| Hi All,
I did a test FFI interface for the Csound API using Racket (a dialect
of Scheme). I was very pleasantly surprised as it was not too
difficult to do. The test files are available at:
And the code for the example is:
#lang racket
(require "cs6ffi.rkt")
(define cs (csound-create))
(define args '("csound" "test1.csd"))
(csound-compile cs args)
(csound-perform cs)
(csound-stop cs)
I'll plan to continue to translate examples as time permits. If others
would like to do the translation, please contact me and I'll move on
to other things.
I think it'd be great if examples were translated using the Lisp FFI
Michael wrote, and I think having one for Guile would also be very
good. (Haskell would be fantastic too!)
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