| You will need to keep Csound running waiting for
MIDI input. This is done by using a f0 score
But this should be also mentioned elsewhere
(under MIDI) in the manual.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Aikin"
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 10:55 PM
Subject: [Csnd] Re al-Time MIDI Input
> I'm attempting to get real-time MIDI input to Csound in Windows, and it's
> not
> working.
> As noted in earlier threads, I'm working on a magazine article on Csound,
> and I'd love to be able to report that I actually got it working. I've
> pretty much given up on CsoundVST, which as far as I can see simply
> doesn't
> work in my computer, but I'm still hopeful about stand-alone real-time
> operation.
> The page on "Real-time MIDI Support" in the manual is not helpful. It
> immediately tosses in several items that I don't understand.
> Michael Gogins's tutorial has a clearly written section on real-time MIDI
> in
> Windows, but the instructions in that section don't work for me. I've
> loaded
> the .csd he recommends (CsoundVST-nomixer.csd), added the code he suggests
> in the tutorial, and, after a bit of wrangling, managed to get my MIDI
> input
> port configured correctly. (I happen to need to use port 9, not 0, which
> meant I had to edit the .csd a bit more.)
> But when I hit the play button in the Csound5gui, "playback" starts and
> stops immediately, without waiting for any MIDI notes to arrive.
> What am I doing wrong? Suggestions would be welcome.
> --Jim Aikin
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://www.nabble.com/Real-Time-MIDI-Input-tp17657585p17657585.html
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