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[Csnd] pvoc crashes

Date2008-11-16 18:23
Subject[Csnd] pvoc crashes
I was having no success at first, but then I found that
removing the ispecwp flag avoided the crash.  The strange
thing then, was that the file came out 8 times too slow.
I changed the 'line' line in the orchestra to:

ktime   line    0, p3 / 8, 1

and the sound played at the correct speed.



sinewave:toby:lp(1)> sndinfo pvinput.wav
PortMIDI real time MIDI plugin for Csound
virtual_keyboard real time MIDI plugin for Csound
PortAudio real-time audio module for Csound
util sndinfo:
        srate 44100, monaural, 16 bit WAV, 8.638 seconds
        (380946 sample frames)

sinewave:toby:lp(1)> pvanal pvinput.wav pvinput.pvx
PortMIDI real time MIDI plugin for Csound
virtual_keyboard real time MIDI plugin for Csound
PortAudio real-time audio module for Csound
util pvanal:
audio sr = 44100, monaural
opening WAV infile pvinput.wav
analysing 380946 sample frames (8.6 secs)
1024 infrsize, 256 infrInc
1486 output frames estimated
pvanal: creating pvocex file

sinewave:toby:lp(1)> cat pvoc.csd

        -o dac

        sr       = 44100
        ksmps    = 100
        nchnls   = 1

        instr 1

                ktime   line    0, p3, 1

                asig    pvoc    ktime, 1, "pvinput.pvx", 1

                out     asig


        i1 0 8.638

sinewave:toby:lp(1)> csound pvoc.csd
PortMIDI real time MIDI plugin for Csound
virtual_keyboard real time MIDI plugin for Csound
PortAudio real-time audio module for Csound
0dBFS level = 32768.0
Csound version 5.08 (double samples) Apr 16 2008
UnifiedCSD:  pvoc.csd
Creating options
Creating orchestra
Creating score
orchname:  /tmp/fileVb7cci.orc
scorename: /tmp/file7K0aCt.sco
rtmidi: PortMIDI module enabled
rtaudio: ALSA module enabled
orch compiler:
16 lines read
        instr   1
Elapsed time at end of orchestra compile: real: 0.001s, CPU: 0.000s
sorting score ...
        ... done
Elapsed time at end of score sort: real: 0.001s, CPU: 0.000s
Csound version 5.08 (double samples) Apr 16 2008
displays suppressed
0dBFS level = 32768.0
orch now loaded
audio buffered in 256 sample-frame blocks
ALSA output: total buffer size: 1024, period size: 256
writing 512-byte blks of shorts to dac
new alloc for instr 1:
file pvinput.pvx (6188832 bytes) loaded into memory
Csound tidy up: Segmentation fault
*** glibc detected *** csound: free(): invalid pointer: 0x0809be18 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
======= Memory map: ========
08048000-0804a000 r-xp 00000000 08:11 13544035   /usr/bin/csound
0804a000-0804b000 rw-p 00001000 08:11 13544035   /usr/bin/csound
0804b000-080ab000 rw-p 0804b000 00:00 0          [heap]
b6cf5000-b734d000 rw-p b6cf5000 00:00 0
b734d000-b736f000 r-xp 00000000 08:11 13543585   /usr/lib/libpng12.so.0.15.0
b736f000-b7370000 rw-p 00022000 08:11 13543585   /usr/lib/libpng12.so.0.15.0
b7372000-b7382000 r-xp 00000000 08:11 13771318   /usr/lib/csound/plugins64/libcs_pvs_ops.so
b7382000-b7383000 rw-p 0000f000 08:11 13771318   /usr/lib/csound/plugins64/libcs_pvs_ops.so
b7383000-b7396000 r-xp 00000000 08:11 13771359   /usr/lib/csound/plugins64/libvbap.so
b7396000-b7397000 rw-p 00012000 08:11 13771359   /usr/lib/csound/plugins64/libvbap.so
b7397000-b74a1000 r-xp 00000000 08:11 13543610   /usr/lib/libpython2.5.so.1.0
b74a1000-b74c6000 rw-p 0010a000 08:11 13543610   /usr/lib/libpython2.5.so.1.0
b74c6000-b74cc000 rw-p b74c6000 00:00 0
b74d7000-b74d8000 rw-p b74d7000 00:00 0
b74d8000-b74d9000 rw-s 00000000 00:0e 11765      /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p
b74d9000-b74da000 r-xp 00000000 08:11 13771317   /usr/lib/csound/plugins64/libcs_pan2.so
b74da000-b74db000 rw-p 00000000 08:11 13771317   /usr/lib/csound/plugins64/libcs_pan2.so
b74db000-b74de000 r-xp 00000000 08:11 13771328   /usr/lib/csound/plugins64/libimage.so
b74de000-b74df000 rw-p 00002000 08:11 13771328   /usr/lib/csound/plugins64/libimage.so
b74df000-b74ea000 r-xp 00000000 08:11 13771344   /usr/lib/csound/plugins64/libpy.so
b74ea000-b74eb000 rw-p 0000b000 08:11 13771344   /usr/lib/csound/plugins64/libpy.so
b74eb000-b74f4000 r-xp 00000000 08:11 13544026   /usr/lib/liblo.so.0.6.0
b74f4000-b74f5000 rw-p 00008000 08:11 13544026   /usr/lib/liblo.so.0.6.0
b74f5000-b74f7000 r-xp 00000000 08:11 13771314   /usr/lib/csound/plugins64/libcompress.so
b74f7000-b74f8000 rw-p 00001000 08:11 13771314   /usr/lib/csound/plugins64/libcompress.so
b74f8000-b74fa000 r-xp 00000000 08:11 14591011   /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libutil-2.7.so
b74fa000-b74fc000 rw-p 00001000 08:11 14591011   /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libutil-2.7.so
b74fc000-b74fd000 r-xp 00000000 08:11 13771348   /usr/lib/csound/plugins64/libscoreline.so
b74fd000-b74fe000 rw-p 00000000 08:11 13771348   /usr/lib/csound/plugins64/libscoreline.so
b74fe000-b7503000 r-xp 00000000 08:11 13771337   /usr/lib/csound/plugins64/libphisem.so
b7503000-b7504000 rw-p 00004000 08:11 13771337   /usr/lib/csound/plugins64/libphisem.so
b7504000-b7507000 r-xp 00000000 08:11 13771313   /usr/lib/csound/plugins64/libbarmodel.so
b7507000-b7508000 rw-p 00002000 08:11 13771313   /usr/lib/csound/plugins64/libbarmodel.so
b7508000-b750b000 r-xp 00000000 08:11 13771335   /usr/lib/csound/plugins64/libosc.so
b750b000-b750c000 rw-p 00002000 08:11 13771335   /usr/lib/csound/plugins64/libosc.so
b750c000-b7532000 r-xp 00000000 08:11 13544028   /usr/lib/libportaudio.so.2.0.0
b7532000-b7533000 rw-p 00026000 08:11 13544028   /usr/lib/libportaudio.so.2.0.0
b7533000-b7535000 r-xp 00000000 08:11 13771355   /usr/lib/csound/plugins64/libudprecv.so
b7535000-b7536000 rw-p 00001000 08:11 13771355   /usr/lib/csound/plugins64/libudprecv.so
b7536000-b7544000 r-xp 00000000 08:11 13771338   /usr/lib/csound/plugins64/libphysmod.so
b7544000-b7546000 rw-p 0000d000 08:11 13771338   /usr/lib/csound/plugins64/libphysmod.so
b7546000-b7573000 r-xp 00000000 08:11 14573649   /lib/libncurses.so.5.6
b7573000-b7576000 rw-p 0002c000 08:11 14573649   /lib/libncurses.so.5.6
b7576000-b75a2000 r-xp 00000000 08:11 14573689   /lib/libreadline.so.5.2
b75a2000-b75a6000 rw-p 0002c000 08:11 14573689   /lib/libreadline.so.5.2
b75a6000-b75a7000 rw-p b75a6000 00:00 0
b75a7000-b75b0000 r-xp 00000000 08:11 13544022   /usr/lib/libladcca.so.2.0.0
b75b0000-b75b1000 rw-p 00008000 08:11 13544022   /usr/lib/libladCsound tidy up: Aborted

Date2008-11-16 20:10
From"David Akbari"
Subject[Csnd] Re: pvoc crashes

Date2008-11-17 19:37
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: pvoc crashes
David Akbari wrote:
> Hi Tobiah,
> I looked through your example and I think I see the trouble. You are
> using the line opcode going from 0 to 1 as the ktimpnt input parameter
> to pvoc. This means that you are playing from 0 to 1 seconds of the
> soundfile. 

I don't know why I assumed that it was normalized to the length of the
file.  Thanks.

As to the crashing, I notice that Aaron Johnson reported the same thing
on October 25th.


Date2008-11-17 20:09
From"David Akbari"
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: pvoc crashes

Date2008-11-17 20:43
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: pvoc crashes
I wasn't aware of these.  Thanks for taking the time.
I'll definitely experiment after work.

I would be great to have a chronological listing of
opcodes.  I'm back into Csound after several years
of absence.  It would be great to see the list of
what has happened since then.

Would it be difficult to compile a list of release
notes for instance?



David Akbari wrote:
> In general, I have found pvoc to be dodgy in favor of the newer
> spectral streaming opcodes.
> You might find more success using something like this. Good luck,