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[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: WinXound Beta 1 for Max OsX released

Date2010-03-27 15:14
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: WinXound Beta 1 for Max OsX released
Thank you for WinXound!
If this environment continues to work as well for me as it is working right now, it will probably become my main composing environment on Windows. Right now, I just use SciTE.
What makes the difference for me is the Python and Lua integration. Python is my main composing language, and actually I embed all my Csound code inside my Python code. I was very pleased to see the sections of the orchestra showing up in the Explorer pane. It's a big deal for me to be in an editor that has syntax coloring and so on for both Csound and Python. The context-sensitive help for Csound keywords also is very useful.
I did notice the following minor problems:
(1) The console message output occasionally prints a line of black NULLs.
(2) The instrument definitions are not always parsed out of the CsInstruments section of a Csound orchestra embedded in Python code. Perhaps this is because in my orchestras, there may be many lines of code in the orchestra header above the first instr statement.
(3) The output soundfile name is not parsed out of an orchestra run from embedded Python. I realize that this may be too much to ask, as there are many ways of generating the Csound command line from Python!
Thanks again for all your work on this. I will keep on trying it, and advise you of any more problems or suggestions that I may come up with.
Is there any chance you can get this working on Linux with Mono? That would be huge.
Mike Gogins
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2010 10:40 AM
Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: WinXound Beta 1 for Max OsX released

Many thanks Dr. B for your appreciations!
I'm happy to provide this little and (I hope) useful tool to the cSound community ...

About Python and Lua support, I have to admit that I am in your same situation ...
I've firstly added this feature on Windows after some suggestions by other users,
and so I've ported it directly to OsX.
So anyone who wants to help us in this direction is welcome!

Let me know something about bugs or suggestions from you or from your students!


Il giorno 27/mar/2010, alle ore 15.06, Dr. Richard Boulanger ha scritto:

Hello Stefano,

WOW.  Wonderful.  Congratulations.  
This is a clean, intuitive, and elegant alternative to QuteCsound.

I was especially excited by the fact that you provided the sources.... 
and that they compiled "perfectly" and "instantly" under Xcode 3.1.3 
on my MacBook Pro running OS X 10.5.8

Can't wait to share this with my Csound Students and my Audio Programming Students too!

Please post an announcement at cSounds.com too!

Dr. B.

On Mar 27, 2010, at 5:48 AM, Stefano Bonetti wrote:

Hi All,
a new first version of WinXound for Mac OsX (10.5 or major) is ready for download.
It is written in Cocoa and compiled in Universal Binary (so it should run either on i386 and ppc architectures).

WinXound Home Page:  http://winxound.codeplex.com/

Please signal bugs, suggestions or feedbacks to:


Date2010-03-27 16:29
FromStefano Bonetti
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: WinXound Beta 1 for Max OsX released
Dear Michael,
thanks to you for your feedback and debugging help ... 
It will be very very useful for the debug if you could send me some python examples, in order to refine the Python section of WinXound ...
and to try to reproduce the problems.

Is there any chance you can get this working on Linux with Mono? That would be huge.
I've already tried last year with a pure C# code but the results were disappointing (Mono 2.4 on Ubuntu); very poor performance (unusable also with most recent hardware) ...
I have to wait for a good release of Mono that let me use a better interoperability with the Scintilla text control or, better, I have to port
another time the code using the GTK version of Scintilla (the same that use SciTe on Linux) ... I'll think about it ...


Date2010-03-27 16:50
From"Dr. Richard Boulanger"
Subject[Csnd] Re: WinXound Beta 1 for Max OsX released
Stephano, Michael, and Csounders,

It would be great to distribute WinXsound with a set of examples - especially Lua and Python examples
as these represent rather new possibilities with Csound that many of us are not so familiar with.
Maybe Michael could provide them?  Hope so.

Dr. B.

On Mar 27, 2010, at 12:29 PM, Stefano Bonetti wrote:

Dear Michael,
thanks to you for your feedback and debugging help ... 
It will be very very useful for the debug if you could send me some python examples, in order to refine the Python section of WinXound ...
and to try to reproduce the problems.

Is there any chance you can get this working on Linux with Mono? That would be huge.
I've already tried last year with a pure C# code but the results were disappointing (Mono 2.4 on Ubuntu); very poor performance (unusable also with most recent hardware) ...
I have to wait for a good release of Mono that let me use a better interoperability with the Scintilla text control or, better, I have to port
another time the code using the GTK version of Scintilla (the same that use SciTe on Linux) ... I'll think about it ...
