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[Csnd] csound for iOS

Date2014-04-28 16:11
FromAnthony Palomba
Subject[Csnd] csound for iOS
Hey guys,

Not sure if anyone has seen this announcement yet...
"Developer Jason Timm has released Csound for iPad – an editor/player utility for the Csound music programming language."


I am very excited! I am curious to know if it will run on later iOS hardware.
I was also wondering if Dr. B will still be releasing his version soon.


Date2014-04-28 19:17
FromJacques Leplat
SubjectRe: [Csnd] csound for iOS
works great! ios 7.1.1


On 28 Apr 2014, at 16:11, Anthony Palomba <apalomba@austin.rr.com> wrote:

Hey guys,

Not sure if anyone has seen this announcement yet...
"Developer Jason Timm has released Csound for iPad – an editor/player utility for the Csound music programming language."


I am very excited! I am curious to know if it will run on later iOS hardware.
I was also wondering if Dr. B will still be releasing his version soon.
