[Csnd] Csound and jack
Date | 2017-09-08 10:59 |
From | Lars Indrek Hansson |
Subject | [Csnd] Csound and jack |
is Jack still the best audiopatcher for csound when you´re on windows or are there other better alternatives nowadays?
I´m currently on windows7 64bits and I´m trying to configure jack for csound, but I can´t get it to work. I´ve been using the flags: -+rtaudio=jack -b128 -B256, sometimes with different outputs in addition but I can´t get it to work. Isn´t Jack supposed to show up in the device list if you type like -odac100?
I´ve tried it with Cubase, choosing jack as the audio device in the set up, and that works fine and Cubase shows up in the Jack patchbay, Csound however does not.
I´m using csound 6.08 and jack 1.9.11 64bits. with an Echo Indigo soundcard using ASIO.