On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 11:43 AM, Art Hunkins <
abhunkin@uncg.edu> wrote:
> There are demo mp3's of many of my csound compositions at my website home
> page:
> Art Hunkins
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "andy fillebrown"
> <
> To: <
> Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 9:08 AM
> Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: RE: [OT]
> wishes (was Re: Re: kyma x)
> Hi Peiman,
> I've been making a list of mp3's people post to the list with the
> intention of putting links up on the sourceforge site. This is what I
> have so far...
> Prent Rodgers
> + posted to csound list 3/13/09
> Aaron K. Johnson
> + posted to csound list 8/7/09
> Dave Phillips
> + posted to csound list 8/9/09
> Dave Seidel
> + posted to csound list 10/21/09
> Michael Rhoades
> + posted to csound list 10/26/09
> Michael Gogins
> + posted to csound list 11/4/09
> Dave Seidel
> + posted to csound list 11/21/09
> Dave Phillips
> + posted to csound list 1/2/10
> Dave Seidel
> + posted to csound list 1/25/10
> Steven Yi
> + posted to csound list 3/9/10
http://www.kunstmusik.com/projects/reminiscences.zip (blue & csd files)
> ---
> I don't know how "impressive" they all are, but that's what's been
> posted to the list in the past year, fwiw.
> There were 2 pieces I was particularly impressed with before I started
> keeping a list. One was "A door into spring", which was a
> time-stretch of a dishwasher spring squeaking (I need to find this one
> again). The other one was a very convincing string piece (maybe
> physical modeling), but I don't know who recorded it or what the name
> of it was -- so I haven't been able to find it again. A couple of
> John ffitch's piece might qualify as "impressive" as well, but I'd
> need to look up the links for those again.
> If anybody has more links to recordings (preferably mp3's), please let me
> know.
> Cheers,
> ~ andy.f
> On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 6:56 AM, Peiman Khosravi
> <
peimankhosravi@gmail.com> wrote:
>> While we are at it. Don't you think there should be some impressive
>> sounding
>> sound examples on the csound page? Including synthes, score techniques and
>> sample processing's all classified?
>> Best,
>> Peiman
>> On 17 Mar 2010, at 19:01, Michael Gogins wrote:
>>> I agree.
>>> I've been making music with computers since 1983. I could always
>>> afford the hardware, and software, I wanted. At various times I have
>>> had dedicated hardware synthesizers, commercial studio software, etc.
>>> Over time I have been driven to open source software exclusively, and
>>> Csound pretty much exclusively, for the following reasons:
>>> (1) Although I could always afford what I wanted, I can't say expense
>>> is not an issue. Keeping up to date with hardware synthesizers,
>>> Mathematica, Cubase, etc. starts to kind of add up.
>>> (2) More importantly, computer music projects decay with time. Things
>>> that used to run no longer run. This happens much more slowly with
>>> open source software and very little indeed with Csound. This is a big
>>> deal, because at times I go back to projects I did 10, 15 years ago
>>> and redo them.
>>> (3) Open source software such as Csound or PD tends to have more
>>> useful communities. There are now decades' worth of freely available
>>> patches, example pieces, etc. This also is a big deal. I use this
>>> stuff. Commercial software tends to be used by people who are more
>>> focused on working fast and not so interested in sharing what may be
>>> for them stylistic tricks and technical advantages.
>>> (4) Csound just keeps getting bigger and more powerful and does more
>>> and sounds better. This is kind of a bottom line if you are mainly
>>> interested just in making the best and most original music you can.
>>> About performance, I reiterate that Csound must implement
>>> multi-threading as soon as practical. Not doing this will cause it to
>>> fail. You can bet the commercial music software people will do this
>>> because it would be a big competitive edge. Max/MSP already has it in
>>> a limited form. It would be an edge for us too. If Csound becomes
>>> truly multi-threaded it will have nothing to fear in the performance
>>> department, even compared with dedicated hardware.
>>> Ease of use compared with Kyma etc. is another big topic about which I
>>> will say more at another time.
>>> Regards,
>>> Mike
>>> On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 2:39 PM, <
Victor.Lazzarini@nuim.ie> wrote:
>>>> If you ask my opinion, don't spend your money on outdated HW. It will
>>>> only
>>>> get more and more out of date. Stick with well supported and maintained
>>>> FOSS
>>>> systems, whichever is your choice (SC3, PD and Csound fit the bill
>>>> well).
>>>> My
>>>> 2 cents, for what's worth (well, Eur 0.02 actually ;)
>>>> Victor
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: Peiman Khosravi <
>>>> Date: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 4:07 pm
>>>> Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: RE: [OT] wishes (was Re:
>>>> Re:
>>>> kyma x)
>>>> To:
>>>>> I'm still battling with this. "To kyma or not to kyma?". The
>>>>> hardware
>>>>> available for sale is rather old, but the symbolic sound people
>>>>> assure
>>>>> me that it is fully compatible with the latest software. But
>>>>> then it's
>>>>> another language to learn... To get it I'll end up with a €1000
>>>>> hole
>>>>> in my pocket which is not going to make life easier for the next
>>>>> few
>>>>> months.
>>>>> Mhhhhh the question is, is it worth it... To be honest I am a
>>>>> little
>>>>> sceptical, all the online demos seem to sound very typical, and
>>>>> all
>>>>> these wii/continuum demons are a bit unfortunate as they don't
>>>>> really
>>>>> demonstrate the real ability of the system but make it look like
>>>>> it's
>>>>> being aimed at a kind of "boys with their toys" market. But it's
>>>>> a
>>>>> bloody expensive toy, and if that's what it is then I am
>>>>> definitely
>>>>> not going to spend all that money on it. For instance kyma is
>>>>> supposed
>>>>> to have a sonogram editor (like audio sculpt) but then there are
>>>>> no
>>>>> demonstration of that. Is it really as good as AS for editing
>>>>> the
>>>>> sonogram? mhhh no way of knowing. Has anyone seen a demo or
>>>>> tried the
>>>>> sonogram editor?
>>>>> They also state in their FAQ that most users use it in
>>>>> conjunction
>>>>> with a DAW which is fine but then if the time-line doesn't
>>>>> allow
>>>>> detailed mixing/editing then I'm not sure if it really is the
>>>>> holy
>>>>> grail everyone goes on about.
>>>>> I initially imagined that it's a kind of real-time and bug free
>>>>> CDP
>>>>> system plus a time-line, which is rather promising (at least on
>>>>> the OS
>>>>> X I cannot manage to use CDP very smoothly with 24-bit audio so
>>>>> I gave
>>>>> up in the end). But is it!?? Or is it just another fancy gear in
>>>>> the
>>>>> studio for chucking out cliché sounds (which is the done thing
>>>>> in
>>>>> Hollywood sound design!) and showing off the continuum keyboard?!
>>>>> In the meantime I'm beginning to find my way through the
>>>>> partikkel
>>>>> opcode in parallel with Roads' Microsound. Very exciting :-)
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Peiman
>>>>> On 17 Mar 2010, at 08:46, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>>>>>> There was one in Trinity College Dublin, one of the earlier
>>>>> models.
>>>>>> Apparently it suffered from lots of crashing and people did
>>>>> not seem
>>>>>> to use it much. It was quickly overtaken by general-
>>>>> purpose
>>>>>> computers (which is one of the reasons I never gave them too
>>>>> much
>>>>>> thought).
>>>>>> Victor
>>>>>> On 17 Mar 2010, at 07:49,
jpff@cs.bath.ac.uk wrote:
>>>>>>>> Actually is there one in UK? Once I went inside the one they
>>>>> have at
>>>>>>>> IRCAM, I was expecting a massively different environment
>>>>> from what
>>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>>> used to but it was rather disappointing. Although it will be
>>>>> great
>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>> recording isolated sound sources I guess.
>>>>>>> There is a strong rumour that there is one in my university,
>>>>> but I
>>>>>>> hve
>>>>>>> never found it.
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>>>> Dr Victor Lazzarini, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Music,
>>>> National University of Ireland, Maynooth
>>> --
>>> Michael Gogins
>>> Irreducible Productions
>>> Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com
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