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[Csnd] CsoundQt crashes again

Date2013-03-28 10:52
Frompeiman khosravi
Subject[Csnd] CsoundQt crashes again
CsoundQt is crashing again. I've disabled all midi but as soon as I press 'stop' it quits unexpectedly (without any errors). 

Also, I make all the Control and Configuration icons visible in the top panel but they become invisible when I restart the application. 

OS X 10.7.5
Csound version 5.19.02
CsoundQT-d-py 0.7.2


On 28 March 2013 10:40, peiman khosravi <peimankhosravi@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks joachim,

That sorts me out!


On 28 March 2013 10:33, joachim heintz <jh@joachimheintz.de> wrote:
hi peiman -

i think in this case the CsoundQt Options which are set in the configure tab have the priority. you can try this with somthing like

-m0 -b128 -B512

and the setting the buffer size in the configure panel to another value, and also something like -m128 as additional commandline flag.

best -


Am 28.03.2013 11:15, schrieb peiman khosravi:


I'm working on a manual section for the csoundQT configuration panel. So
far I have one question:

“Ignore CsOptions” in the run tab: what happens if there is an
inconsistency between CsOptions and CsoundQT options, when CsOptions are
NOT ignored and "Use CsoundQt options" is ticked?



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Date2013-03-28 11:01
Frompeiman khosravi
Subject[Csnd] Re: CsoundQt crashes again

Also, I make all the Control and Configuration icons visible in the top panel but they become invisible when I restart the application. 

Here is a a screen recording to show the above problem. 


Date2013-03-28 11:03
Frompeiman khosravi
Subject[Csnd] Re: CsoundQt crashes again
AttachmentsScreen Shot 2013-03-28 at 11.02.02.png  

On 28 March 2013 10:52, peiman khosravi <peimankhosravi@gmail.com> wrote:
CsoundQt is crashing again. I've disabled all midi but as soon as I press 'stop' it quits unexpectedly (without any errors). 

And a screen recording to demonstrate the above. 

You can see my settings in the picture attached. (I have also tried it with coreaudio and exactly the same thing happens.)