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[Csnd] tvar example, partial tracking

Date2013-03-10 23:05
FromTarmo Johannes
Subject[Csnd] tvar example, partial tracking

departing from thread on partials data, see:

I thought about the subject and wrote a temporary solution. The idea is 
probably the same as in the partials opcode (although I have not looked into 
the code) -  to compare an amplitude of a bin in FFT analyze with the previous 
and next one and see if is the top.

It turned out to be quite comfortable to do using the t-variables, the arrays. 
It was first time for me to use the tvars in Csound and it was really useful. 
I really encourage to look into the possibilties, especiaaly since Csound6 is 
extending the array business even more, if I am correct.

The example csd is attached. It puts and FFT frame into array using pvs2tab 
opcode, detects the peaks via simple comparision with bins of neighboring 
indexes, sorts the array using maxtab, stores the data into tables and plays 
the peaks back.

Note that I have used until  () do .. od 
in instrument create_events as an example for another rather new and very 
useful construction. Well, maybe the  keyword will be replaced later, if 
developers decide so...

Thanks to John, Victor and everybody else behind the ever extending 


Date2013-03-12 11:02
Fromjoachim heintz
SubjectRe: [Csnd] tvar example, partial tracking
very interesting stuff, tarmo. thanks for sharing -

Am 11.03.2013 00:05, schrieb Tarmo Johannes:
> hello,
> departing from thread on partials data, see:
> http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/output-of-partials-to-table-td5720316.html
> I thought about the subject and wrote a temporary solution. The idea is
> probably the same as in the partials opcode (although I have not looked into
> the code) -  to compare an amplitude of a bin in FFT analyze with the previous
> and next one and see if is the top.
> It turned out to be quite comfortable to do using the t-variables, the arrays.
> It was first time for me to use the tvars in Csound and it was really useful.
> I really encourage to look into the possibilties, especiaaly since Csound6 is
> extending the array business even more, if I am correct.
> The example csd is attached. It puts and FFT frame into array using pvs2tab
> opcode, detects the peaks via simple comparision with bins of neighboring
> indexes, sorts the array using maxtab, stores the data into tables and plays
> the peaks back.
> Note that I have used until  () do .. od
> in instrument create_events as an example for another rather new and very
> useful construction. Well, maybe the  keyword will be replaced later, if
> developers decide so...
> Thanks to John, Victor and everybody else behind the ever extending
> possibilities!
> tarmo
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