| It would be very useful as an opcode, especially if the instrument IDs
that are returned are easy to access one at a time.
On Mar 6, 2012, at 1:29 PM, jpff@cs.bath.ac.uk wrote:
> Is this something we ought to provide as an opcode?
> ==John ff
>> i needed a report of all currently playing instruments and have
>> attached
>> the code; perhaps someone needs this, too.
>> joachim
>> Am 05.03.2012 00:19, schrieb Tito Latini:
>>> good, I add a shell script (on the fly, before the shutdown)
>>> #!/bin/bash
>>> # turnoff_all4csound
>>> # prints a csound instr definition to turn off all the numeric
>>> instruments
>>> [ $# -lt 1 ] && echo "Usage: $(basename $0) file [mode] [release]"
>>> &&
>>> exit 1
>>> [ $# -eq 1 ] && [ ! -f "$1" ] && echo "No such file or directory" &&
>>> exit 2
>>> MODE="${2:-0}"
>>> RELEASE="${3:-0}"
>>> cat <>> instr turnoff_all
>>> $(sed -n '/^[ \t]*instr[ \t]*/ {
>>> s/^[ \t]*instr[ \t]*//
>>> s/[ \t]*;.*$//
>>> s/[ \t]*,[ \t]*/\n/g
>>> /^[a-zA-Z]/d
>>> p
>>> }' "$1" | sort -nu | xargs -i echo " turnoff2 {}, ${MODE}, $
>>> {RELEASE}")
>>> endin
>>> EOF
>>> exit
>>> # tito
>>> On Sun, Mar 04, 2012 at 10:28:30PM +0100, joachim heintz wrote:
>>>> i have added another version which can be used for any
>>>> combination of
>>>> named or numbered instruments in the csd file. two strings are
>>>> required
>>>> from the user:
>>>> (1) a string with all instruments of the csd file. in csoundqt
>>>> (0.7.0,
>>>> with pythonqt support), this string can be automatically
>>>> generated and
>>>> inserted with a little python script (see the end of the
>>>> turnoff_all.csd
>>>> text).
>>>> (2) a string with the instruments which must *not* be turned off
>>>> (at
>>>> least the instrument "turnoffjob" must be there).
>>>> the only job then is to call the instrument "turnoffall". this
>>>> can be
>>>> done multiple times in a live situation.
>>>> the code uses the strings-as-arrays udo's (strays.inc).
>>>> joachim
>>>> Am 26.02.2012 16:23, schrieb Tito Latini:
>>>>> A little correction. It is better to use a ftable
>>>>> with zero(s) at the end, and
>>>>> ginstab ftgen 0, 0, 4, -2, 143, 221, 39
>>>>> ; ginstab ftgen 0, 0, 8, -2, ia, ib, ic, id
>>>>> ; etc
>>>>> opcode turnoff_all, 0, ii
>>>>> imode, irelease xin
>>>>> kndx init 0
>>>>> kinsno table kndx, ginstab
>>>>> if (kinsno > 0) then
>>>>> turnoff2 kinsno, imode, irelease
>>>>> else
>>>>> turnoff
>>>>> endif
>>>>> kndx = kndx + 1
>>>>> endop
>>>>> Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug tracker
>>>>> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=81968&atid=564599
>>>>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
>>>>> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body
>>>>> "unsubscribe csound"
>>>> Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug tracker
>>>> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=81968&atid=564599
>>>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
>>>> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body
>>>> "unsubscribe csound"
>>>> /*Strays - UDOs for using strings as arrays in Csound
>>>> require the new parser (default in Csound 5.16 or higher)
>>>> for examples see StrayExamples.csd
>>>> more examples and extended documentation at www.csounds.com/udo
>>>> joachim heintz feb 2012*/
>>>> /*
>>>> ilen StrayLen Stray [, isep1 [, isep2]]
>>>> Sel StrayGetEl Stray, ielindx [, isep1 [, isep2]]
>>>> inum StrayGetNum Stray, ielindx [, isep1 [, isep2]]
>>>> ipos StrayElMem Stray, Stest [, isep1 [, isep2]]
>>>> ipos StrayNumMem Stray, inum [, isep1 [, isep2]]
>>>> Sres StraySetEl Stray, Sin [, ielindx [, isep1 [, isep2
>>>> [,isepOut]]]]
>>>> Sres StraySetNum Stray, inum [, ielindx [, isep1 [, isep2
>>>> [,isepOut]]]]
>>>> Srev StrayRev Stray [,isepA [, isepB [, isepOut]]]
>>>> Sub StraySub Stray [, istart [, iend [, isepA [, isepB
>>>> [,
>>>> isepOut]]]]]
>>>> Sres StrayRmv Stray, Srem [, isepA [, isepB [, isepOut]]]
>>>> Srem StrayRemDup Stray [, isep1 [, isep2]]
>>>> ift,iftlen StrayNumToFt Stray [, iftno [, isep1 [, isep2]]]
>>>> */
>>>> /*
>>>> ilen StrayLen "a b c d e"
>>>> ilen -> 5
>>>> Sel StrayGetEl "a b c d e", 0
>>>> Sel -> "a"
>>>> inum StrayGetNum "1 2 3 4 5", 0
>>>> inum -> 1
>>>> ipos StrayElMem "a b c d e", "c"
>>>> ipos -> 2
>>>> ipos StrayNumMem "1 2 3 4 5", 3
>>>> ipos -> 2
>>>> Sres StraySetEl "a b c d e", "go", 0
>>>> Sres -> "go a b c d e"
>>>> Sres StraySetNum "1 2 3 4 5", 0, 0
>>>> Sres -> "0 1 2 3 4 5"
>>>> Srev StrayRev "a b c d e"
>>>> Srev -> "e d c b a"
>>>> Sub StraySub "a b c d e", 1, 3
>>>> Sub -> "b c"
>>>> Sout StrayRmv "a b c d e", "b d"
>>>> Sout -> "a c e"
>>>> Srem StrayRemDup "a b a c c d e e"
>>>> Srem -> "a b c d e"
>>>> ift,iftlen StrayNumToFt "1 2 3 4 5", 1
>>>> ift -> 1 (same as f 1 0 -5 -2 1 2 3 4 5)
>>>> iftlen -> 5
>>>> */
>>>> opcode StrayLen, i, Sjj
>>>> ;returns the number of elements in Stray. elements are defined by
>>>> two
>>>> seperators as ASCII coded characters: isep1 defaults to 32 (=
>>>> space),
>>>> isep2 defaults to 9 (= tab). if just one seperator is used, isep2
>>>> equals isep1
>>>> Stray, isepA, isepB xin
>>>> isep1 = (isepA == -1 ? 32 : isepA)
>>>> isep2 = (isepA == -1 && isepB == -1 ? 9 : (isepB ==
>>>> -1 ?
>>>> isep1 : isepB))
>>>> Sep1 sprintf "%c", isep1
>>>> Sep2 sprintf "%c", isep2
>>>> ilen strlen Stray
>>>> icount = 0; number of elements
>>>> iwarsep = 1
>>>> indx = 0
>>>> if ilen == 0 igoto end ;don't go into the loop if String is empty
>>>> loop:
>>>> Snext strsub Stray, indx, indx+1; next sign
>>>> isep1p strcmp Snext, Sep1; returns 0 if Snext is sep1
>>>> isep2p strcmp Snext, Sep2; 0 if Snext is sep2
>>>> if isep1p == 0 || isep2p == 0 then; if sep1 or sep2
>>>> iwarsep = 1; tell the log so
>>>> else ; if not
>>>> if iwarsep == 1 then ; and has been sep1 or sep2 before
>>>> icount = icount + 1; increase counter
>>>> iwarsep = 0; and tell you are ot sep1 nor sep2
>>>> endif
>>>> endif
>>>> loop_lt indx, 1, ilen, loop
>>>> end: xout icount
>>>> endop
>>>> opcode StrayGetEl, S, Sijj
>>>> ;returns the element at position ielindx in Stray, or an empty
>>>> string
>>>> if the element has not been found
>>>> Stray, ielindx, isepA, isepB xin
>>>> isep1 = (isepA == -1 ? 32 : isepA)
>>>> isep2 = (isepA == -1 && isepB == -1 ? 9 : (isepB ==
>>>> -1 ?
>>>> isep1 : isepB))
>>>> Sep1 sprintf "%c", isep1
>>>> Sep2 sprintf "%c", isep2
>>>> ilen strlen Stray
>>>> istartsel = -1; startindex for searched element
>>>> iendsel = -1; endindex for searched element
>>>> iel = 0; actual number of element while searching
>>>> iwarleer = 1
>>>> indx = 0
>>>> if ilen == 0 igoto end ;don't go into the loop if Stray is empty
>>>> loop:
>>>> Snext strsub Stray, indx, indx+1; next sign
>>>> isep1p strcmp Snext, Sep1; returns 0 if Snext is sep1
>>>> isep2p strcmp Snext, Sep2; 0 if Snext is sep2
>>>> if isep1p != 0 && isep2p != 0 then
>>>> if iwarleer == 1 then; first character after a seperator
>>>> if iel == ielindx then; if searched element index
>>>> istartsel = indx; set it
>>>> iwarleer = 0
>>>> else ;if not searched element index
>>>> iel = iel+1; increase it
>>>> iwarleer = 0; log that it's not a seperator
>>>> endif
>>>> endif
>>>> else
>>>> if istartsel > -1 then; if this is first selector after searched
>>>> element
>>>> iendsel = indx; set iendsel
>>>> igoto end ;break
>>>> else
>>>> iwarleer = 1
>>>> endif
>>>> endif
>>>> loop_lt indx, 1, ilen, loop
>>>> end:
>>>> Sout strsub Stray, istartsel, iendsel
>>>> xout Sout
>>>> endop
>>>> opcode StrayGetNum, i, Sijj
>>>> ;returns ielindex in Stray. this element must be a number
>>>> Stray, ielindx, isepA, isepB xin
>>>> isep1 = (isepA == -1 ? 32 : isepA)
>>>> isep2 = (isepA == -1 && isepB == -1 ? 9 : (isepB ==
>>>> -1 ?
>>>> isep1 : isepB))
>>>> Sep1 sprintf "%c", isep1
>>>> Sep2 sprintf "%c", isep2
>>>> ilen strlen Stray
>>>> istartsel = -1; startindex for searched element
>>>> iendsel = -1; endindex for searched element
>>>> iel = 0; actual number of element while searching
>>>> iwarleer = 1
>>>> indx = 0
>>>> if ilen == 0 igoto end ;don't go into the loop if Stray is empty
>>>> loop:
>>>> Snext strsub Stray, indx, indx+1; next sign
>>>> isep1p strcmp Snext, Sep1; returns 0 if Snext is sep1
>>>> isep2p strcmp Snext, Sep2; 0 if Snext is sep2
>>>> if isep1p != 0 && isep2p != 0 then
>>>> if iwarleer == 1 then; first character after a seperator
>>>> if iel == ielindx then; if searched element index
>>>> istartsel = indx; set it
>>>> iwarleer = 0
>>>> else ;if not searched element index
>>>> iel = iel+1; increase it
>>>> iwarleer = 0; log that it's not a seperator
>>>> endif
>>>> endif
>>>> else
>>>> if istartsel > -1 then; if this is first selector after searched
>>>> element
>>>> iendsel = indx; set iendsel
>>>> igoto end ;break
>>>> else
>>>> iwarleer = 1
>>>> endif
>>>> endif
>>>> loop_lt indx, 1, ilen, loop
>>>> end:
>>>> Snum strsub Stray, istartsel, iendsel
>>>> inum strtod Snum
>>>> xout inum
>>>> endop
>>>> opcode StrayElMem, i, SSjj
>>>> ;looks whether Stest is an element of Stray. returns the index of
>>>> the
>>>> element if found, and -1 if not.
>>>> Stray, Stest, isepA, isepB xin
>>>> isep1 = (isepA == -1 ? 32 : isepA)
>>>> isep2 = (isepA == -1 && isepB == -1 ? 9 : (isepB ==
>>>> -1 ?
>>>> isep1 : isepB))
>>>> Sep1 sprintf "%c", isep1
>>>> Sep2 sprintf "%c", isep2
>>>> ilen strlen Stray
>>>> istartsel = -1; startindex for searched element
>>>> iout = -1 ;default output
>>>> iel = -1; actual number of element while searching
>>>> iwarleer = 1; is this the start of a new element
>>>> indx = 0 ;character index
>>>> inewel = 0 ;new element to find
>>>> ;;LOOP
>>>> if ilen == 0 igoto end ;don't go into the loop if Stray is empty
>>>> loop:
>>>> Schar strsub Stray, indx, indx+1; this character
>>>> isep1p strcmp Schar, Sep1; returns 0 if Schar is sep1
>>>> isep2p strcmp Schar, Sep2; 0 if Schar is sep2
>>>> is_sep = (isep1p == 0 || isep2p == 0 ? 1 : 0) ;1 if
>>>> Schar is
>>>> a seperator
>>>> if indx == ilen && iwarleer == 0 then
>>>> Sel strsub Stray, istartsel, -1
>>>> inewel = 1
>>>> elseif is_sep == 0 && iwarleer == 1 then
>>>> istartsel = indx ;if so, set startindex
>>>> iwarleer = 0 ;reset info about previous separator
>>>> iel = iel+1 ;increment element count
>>>> elseif iwarleer == 0 && is_sep == 1 then
>>>> Sel strsub Stray, istartsel, indx ;get elment
>>>> inewel = 1 ;tell about
>>>> iwarleer = 1 ;reset info about previous separator
>>>> endif
>>>> if inewel == 1 then ;for each new element
>>>> icmp strcmp Sel, Stest ;check whether equals Stest
>>>> ;terminate and return the position of the element if successful
>>>> if icmp == 0 then
>>>> iout = iel
>>>> igoto end
>>>> endif
>>>> endif
>>>> inewel = 0
>>>> loop_le indx, 1, ilen, loop
>>>> end:
>>>> xout iout
>>>> endop
>>>> opcode StrNumP, i, S
>>>> ;tests whether String is numerical string (simple, no scientific
>>>> notation) which can be converted via strtod into a float (1 =
>>>> yes, 0 =
>>>> no)
>>>> Str xin
>>>> ip = 1; start at yes and falsify
>>>> ilen strlen Str
>>>> if ilen == 0 then
>>>> ip = 0
>>>> igoto end
>>>> endif
>>>> ifirst strchar Str, 0
>>>> if ifirst == 45 then; a "-" is just allowed as first character
>>>> Str strsub Str, 1, -1
>>>> ilen = ilen-1
>>>> endif
>>>> indx = 0
>>>> inpnts = 0; how many points have there been
>>>> loop:
>>>> iascii strchar Str, indx; 48-57
>>>> if iascii < 48 || iascii > 57 then; if not 0-9
>>>> if iascii == 46 && inpnts == 0 then; if not the first point
>>>> inpnts = 1
>>>> else
>>>> ip = 0
>>>> endif
>>>> endif
>>>> loop_lt indx, 1, ilen, loop
>>>> end: xout ip
>>>> endop
>>>> opcode StrayNumMem, i, Sijj
>>>> ;looks whether inum is an element of Stray. returns the index of
>>>> the
>>>> element if found, and -1 if not.
>>>> Stray, inum, isepA, isepB xin
>>>> isep1 = (isepA == -1 ? 32 : isepA)
>>>> isep2 = (isepA == -1 && isepB == -1 ? 9 : (isepB ==
>>>> -1 ?
>>>> isep1 : isepB))
>>>> Sep1 sprintf "%c", isep1
>>>> Sep2 sprintf "%c", isep2
>>>> ilen strlen Stray
>>>> istartsel = -1; startindex for searched element
>>>> iout = -1 ;default output
>>>> iel = -1; actual number of element while searching
>>>> iwarleer = 1; is this the start of a new element
>>>> indx = 0 ;character index
>>>> inewel = 0 ;new element to find
>>>> ;;LOOP
>>>> if ilen == 0 igoto end ;don't go into the loop if Stray is empty
>>>> loop:
>>>> Schar strsub Stray, indx, indx+1; this character
>>>> isep1p strcmp Schar, Sep1; returns 0 if Schar is sep1
>>>> isep2p strcmp Schar, Sep2; 0 if Schar is sep2
>>>> is_sep = (isep1p == 0 || isep2p == 0 ? 1 : 0) ;1 if
>>>> Schar is
>>>> a seperator
>>>> if indx == ilen && iwarleer == 0 then
>>>> Sel strsub Stray, istartsel, -1
>>>> inewel = 1
>>>> elseif is_sep == 0 && iwarleer == 1 then
>>>> istartsel = indx ;if so, set startindex
>>>> iwarleer = 0 ;reset info about previous separator
>>>> iel = iel+1 ;increment element count
>>>> elseif iwarleer == 0 && is_sep == 1 then
>>>> Sel strsub Stray, istartsel, indx ;get element
>>>> inewel = 1 ;tell about
>>>> iwarleer = 1 ;reset info about previous separator
>>>> endif
>>>> if inewel == 1 then ;for each new element
>>>> inump StrNumP Sel ;check whether element is number
>>>> if inump == 1 then
>>>> inumber strtod Sel ;if so, convert
>>>> if inumber == inum then ;check if equals inum
>>>> iout = iel
>>>> igoto end ;if so, terminate
>>>> endif
>>>> endif
>>>> endif
>>>> inewel = 0
>>>> loop_le indx, 1, ilen, loop
>>>> end:
>>>> xout iout
>>>> endop
>>>> opcode StraySetEl, S, SSjjjj
>>>> ;puts the string Sin at the position ielindx (default=-1: at the
>>>> end)
>>>> of Stray, and returns the result as a string. elements in the
>>>> string
>>>> are seperated by the two ascii-coded seperators isepA (default=32:
>>>> space) and isepB (default=9: tab). if just isepA is given, it is
>>>> also
>>>> read as isepB. the element is inserted using the seperator isepOut
>>>> (default=isep1)
>>>> Stray, Sin, ielindx, isepA, isepB, isepOut xin
>>>> isep1 = (isepA == -1 ? 32 : isepA)
>>>> isep2 = (isepA == -1 && isepB == -1 ? 9 : (isepB ==
>>>> -1 ?
>>>> isep1 : isepB))
>>>> isepOut = (isepOut == -1 ? isep1 : isepOut)
>>>> Sep1 sprintf "%c", isep1
>>>> Sep2 sprintf "%c", isep2
>>>> SepOut sprintf "%c", isepOut
>>>> ilen strlen Stray
>>>> iel = 0; actual element position
>>>> iwarsep = 1
>>>> indx = 0
>>>> ;;APPEND Sin IF ielindx=-1
>>>> if ielindx == -1 then
>>>> Sres sprintf "%s%s%s", Stray, SepOut, Sin
>>>> igoto end
>>>> endif
>>>> ;;PREPEND Sin IF ielindx=0
>>>> if ielindx == 0 then
>>>> Sres sprintf "%s%s%s", Sin, SepOut, Stray
>>>> igoto end
>>>> endif
>>>> loop:
>>>> Snext strsub Stray, indx, indx+1; next sign
>>>> isep1p strcmp Snext, Sep1; returns 0 if Snext is sep1
>>>> isep2p strcmp Snext, Sep2; 0 if Snext is sep2
>>>> if isep1p != 0 && isep2p != 0 then
>>>> if iwarsep == 1 then; first character after a seperator
>>>> if iel == ielindx then; if searched element index
>>>> S1 strsub Stray, 0, indx; string before Sin
>>>> S2 strsub Stray, indx, -1; string after Sin
>>>> Sres sprintf "%s%s%s%s", S1, Sin, SepOut, S2
>>>> igoto end
>>>> else ;if not searched element index
>>>> iel = iel+1; increase it
>>>> iwarsep = 0; log that it's not a seperator
>>>> endif
>>>> endif
>>>> else
>>>> iwarsep = 1
>>>> endif
>>>> loop_lt indx, 1, ilen, loop
>>>> ;;APPEND Sin IF ielindx is >= number of elements
>>>> Sres sprintf "%s%s%s", Stray, SepOut, Sin
>>>> end: xout Sres
>>>> endop
>>>> opcode FracNum, i, io
>>>> ;returns the number of digits in the fractional part (0=integer)
>>>> inum, ifracs xin
>>>> ifac = 10^ifracs
>>>> if int(inum*ifac) == inum*ifac then
>>>> igoto end
>>>> else
>>>> ifracs FracNum inum, ifracs+1
>>>> endif
>>>> end: xout ifracs
>>>> endop
>>>> opcode StraySetNum, S, Sijjjj
>>>> ;puts the number inum at the position ielindx (default=-1: at the
>>>> end)
>>>> of Stray, and returns the result as a string. elements in the
>>>> string
>>>> are seperated by the two ascii-coded seperators isepA (default=32:
>>>> space) and isepB (default=9: tab). if just isepA is given, it is
>>>> also
>>>> read as isepB. the element is inserted using the seperator isepOut
>>>> (default=isep1)
>>>> Stray, inum, ielindx, isepA, isepB, isepOut xin
>>>> isep1 = (isepA == -1 ? 32 : isepA)
>>>> isep2 = (isepA == -1 && isepB == -1 ? 9 : (isepB ==
>>>> -1 ?
>>>> isep1 : isepB))
>>>> isepOut = (isepOut == -1 ? isep1 : isepOut)
>>>> Sep1 sprintf "%c", isep1
>>>> Sep2 sprintf "%c", isep2
>>>> SepOut sprintf "%c", isepOut
>>>> ifracs FracNum inum
>>>> ilen strlen Stray
>>>> iel = 0; actual element position
>>>> iwarsep = 1
>>>> indx = 0
>>>> ;;APPEND inum IF ielindx=-1
>>>> if ielindx == -1 then
>>>> Sformat sprintf "%%s%%s%%.%df", ifracs
>>>> Sres sprintf Sformat, Stray, SepOut, inum
>>>> igoto end
>>>> endif
>>>> ;;PREPEND inum IF ielindx=0
>>>> if ielindx == 0 then
>>>> Sformat sprintf "%%.%df%%s%%s", ifracs
>>>> Sres sprintf Sformat, inum, SepOut, Stray
>>>> igoto end
>>>> endif
>>>> loop:
>>>> Snext strsub Stray, indx, indx+1; next sign
>>>> isep1p strcmp Snext, Sep1; returns 0 if Snext is sep1
>>>> isep2p strcmp Snext, Sep2; 0 if Snext is sep2
>>>> if isep1p != 0 && isep2p != 0 then
>>>> if iwarsep == 1 then; first character after a seperator
>>>> if iel == ielindx then; if searched element index
>>>> S1 strsub Stray, 0, indx; string before Sin
>>>> S2 strsub Stray, indx, -1; string after Sin
>>>> Sformat sprintf "%%s%%.%df%%s%%s", ifracs
>>>> Sres sprintf Sformat, S1, inum, SepOut, S2
>>>> igoto end
>>>> else ;if not searched element index
>>>> iel = iel+1; increase it
>>>> iwarsep = 0; log that it's not a seperator
>>>> endif
>>>> endif
>>>> else
>>>> iwarsep = 1
>>>> endif
>>>> loop_lt indx, 1, ilen, loop
>>>> ;;APPEND inum IF ielindx IS >= NUMBER OF ELEMENTS
>>>> Sformat sprintf "%%s%%s%%.%df", ifracs
>>>> Sres sprintf Sformat, Stray, SepOut, inum
>>>> end: xout Sres
>>>> endop
>>>> opcode StrayRev, S, Sjjj
>>>> ;reverses the elements in Stray and returns the result. elements
>>>> are
>>>> defined by two seperators as ASCII coded characters: isep1
>>>> defaults to
>>>> 32 (= space), isep2 defaults to 9 (= tab). if just one seperator is
>>>> used, isep2 equals isep1. the elements in the resulting string
>>>> Sres are
>>>> seperated by isepOut (default=isep1)
>>>> Stray, isepA, isepB, isepOut xin
>>>> isep1 = (isepA == -1 ? 32 : isepA)
>>>> isep2 = (isepA == -1 && isepB == -1 ? 9 : (isepB ==
>>>> -1 ?
>>>> isep1 : isepB))
>>>> isepOut = (isepOut == -1 ? isep1 : isepOut)
>>>> Sep1 sprintf "%c", isep1
>>>> Sep2 sprintf "%c", isep2
>>>> Sres = ""
>>>> ilen strlen Stray
>>>> istartsel = -1; startindex for searched element
>>>> iwarleer = 1; is this the start of a new element
>>>> indx = 0 ;character index
>>>> inewel = 0 ;new element to find
>>>> ;;LOOP
>>>> if ilen == 0 igoto end ;don't go into the loop if Stray is empty
>>>> loop:
>>>> Schar strsub Stray, indx, indx+1; this character
>>>> isep1p strcmp Schar, Sep1; returns 0 if Schar is sep1
>>>> isep2p strcmp Schar, Sep2; 0 if Schar is sep2
>>>> is_sep = (isep1p == 0 || isep2p == 0 ? 1 : 0) ;1 if
>>>> Schar is
>>>> a seperator
>>>> if indx == ilen && iwarleer == 0 then
>>>> Sel strsub Stray, istartsel, -1
>>>> inewel = 1
>>>> elseif is_sep == 0 && iwarleer == 1 then
>>>> istartsel = indx ;if so, set startindex
>>>> iwarleer = 0 ;reset info about previous separator
>>>> elseif iwarleer == 0 && is_sep == 1 then
>>>> Sel strsub Stray, istartsel, indx ;get elment
>>>> inewel = 1 ;tell about
>>>> iwarleer = 1 ;reset info about previous separator
>>>> endif
>>>> if inewel == 1 then ;for each new element
>>>> Selsep sprintf "%c%s", isepOut, Sel ;prepend seperator
>>>> Sres strcat Selsep, Sres ;prepend to result
>>>> endif
>>>> inewel = 0
>>>> loop_le indx, 1, ilen, loop
>>>> end:
>>>> Sout strsub Sres, 1; remove starting seperator
>>>> xout Sout
>>>> endop
>>>> opcode StraySub, S, Sojjjj
>>>> ;returns a subset of elements in Stray. elements are defined by two
>>>> seperators as ASCII coded characters: isep1 defaults to 32 (=
>>>> space),
>>>> isep2 defaults to 9 (= tab). if just one seperator is used, isep2
>>>> equals isep1.
>>>> Stray, istart, iend, isepA, isepB, isepOut xin
>>>> isep1 = (isepA == -1 ? 32 : isepA)
>>>> isep2 = (isepA == -1 && isepB == -1 ? 9 : (isepB ==
>>>> -1 ?
>>>> isep1 : isepB))
>>>> isepOut = (isepOut == -1 ? isep1 : isepOut)
>>>> Sep1 sprintf "%c", isep1
>>>> Sep2 sprintf "%c", isep2
>>>> Sres = ""
>>>> ilen strlen Stray
>>>> iend = (iend == -1 ? ilen : iend) ;for simplifying
>>>> tests
>>>> later
>>>> istartsel = -1; startindex for any element
>>>> iel = -1; actual number of element while searching
>>>> iwarleer = 1; is this the start of a new element
>>>> indx = 0 ;character index
>>>> inewel = 0 ;new element to find
>>>> ;;LOOP
>>>> if ilen == 0 igoto end ;don't go into the loop if Stray is empty
>>>> loop:
>>>> Schar strsub Stray, indx, indx+1; this character
>>>> isep1p strcmp Schar, Sep1; returns 0 if Schar is sep1
>>>> isep2p strcmp Schar, Sep2; 0 if Schar is sep2
>>>> is_sep = (isep1p == 0 || isep2p == 0 ? 1 : 0) ;1 if
>>>> Schar is
>>>> a seperator
>>>> if indx == ilen && iwarleer == 0 then
>>>> Sel strsub Stray, istartsel, -1
>>>> inewel = 1
>>>> elseif is_sep == 0 && iwarleer == 1 then
>>>> istartsel = indx ;if so, set startindex
>>>> iwarleer = 0 ;reset info about previous separator
>>>> iel = iel+1 ;increment element count
>>>> elseif iwarleer == 0 && is_sep == 1 then
>>>> Sel strsub Stray, istartsel, indx ;get elment
>>>> inewel = 1 ;tell about
>>>> iwarleer = 1 ;reset info about previous separator
>>>> endif
>>>> if inewel == 1 && iel >= istart && iel < iend then ;for each new
>>>> element in range
>>>> Selsep sprintf "%c%s", isepOut, Sel ;prepend seperator
>>>> Sres strcat Sres, Selsep ;append to result
>>>> endif
>>>> inewel = 0
>>>> loop_le indx, 1, ilen, loop
>>>> end:
>>>> Sout strsub Sres, 1; remove starting seperator
>>>> xout Sout
>>>> endop
>>>> opcode StrayRmv, S, SSjjj
>>>> ;removes the elements in Scmp from Src, and returns the result
>>>> ;requires StrayLen and StrayMem
>>>> Src, Scmp, isepA, isepB, isepOut xin
>>>> isepA = (isepA == -1 ? 32 : isepA)
>>>> isepOut = (isepOut == -1 ? isepA : isepOut)
>>>> SepOut sprintf "%c", isepOut
>>>> Sres = ""
>>>> ilen StrayLen Src, isepA, isepB
>>>> indx = 0
>>>> loop:
>>>> Sel StrayGetEl Src, indx, isepA, isepB
>>>> ismem StrayElMem Scmp, Sel, isepA, isepB
>>>> if ismem == -1 then
>>>> Sadd sprintf "%s%s%s", Sres, SepOut, Sel
>>>> Sres strcpy Sadd
>>>> endif
>>>> loop_lt indx, 1, ilen, loop
>>>> Sout strsub Sres, 1
>>>> xout Sout
>>>> endop
>>>> opcode StrayRemDup, S, Sjj
>>>> ;removes duplicates in Stray and returns the result. elements are
>>>> defined by two seperators as ASCII coded characters: isep1
>>>> defaults to
>>>> 32 (= space), isep2 defaults to 9 (= tab). if just one seperator is
>>>> used, isep2 equals isep1.
>>>> ;requires the UDOs StrayLen and StrayGetEl
>>>> Stray, isepA, isepB xin
>>>> isep1 = (isepA == -1 ? 32 : isepA)
>>>> isep2 = (isepA == -1 && isepB == -1 ? 9 : (isepB ==
>>>> -1 ?
>>>> isep1 : isepB))
>>>> Sep1 sprintf "%c", isep1
>>>> Sep2 sprintf "%c", isep2
>>>> ilen1 StrayLen Stray, isep1, isep2
>>>> Sres = ""
>>>> if ilen1 == 0 igoto end1
>>>> indx1 = 0
>>>> loop1:
>>>> Sel StrayGetEl Stray, indx1, isep1, isep2; get element
>>>> ires = 0
>>>> ilen StrayLen Sres, isep1, isep2; length of Sres
>>>> if ilen == 0 igoto end
>>>> indx = 0
>>>> loop: ;iterate over length of Sres
>>>> Snext StrayGetEl Sres, indx, isep1, isep2
>>>> icomp strcmp Snext, Sel
>>>> if icomp == 0 then
>>>> ires = 1
>>>> igoto end
>>>> endif
>>>> loop_lt indx, 1, ilen, loop
>>>> end:
>>>> if ires == 0 then ;if element is not already in Sres, append
>>>> Sdran sprintf "%s%s", Sep1, Sel
>>>> Sres strcat Sres, Sdran
>>>> endif
>>>> loop_lt indx1, 1, ilen1, loop1
>>>> end1:
>>>> Sout strsub Sres, 1; remove starting sep1
>>>> xout Sout
>>>> endop
>>>> opcode Stray1Expr, i, S
>>>> ;returns a number from a binary math expression (without any
>>>> parentheses)
>>>> StrayEl xin
>>>> isum strindex StrayEl, "+"; sum
>>>> idif strindex StrayEl, "-"; difference
>>>> ipro strindex StrayEl, "*"; product
>>>> irat strindex StrayEl, "/"; ratio
>>>> ipow strindex StrayEl, "^"; power
>>>> imod strindex StrayEl, "%"; modulo
>>>> if ipow > 0 then
>>>> ifirst strindex StrayEl, "^"
>>>> S1 strsub StrayEl, 0, ifirst
>>>> S2 strsub StrayEl, ifirst+1
>>>> i1 strtod S1
>>>> i2 strtod S2
>>>> ires = i1 ^ i2
>>>> elseif imod > 0 then
>>>> ifirst strindex StrayEl, "%"
>>>> S1 strsub StrayEl, 0, ifirst
>>>> S2 strsub StrayEl, ifirst+1
>>>> i1 strtod S1
>>>> i2 strtod S2
>>>> ires = i1 % i2
>>>> elseif ipro > 0 then
>>>> ifirst strindex StrayEl, "*"
>>>> S1 strsub StrayEl, 0, ifirst
>>>> S2 strsub StrayEl, ifirst+1
>>>> i1 strtod S1
>>>> i2 strtod S2
>>>> ires = i1 * i2
>>>> elseif irat > 0 then
>>>> ifirst strindex StrayEl, "/"
>>>> S1 strsub StrayEl, 0, ifirst
>>>> S2 strsub StrayEl, ifirst+1
>>>> i1 strtod S1
>>>> i2 strtod S2
>>>> ires = i1 / i2
>>>> elseif isum > 0 then
>>>> ifirst strindex StrayEl, "+"
>>>> S1 strsub StrayEl, 0, ifirst
>>>> S2 strsub StrayEl, ifirst+1
>>>> i1 strtod S1
>>>> i2 strtod S2
>>>> ires = i1 + i2
>>>> elseif idif > -1 then
>>>> ifirst strrindex StrayEl, "-";(last occurrence: -3-4 is
>>>> possible,
>>>> but not 3--4)
>>>> S1 strsub StrayEl, 0, ifirst
>>>> S2 strsub StrayEl, ifirst+1
>>>> iS1len strlen S1
>>>> if iS1len == 0 then ;just a negative number
>>>> inum strtod S2
>>>> ires = -inum
>>>> else
>>>> ifirst strtod S1
>>>> isec strtod S2
>>>> ires = ifirst - isec
>>>> endif
>>>> else
>>>> ires strtod StrayEl
>>>> endif
>>>> xout ires
>>>> endop
>>>> opcode StrayExpr, i, S
>>>> ;parses one numerical expression (just one parenthesis allowed) and
>>>> returns its result
>>>> Sin xin
>>>> ilen strlen Sin
>>>> ;if a parenthesis can be found
>>>> iparenth strindex Sin, "("
>>>> if iparenth > -1 then
>>>> ;if in first half
>>>> if iparenth == 0 then
>>>> ;then first element ends in ")"
>>>> iprend strindex Sin, ")"
>>>> S1 strsub Sin, 1, iprend
>>>> ;convert this element into a number
>>>> i1 Stray1Expr S1
>>>> ;append the rest and convert again
>>>> S2 strsub Sin, iprend+2
>>>> Sep strsub Sin, iprend+1, iprend+2
>>>> Scoll sprintf "%f%s%s", i1, Sep, S2
>>>> ires Stray1Expr Scoll
>>>> ;if the parenthesis in in the second half
>>>> else
>>>> ;isolate first element and the conjunction
>>>> S1 strsub Sin, 0, iparenth-1
>>>> Sep strsub Sin, iparenth-1, iparenth
>>>> ;convert the second element
>>>> S2 strsub Sin, iparenth+1, ilen-1
>>>> i2 Stray1Expr S2
>>>> ;if subtraction and i2 negative, convert to addition
>>>> isepminus strcmp Sep, "-"
>>>> if i2 < 0 && isepminus == 0 then
>>>> i2 = i2 * (-1)
>>>> Sep = "+"
>>>> endif
>>>> ;convert the whole
>>>> Scoll sprintf "%s%s%f", S1, Sep, i2
>>>> ires Stray1Expr Scoll
>>>> endif
>>>> ;if no parenthesis, simply convert
>>>> else
>>>> ires Stray1Expr Sin
>>>> endif
>>>> xout ires
>>>> endop
>>>> opcode StrayNumToFt, ii, Sojj
>>>> ;puts all numbers in Stray (which must not contain non-numerical
>>>> elements) in a function table and returns its variable ift (which
>>>> is
>>>> produced by iftno, default=0) and the length of the elements
>>>> written
>>>> iftlen. (an empty string as input writes a function table of
>>>> size=1 to
>>>> avoid an error but returns 0 as length of elements written.) simple
>>>> binary math expressions like +, -, *, /, ^ and % are allowed,
>>>> with just
>>>> one parenthesis in total.
>>>> ;elements are defined by two seperators as ASCII coded characters:
>>>> isep1 defaults to 32 (= space), isep2 defaults to 9 (= tab). if
>>>> just
>>>> one seperator is used, isep2 equals isep1.
>>>> ;requires csound 5.15 or higher, and the UDOs StrayLen,
>>>> Stray1Expr and
>>>> StrayExpr
>>>> Stray, iftno, isepA, isepB xin
>>>> isep1 = (isepA == -1 ? 32 : isepA)
>>>> isep2 = (isepA == -1 && isepB == -1 ? 9 : (isepB ==
>>>> -1 ?
>>>> isep1 : isepB))
>>>> Sep1 sprintf "%c", isep1
>>>> Sep2 sprintf "%c", isep2
>>>> iftlen StrayLen Stray, isep1, isep2
>>>> if iftlen == 0 then
>>>> prints "WARNING! StrayNumToFt got empty string as
>>>> input.
>>>> Function table with length=1 created, but iftlen=0
>>>> returned.\n"
>>>> iftl = 1
>>>> else
>>>> iftl = iftlen
>>>> endif
>>>> ift ftgen iftno, 0, -iftl, -2, 0
>>>> ilen strlen Stray
>>>> istartsel = -1; startindex for searched element
>>>> iel = -1; number of element in Stray and ift
>>>> iwarleer = 1; is this the start of a new element
>>>> indx = 0 ;character index
>>>> inewel = 0 ;new element to find
>>>> ;;LOOP
>>>> if ilen == 0 igoto end ;don't go into the loop if Stray is empty
>>>> loop:
>>>> Schar strsub Stray, indx, indx+1; this character
>>>> isep1p strcmp Schar, Sep1; returns 0 if Schar is sep1
>>>> isep2p strcmp Schar, Sep2; 0 if Schar is sep2
>>>> is_sep = (isep1p == 0 || isep2p == 0 ? 1 : 0) ;1 if
>>>> Schar is
>>>> a seperator
>>>> if indx == ilen && iwarleer == 0 then
>>>> Sel strsub Stray, istartsel, -1
>>>> inewel = 1
>>>> elseif is_sep == 0 && iwarleer == 1 then
>>>> istartsel = indx ;if so, set startindex
>>>> iwarleer = 0 ;reset info about previous separator
>>>> iel = iel+1 ;increment element count
>>>> elseif iwarleer == 0 && is_sep == 1 then
>>>> Sel strsub Stray, istartsel, indx ;get element
>>>> inewel = 1 ;tell about
>>>> iwarleer = 1 ;reset info about previous separator
>>>> endif
>>>> if inewel == 1 then
>>>> inum StrayExpr Sel ;convert expression to number
>>>> tabw_i inum, iel, ift ;write to ift
>>>> endif
>>>> inewel = 0
>>>> loop_le indx, 1, ilen, loop
>>>> end:
>>>> xout ift, iftlen
>>>> endop
>>>> opcode TbDmpSmpS, 0, iiSo
>>>> ;prints the content of a table in a simple way, with an additional
>>>> string as 'introduction'
>>>> ifn, iprec, String, ippr xin; function table, float precision while
>>>> printing, String, parameters per row (maximum = 32)
>>>> ippr = (ippr == 0 ? 10 : ippr)
>>>> iend = ftlen(ifn)
>>>> indx = 0
>>>> Sformat sprintf "%%.%df, ", iprec
>>>> Sdump sprintf "%s[", String
>>>> loop:
>>>> ival tab_i indx, ifn
>>>> Snew sprintf Sformat, ival
>>>> Sdump strcat Sdump, Snew
>>>> imod = (indx+1) % ippr
>>>> if imod == 0 && indx != iend-1 then
>>>> puts Sdump, 1
>>>> Sdump = ""
>>>> endif
>>>> loop_lt indx, 1, iend, loop
>>>> ilen strlen Sdump
>>>> Slast strsub Sdump, 0, ilen-2
>>>> printf_i "%s]\n", 1, Slast
>>>> endop
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