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[Csnd] Jack MIDI

Date2010-03-21 15:55
Subject[Csnd] Jack MIDI
I have been using your excellent Pianoteq for years on Windows, mainly to 
realize scores that I generate algorithmically. I have recommend Pianoteq to 
my colleagues many times.

I have now begun to use Pianoteq on Linux, with the native Linux build. 
Thank you for porting to Linux, which will probably became my platform of 

However, I am experiencing one difficulty on Linux that you may wish to fix. 
Currently on Linux, Pianoteq MIDI input and output are implemented in Jack 
using ALSA ports with aliases. This works fine for real time rendering. But 
ALSA MIDI ports cannot be used in Jack's "freewheeling" mode. It is 
essential for me to use freewheeling, since then I can render soundfiles 
from scores that are too dense and complex to render in real time. 
Typically, I use Pianoteq with Csound and with many other virtual 
instruments in scores that render many times slower than real time, even on 
a fast computer. On Windows this is not a problem. It is common to use 
Csound in this way and Csound works very well as a VST host for Pianoteq.

I have been able to use freewheeling with the Aeolus virtual organ, which 
does have native Jack MIDI support, so I am confident that if you 
implemented native Jack MIDI ports in Pianoteq, I would be able to use 
freewheeling with Pianoteq also.

Another thing that might work for me would be to provide a native Linux VST 
interface for Pianoteq. Please let me know if this already is possible or is 

Here's hoping,
Mike Gogins 

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