| Hi just continuing from a recent post here
Im just trying to understand what I need to do to run csound in an efficient
way with minimal dependencies I guess?
@jpff suggests some source file links but I realise I'm unsure if thats what
I need or to do or want to be doing ....
Bascially with c programming (of which Im still fresh to) in the case of my
raspberry pi a gcc compiler was already installed and I could run c files in
the terminal after using the command 'make'. Can Csound work in the same
way, and if so how? I wanted the most basic version I could get as Im going
to mostly be focusing on real time sampling and modulation. Is csound
essentially C with more dependencies? Rather could I build what I need just
in C for DSP?
Just needed some more enlightenment really on what the possibilities are,
still new Im afraid.
Thank you very much for reading
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