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[Csnd] My brain is on holiday..

Date2008-06-23 17:53
Subject[Csnd] My brain is on holiday..
I want an instrument that can play a section from a soundfile starting
at an arbitrary point (as a parameter) for some time.  At present I
am using diskin2 which is clearly stupid as i am reading the same two
files hundreds of times.  There must be a simpler way!  I tried to use
table but I could not work out how to do it.  There is no sr change
and no interpolation needed, but I am out of ideas.  There must be a
simpler way than me writing a new opcode in C.
  Please help a tired mind.  I get so little time to compose and this
is really holding me up!
==John ffitch

Date2008-06-23 19:14
FromJulian Peterson
Subject[Csnd] Re: My brain is on holiday..
Perhaps I am misunderstanding the question, but if you have loaded the  
soundfile as a table, then reading an arbitrary segment out of the  
table would be fairly straightforward:

instr 1
	; p3 = duration, in seconds
	; p4 = starting point in file, in seconds
	; p5 = transposition, where 1 is normal, 2 is one octave higher, etc.
	; p6 = table N
	adur line p4,p3,p4+(p3*p5) ; gives position in seconds
	adur = adur*sr ; convert to samples
	asnd table adur,p6,0 ; read from table

On Jun 23, 2008, at 9:53 AM, jpff wrote:

> I want an instrument that can play a section from a soundfile starting
> at an arbitrary point (as a parameter) for some time.  At present I
> am using diskin2 which is clearly stupid as i am reading the same two
> files hundreds of times.  There must be a simpler way!  I tried to use
> table but I could not work out how to do it.  There is no sr change
> and no interpolation needed, but I am out of ideas.  There must be a
> simpler way than me writing a new opcode in C.
>  Please help a tired mind.  I get so little time to compose and this
> is really holding me up!
> ==John ffitch
> Send bugs reports to this list.
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body  
> "unsubscribe csound"

Date2008-06-23 19:59
Frompeiman khosravi
Subject[Csnd] Re: My brain is on holiday..
How about using tablexkt? The manual example is working for me. I'm actually using tablexkt and tablexkt for the same reason, maybe there is a better way (anyone!?).

I set ilpsilpe and imode (of lphasor) to zero to turn off looping, and use istrt to indicate starting point of the playback. Bellow is my modification of the manual example.  


; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
; Audio out   Audio in
-odac           -iadc     ;;;RT audio I/O
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o tablexkt.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform

;Example by Jonathan Murphy

  sr    =  44100
  ksmps    =  10
  nchnls    =  1

 instr 1

  iskip     =  1 ; skip in seconds
  ipitch    = 1 ; transposition factor

  ifn         =  1    ; query f1 as to number of samples
  ilen    =  nsamp(ifn)
  itrns    =  ipitch   ; transpose up 4 octaves
  ilps    =  0  ; loop start
  ilpe    =  0  ; loop end
  imode    =  0  ; looping off
  istrt    =  iskip*sr  ; start position 

  alphs    lphasor   itrns, ilps, ilpe, imode, istrt
; use lphasor as index
  andx    =  alphs

  kfn    =  1   ; read f1
  kwarp    =  ipitch ; anti-aliasing, should be same value as itrns above
  iwsize    =  32  ; iwsize must be at least 8 * kwarp

  atab    tablexkt  andx, kfn, kwarp, iwsize
  atab    =  atab * 10000

   out      atab



f 1 0 262144 1 "beats.wav" 0 4 1
i1 0 4


On 23 Jun 2008, at 17:53, jpff wrote:

I want an instrument that can play a section from a soundfile starting
at an arbitrary point (as a parameter) for some time.  At present I
am using diskin2 which is clearly stupid as i am reading the same two
files hundreds of times.  There must be a simpler way!  I tried to use
table but I could not work out how to do it.  There is no sr change
and no interpolation needed, but I am out of ideas.  There must be a
simpler way than me writing a new opcode in C.
  Please help a tired mind.  I get so little time to compose and this
is really holding me up!
==John ffitch

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Date2008-06-26 21:22
FromLou Cohen
Subject[Csnd] Re: My brain is on holiday..
Re: [Csnd] My brain is on holiday.. How about GEN01 to put the file into a table.

Then use OSCIL or a variant, choosing the correct amp and cps by trial and error. To start the file at specific place, use iphs (phase.) I guess you could stop playing by limiting play to a certain amount of time.

Since iphs has to be an init value, you can use my favorite trick: calculate the desired value for iphs (it will be a k-value), then invoke an instrument, using “event” and pass the k-valued phase to the instrument as a parameter, thus transforming it into an i-value.

I hope this helps. It would be the first time I’ve ever been able to return the favor!

-Lou Cohen

On 6/23/08 12:53, "    jpff" <jpff@cs.bath.ac.uk> wrote:

I want an instrument that can play a section from a soundfile starting
at an arbitrary point (as a parameter) for some time.  At present I
am using diskin2 which is clearly stupid as i am reading the same two
files hundreds of times.  There must be a simpler way!  I tried to use
table but I could not work out how to do it.  There is no sr change
and no interpolation needed, but I am out of ideas.  There must be a
simpler way than me writing a new opcode in C.
  Please help a tired mind.  I get so little time to compose and this
is really holding me up!
==John ffitch

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