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[Csnd] [Announce] WinXound 3.1.0 released

Date2008-06-01 19:20
From"Stefano Bonetti"
Subject[Csnd] [Announce] WinXound 3.1.0 released

Hi All,
a new version of WinXound.Net (3.1.0) is now ready for download at:


- New: Built-in CSound Utilities GUI (Atsa, Cvanal, Hetro, Lpanal, Pvanal, SndInfo);
- New: Built-in sound file player (when compile it immediately plays the sound file last written by csound);
- New: Keyboard shortcuts to switch between tabs (Ctrl + 8, 9, 0);
- New: Added ability to set the highlighted syntax text to 'Bold' and 'Italic' styles;
- Improved csound output errors support;
- Fixed: Shortcuts menu issue (Alt key);
- Fixed: WinXound doesn't remember the cursor position when switching back and forth to other programs;
- Fixed: When working with splitted editor view, FindAndReplace tool doesn't change to the right focused text;
- Fixed: When working with splitted editor view, Udo Insertion tool doesn't change to the right focused text;
- Opcode Syntax Highlight and online help updated to CSound Version 5.08;
- Various minor bugs fixed;

This message has been posted also on www.csounds.com
