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[Csnd] Re: My brain is on holiday..

Date2008-06-23 19:08
Subject[Csnd] Re: My brain is on holiday..
instr 1
ifn = 1
istart = p4
idur = ftlen(ifn)/sr
ipos = istart/idur
a1 phasor  1/idur, ipos
asig tab a1, ifn, 1
       out asig

f1 is your soundfile table (deferred alloc) and p4 is the start time.
Not tested, but should work


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "jpff" 
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 5:53 PM
Subject: [Csnd] My brain is on holiday..

>I want an instrument that can play a section from a soundfile starting
> at an arbitrary point (as a parameter) for some time.  At present I
> am using diskin2 which is clearly stupid as i am reading the same two
> files hundreds of times.  There must be a simpler way!  I tried to use
> table but I could not work out how to do it.  There is no sr change
> and no interpolation needed, but I am out of ideas.  There must be a
> simpler way than me writing a new opcode in C.
>  Please help a tired mind.  I get so little time to compose and this
> is really holding me up!
> ==John ffitch
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