| I will test it with Cantabile, if I can. I don't have Live. CsoundVST works for me in Cubase and VSTHost.
You could try the newer version at:
after installation Csound 5.0.8.
-----Original Message-----
>From: rasputin
>Sent: Jun 12, 2008 5:10 PM
>To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>Subject: [Csnd] Re: Using CsoundVST in Cubase (or Live or Cantabile)
>In live 7.0.7, CsoundVST (from the v5.07 double install) appears as a VST
>plugin. I can load it into a MIDI track. Selecting the Plug-in Edit button
>brings up Csound5GUI. (which reports 5.06 when you click its About button).
>But if I load an orc and a sco and press Perform, Live crashes with the
>"we're sorry for the inconvenience" dialog.
>I use an extremely lightweight host called Cantabile to test VSTs. If I load
>CsoundVST into it, an a simple orc/sco and hit Perform I get the same error.
>At this point I am sort of stuck.
>Jim Aikin wrote:
>> Here are two more data points.
>> Ableton Live 7.01 doesn't show CsoundVST.dll in the VSTplugins folder,
>> even after I click the Rescan button in Live's Preferences box.
>> FL Studio 8.01 _does_ show CsoundVST in the VST plug-ins list, and will
>> allow me to try to instantiate it, but I thereupon get an error message
>> that says, "The procedure entry point
>> _ZThn12_NK8CppSound22getOutputSoundfileNameEv could not be located in the
>> dynamic link library csnd.dll."
>> --Jim Aikin
>View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Using-CsoundVST-in-Cubase-tp17444141p17785050.html
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