| very interesting stuff, tarmo. thanks for sharing -
Am 11.03.2013 00:05, schrieb Tarmo Johannes:
> hello,
> departing from thread on partials data, see:
> http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/output-of-partials-to-table-td5720316.html
> I thought about the subject and wrote a temporary solution. The idea is
> probably the same as in the partials opcode (although I have not looked into
> the code) - to compare an amplitude of a bin in FFT analyze with the previous
> and next one and see if is the top.
> It turned out to be quite comfortable to do using the t-variables, the arrays.
> It was first time for me to use the tvars in Csound and it was really useful.
> I really encourage to look into the possibilties, especiaaly since Csound6 is
> extending the array business even more, if I am correct.
> The example csd is attached. It puts and FFT frame into array using pvs2tab
> opcode, detects the peaks via simple comparision with bins of neighboring
> indexes, sorts the array using maxtab, stores the data into tables and plays
> the peaks back.
> Note that I have used until () do .. od
> in instrument create_events as an example for another rather new and very
> useful construction. Well, maybe the keyword will be replaced later, if
> developers decide so...
> Thanks to John, Victor and everybody else behind the ever extending
> possibilities!
> tarmo
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