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[Csnd] question about release time

Date2013-03-15 19:26
FromStefan Thomas
Subject[Csnd] question about release time
Dear community,
sorry for asking this (maybee the reason is quite obvious, but I can't get it).
In the below quoted code I would expect two overlapping notes (because of the very long release time), but this isn't the case. How can I get a loger release time?

-odac -d
; ==============================================

sr    =    44100
ksmps     =     100
nchnls    =    2
0dbfs    =    1
gisine ftgen 0,0,2^10, 10, 1
instr 1   
    iatt     = 0.01
    idec     = p3-iatt
    iamp    = p4
    ifreq   = p5
    irel     = 27
    islev     = 1
    aenv adsr iatt, idec, islev, irel
    asig poscil iamp*aenv, ifreq, gisine
    outs asig, asig

; ==============================================
i1 0 1 0.2 440
i1 1 1 0.2 400
