| Thanks for that. By osc I assume you mean the OpenSoundControl opcodes?
That could be a very handy way to do it more directly and still retain control over Ableton etc via osc.
Thankfully the network distance for this project is very short, but this won't always be the case in future versions. Are there any opcodes that use TCP? Latency and slowdown aren't that much of a concern at present.
Dominic On Thursday, April 17, 2014, Justin Smith < noisesmith@gmail.com> wrote:
The osc opcodes use UDP, so if both machines have the right ports open that should work. As with anything else using UDP, it gets less and less reliable with greater network distance (as compared to TCP which stays reliable and slows down more).
On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 6:53 AM, Dominic Melville <dcamelville@gmail.com> wrote:
Is there any network link up possibilities yet? Eg. Users on two different machines/locations can interact via the Csound notebook? Or am I way jumping ahead here?
Only asking as I'm developing a networked performance at the moment and the interface to use Csound is a bit convoluted! Basically using the Csound~ object in max4live and the live.udpsend and receive objects.
If there's a more direct way to push Csound data across a network id love to hear it. I thought Pancl could possibly work somehow but not had the chance to look properly into it yet. Actually I'm gonna change this to OT as I'm digressing a bit.
Dominic On Thursday, April 17, 2014, Steven Yi < stevenyi@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi All,
Thanks for the feedback! I think there's still a lot to do, but it
seems like a nice start and hopefully enough is there to start getting
some ideas on ways to improve it all. I would love to see this grow
to be usable for education purposes, as well as general sound art
Anthony: I don't believe Chrome on iOS supports pNaCl at this time.
One of the things I'd like to see is adding support for both pNaCl and
Emscripten Csound builds. The idea would be then to use pNaCl if
available, and fall back to Emscripten otherwise. The Emscripten
build certainly needs a lot more attention, and in general there are
limitations just due to it using WebAudio. On the other hand, it at
least does run on most mobile browsers as I think they're all
supporting WebAudio these days. Ed and I were just chatting over
email about doing a new Emscripten Csound build with the newer
toolchain, though it looks like there might be some issues there.
Something to work through.
Also to note, I am pondering open sourcing the whole notebook server.
I am curious: are there members of the community who are Rails and/or
AngularJS developers who are interested to contribute to this project?
I'd have to do some research on what's the best way to ensure no
private data (i.e. db passwords, server credentials, etc.) is checked
in. (Looking at Figaro at the moment). I don't know if I could
develop this alone and be able to move it forward at the pace I'd like
to see, so making it a community project might be the way forward.
On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 8:54 AM, Anthony Palomba <apalomba@austin.rr.com> wrote:
> Hey Steven,
> Will CSound NoteBook work with Chrome on iOS?
> Anthony
> On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 12:28 AM, Jim Aikin <midiguru23@sbcglobal.net>
> wrote:
>> I was a little confused at first. Forrest, have you tried this?
>> 1) Click Play.
>> 2) Select the entire instr code and click Evaluate.
>> 3) Select the entire orc code and click Evaluate.
>> That works for me (in Chrome in Windows 7.) It's a bit counter-intuitive,
>> because clicking Play by itself does nothing. That just starts the Csound
>> engine -- it doesn't seem to actually compile and execute any code. That
>> seems to happen when you evaluate the code.
>> If I'm correct in my analysis of this, perhaps "Play" is a confusing
>> label.
>> Perhaps it should say "Activate" or "Run." Just a thought.
>> --
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>> http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/Csound-Notebook-tp5734285p5734290.html
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