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[Csnd] Re: Re: Various Reverb CPU Usages (real time)

Date2008-06-08 23:46
Frommark jamerson
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Various Reverb CPU Usages (real time)
This is all very useful information. I'm curious to see this sort of data using babo reverb, comparing moving and stationary.  That is my favored reverb sound.  

----- Original Message ----
From: Art Hunkins 
To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
Sent: Sunday, June 8, 2008 4:08:50 PM
Subject: [Csnd] Re: Various Reverb CPU Usages (real time)

I ran a further test: to compare CPU usage (with 16 identical voices) for a 
global reverb vs. one reverb per instrument.

Results - CPU usage with reverbs per instrument, using otherwise the same 
setup as previously:
reverbsc: 65 (vs. 11 with global reverb)
reverb (2 units): 29 (vs. 10 with global reverb)

Conclusion: Whatever else you do, in a realtime situation, make reverb 

Two baseline observations confirm this conclusion. Keeping the same 
instruments except for the reverbs (I kept locsit, locsend and denorm), 
these CPU usages were seen:
One-voice baseline: 3.5
16-voice baseline: 10

Further conclusion: In single voices, the presence of reverb has a 
significant effect on CPU usage. In multiple voices *with global reverb*, 
the increase in CPU usage is insignificant. The most telling example from my 
tests regards 16 voices with/without reverbsc:
Baseline 16-voice (no reverb): 10
16-voice global reverb (reverbsc): 11
16-voice with individual reverbs (reverbsc): 65 !!

Final observation: The fewer reverbs in individual instruments, the less the 
CPU percentage. With larger numbers of instruments, the particular reverb 
opcode you use is insignificant - as long as the reverb is global.

Art Hunkins

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Art Hunkins" 
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2008 2:03 PM
Subject: Various Reverb CPU Usages (real time)

>I have just run comparative CPU usage tests on the various reverb opcodes 
>in a stereo setting. The opcodes tested were: reverbsc, freeverb, reverb (2 
>units required) and nreverb (2 units as well).
> The test orchestra consisted of a simple (vco2) oscillator, stereo locsig, 
> locsend and denorm. Tests with a single voice had the reverb within the 
> instrument. Tests were also run with 16 identical instruments running 
> simultaneously, but with a global reverb accumulator into a separate 
> reverb instrument.
> In WinXP (and additional applications minimized), average single voice CPU 
> usage (percentage):
> reverbsc: 7
> freeverb: 6
> reverb (2 units): 4.5
> nreverb (2 units): 5.5
> with 16 voices:
> reverbsc: 11
> freeverb: 11
> reverb (2): 10
> nreverb (2): 11
> My conclusion: The particular reverb opcode chosen makes little to no 
> difference in any but the simplest settings. Use the best quality 
> available (which IMO is reverbsc).
> So, I'll be using reverbsc even for OPLC. (I like reverbsc's ability to 
> randomize reflection time; this makes the reverb sonority less 
> smooth/regular, which helps with sustained tones.)
> Would anyone make a different choice?
> Art Hunkins 

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