Native client (UNIX socket client)" to
>I: created 1 "/export/home/root/Csound5.09.0.cc.64/Xanadu.wav" on
>solaris_output with sample spec s16be 2ch 44100Hz
>D: Memory block too large for pool: 1048576 > 16368
>D: memblockq requested: maxlength=132300, tlength=88200, base=4,
>prebuf=87318, minreq=882
>D: memblockq sanitized: maxlength=132300, tlength=88200, base=4,
>prebuf=87320, minreq=880
>I: Creating new entry for 
>D: Memory block too large for pool: 65536 > 16368
>D: Memory block too large for pool: 22664 > 16368
>D: Memory block too large for pool: 16384 > 16368
>I: freed 1 "/export/home/root/Csound5.09.0.cc.64/Xanadu.wav"
>I: freed 1 "paplay"
>I heard as well Xanadu.wav, now it's released and i'm able to launch another
>.wav file i have, called "lindau.wav" ; the server gives :
>I: created 2 "Native client (UNIX socket client)"
>I: client 2 changed name from "Native client (UNIX socket client)" to
>I: Restoring volume for 
>I: Restoring sink for 
>I: created 2 "/export/home/user/scwk/scmu/lindau.wav" on solaris_output with
>sample spec s16be 2ch 44100Hz
>D: Memory block too large for pool: 1048576 > 16368
>D: memblockq requested: maxlength=132300, tlength=88200, base=4,
>prebuf=87318, minreq=882
>D: memblockq sanitized: maxlength=132300, tlength=88200, base=4,
>prebuf=87320, minreq=880
>D: Memory block too large for pool: 65536 > 16368
>D: Memory block too large for pool: 22664 > 16368
>D: Memory block too large for pool: 16384 > 16368
>I: freed 2 "/export/home/user/scwk/scmu/lindau.wav"
>I: freed 2 "paplay"
>Played and released as well.
> From that all we can deduce that the complains about too large blocks aren't
>worrying, i mean either for the playback nor also for the realtime render,
>right ?
>View this message in context: 
>Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
>Send bugs reports to this list.
>To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body 
>"unsubscribe csound"

Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth