| Hello,
I'm trying to use lpread and lpreson opcodes, having analysed a short
vocal [test] sound with lpanal. However I get nasty explosions during
the re-synthesis, like bursts of feedback which is I think the filters
blowing up. I assume the distortions are in the analysis data, I used
the default settings for analysis but still I don't think this should
be happening.
Please please be very careful with the below csd & analysis file
attached. Do NOT test it with headphones, and turn your volume down
all the way, the bursts are unbearably loud!!
Any advice would be great.
Thanks in advance
P.S. As far as I remember I never managed to actually use LPC, every
time there was a different problem :-)
sr = 44100
ksmps = 1
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1
instr 1
ktimpnt line 0, p3, 3
krmsr, krmso, kerr, kcps lpread ktimpnt, "/Users/peimankh/snd"
anoi noise 0.0001, 0
ares lpreson anoi
outs ares, ares
i 1 0 20
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