| No noise here, I’m using Csound from yesterday’s sources, your code produces a clear output (see attached)
Dr Victor Lazzarini
Senior Lecturer
NUI Maynooth, Ireland
victor dot lazzarini at nuim dot ie
On 8 Apr 2014, at 16:42, vallste@libero.it wrote:
> I'm still confused since all I can obtain is a variable degree of noise (even
> with an oscillator with a sinewave of 32768 points).
> Depending on the input sound volume things get a little better , for example
> replacing the diskin2 with this (0dbfs = 1 in the header):
> asound oscili .05, 440, 1
> makes things a little bit intellegible but there is still a huge noise
> component in the output sound.
>> ----Messaggio originale----
>> Da: Victor.Lazzarini@nuim.ie
>> Data: 08/04/2014 12.00
>> A:
>> Ogg: Re: [Csnd] Porting Guitarix tube preamp models to Csound?
>> I’m actually using the code that you posted, just replacing the input file
> with something I have here.
>> ========================
>> Dr Victor Lazzarini
>> Senior Lecturer
>> NUI Maynooth, Ireland
>> victor dot lazzarini at nuim dot ie
>> On 8 Apr 2014, at 10:40, vallste@libero.it wrote:
>>> Could you please post the udo code you have? I'm not getting the same
> results.
>>> Stefano
>>>> ----Messaggio originale----
>>>> Da: Victor.Lazzarini@nuim.ie
>>>> Data: 08/04/2014 10.38
>>>> A:
>>>> Ogg: Re: [Csnd] Porting Guitarix tube preamp models to Csound?
>>>> I just ran your code here and I am not getting noise at the UDO output.
>>>> There is no distortion either, the output is generally clean.
>>>> ========================
>>>> Dr Victor Lazzarini
>>>> Senior Lecturer
>>>> NUI Maynooth, Ireland
>>>> victor dot lazzarini at nuim dot ie
>>>> On 7 Apr 2014, at 20:42, vallste@libero.it wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Victor, it's sill not working as expected but at least the code
>>> looks
>>>>> better eh eh eh
>>>>> Stefano
>>>>>> ----Messaggio originale----
>>>>>> Da: Victor.Lazzarini@nuim.ie
>>>>>> Data: 07/04/2014 21.32
>>>>>> A:
>>>>>> Ogg: Re: [Csnd] Porting Guitarix tube preamp models to Csound?
>>>>>> Other areas that can be simplified:
>>>>>> Instead of implementing linear interpolation in the code, you can just
> use
>>> a
>>>>> linear
>>>>>> interp table reader, tabiei (in csound6 it accepts non-pow-of-two
>>> tables).
>>>>>> All of these lines
>>>>>> ki = int(af)
>>>>>> if ki < 0 then
>>>>>> aFtube tab 0, itableValve
>>>>>> elseif ki >= itabsize then
>>>>>> aFtube tab itabsize - 1, itableValve
>>>>>> else
>>>>>> af = af - ki
>>>>>> kreadT1 tab ki, itableValve
>>>>>> kreadT2 tab ki + 1, itableValve
>>>>>> aFtube = kreadT1 * (1 - af) + kreadT2 * af
>>>>>> endif
>>>>>> get replaced by a single line
>>>>>> aFtube tablei af, itableValve
>>>>>> Victor
>>>>>> On 7 Apr 2014, at 20:16, vallste@libero.it wrote:
>>>>>>> Yes, I was trying this but unfortunately it's still a noise generator.
>>>>>>>> ----Messaggio originale----
>>>>>>>> Da: Victor.Lazzarini@nuim.ie
>>>>>>>> Data: 07/04/2014 21.10
>>>>>>>> A:
>>>>>>>> Ogg: Re: [Csnd] Porting Guitarix tube preamp models to Csound?
>>>>>>>> In other words, removing the delayr/w, we can have
>>>>>>>> aFtubeOld init 0
>>>>>>>> aIn_Ftube = aFtubeOld + aIn_tube - kVk0
>>>>>>>> ;
>>>>>>>> ;itableValve;see table .cc
>>>>>>>> ;ktablow see table .cc for the valve type
>>>>>>>> ;ktabhigh see table .cc for the valve type
>>>>>>>> ;ktabistep see table .cc for the valve type
>>>>>>>> ;itabsize len of the table see table .cc for the valve type
>>>>>>>> aVgk = aIn_Ftube
>>>>>>>> af = (aVgk - ktablow) * ktabistep
>>>>>>>> ki = int(af)
>>>>>>>> if ki < 0 then
>>>>>>>> aFtube tab 0, itableValve
>>>>>>>> elseif ki >= itabsize then
>>>>>>>> aFtube tab itabsize - 1, itableValve
>>>>>>>> else
>>>>>>>> af = af - ki
>>>>>>>> kreadT1 tab ki, itableValve
>>>>>>>> kreadT2 tab ki + 1, itableValve
>>>>>>>> aFtube = kreadT1 * (1 - af) + kreadT2 * af
>>>>>>>> endif
>>>>>>>> ;
>>>>>>>> aFtubeOut = (aFtube + aVkC - kvplus)
>>>>>>>> aFtubeOld butlp aFtubeOut * kRk/kRp, kfck
>>>>>>>> On 7 Apr 2014, at 20:04, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>>>>>>>>> why the delay line? If it's a 1-sample delay you want to do, it's a
>>> bit
>>>>>>> cumbersome to use it for that.
>>>>>>>>> It's simpler to do this (ksmps = 1), for example for a 1st order
> filter
>>>>>>>>> adel init 0
>>>>>>>>> ay = ain*ia + adel*ib
>>>>>>>>> adel = ay
>>>>>>>>> adel is a 1-sample feedback delay.
>>>>>>>>> On 7 Apr 2014, at 18:07, vallste@libero.it wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>> I'm trying to port Gutarix tubes emulations to Csound ( I know that
>>> is
>>>>>>> possible to export as csound plugins but want to try the long way).
>>>>>>>>>> Under Faust sources there are the examples
>>>>>>>>>> http://sourceforge.
>>>>> net/p/faudiostream/code/ci/master/tree/examples/faust-
>>>>>>> tubes/
>>>>>>>>>> and data used for transfer functions for each tube model (files
> valve.
>>>>> h,
>>>>>>> tube.lib, preamp.dsp, and .cc files for tubes).
>>>>>>>>>> Attached here is my tentative udo (plus a couple tube emulations
>>>>> transfer
>>>>>>> funcions used by gen23) and a file to test it but everything I can
>>> obtain
>>>>> is a
>>>>>>> nice noise generator with only one stage of amplification, go figure
>>> what
>>>>>>> happen if you add more than one...Suspect that there is a problem on
> how
>>> I
>>>>>>> implemented recursion with delayw/r.
>>>>>>>>>> Anyone would like to give a look to the code to see what I'm doing
>>>>> wrong?
>>>>>>>>>> I've put output to disk in the tubetest.csd to avoid bad surpises
> to
>>>>> the
>>>>>>> speakers.
>>>>>>>>>> Bye
>>>>>>>>>> Stefano
>>>>>>>>>> <12ax7_250k.inc><12ax7_68k.inc><12at7_250k.
>>>>>>> inc><12at7_68k.inc>
>>>>>>>>> Dr Victor Lazzarini
>>>>>>>>> Senior Lecturer
>>>>>>>>> Dept. of Music
>>>>>>>>> NUI Maynooth Ireland
>>>>>>>>> tel.: +353 1 708 3545
>>>>>>>>> Victor dot Lazzarini AT nuim dot ie
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>>>>>>>> Dr Victor Lazzarini
>>>>>>>> Senior Lecturer
>>>>>>>> Dept. of Music
>>>>>>>> NUI Maynooth Ireland
>>>>>>>> tel.: +353 1 708 3545
>>>>>>>> Victor dot Lazzarini AT nuim dot ie
>>>>>>>> Send bugs reports to
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>>>>>> Dr Victor Lazzarini
>>>>>> Senior Lecturer
>>>>>> Dept. of Music
>>>>>> NUI Maynooth Ireland
>>>>>> tel.: +353 1 708 3545
>>>>>> Victor dot Lazzarini AT nuim dot ie
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