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R: Re: [Csnd] Porting Guitarix tube preamp models to Csound?

Date2014-04-08 16:42
SubjectR: Re: [Csnd] Porting Guitarix tube preamp models to Csound?
I'm still confused since all I can obtain is a variable degree of noise (even 
with an oscillator with a sinewave of  32768 points). 
Depending on the input sound volume things get a little better , for example 
replacing the diskin2 with this (0dbfs  = 1 in the header):
asound oscili .05, 440, 1
makes things a little bit intellegible but there is still a huge noise 
component in the output sound.

>----Messaggio originale----
>Da: Victor.Lazzarini@nuim.ie
>Data: 08/04/2014 12.00
>Ogg: Re: [Csnd] Porting Guitarix tube preamp models to Csound?
>I’m actually using the code that you posted, just replacing the input file 
with something I have here.
>Dr Victor Lazzarini
>Senior Lecturer
>NUI Maynooth, Ireland
>victor dot lazzarini at nuim dot ie
>On 8 Apr 2014, at 10:40, vallste@libero.it wrote:
>> Could you please post the udo code you have? I'm not getting the same 
>> Stefano
>>> ----Messaggio originale----
>>> Da: Victor.Lazzarini@nuim.ie
>>> Data: 08/04/2014 10.38
>>> A: 
>>> Ogg: Re: [Csnd] Porting Guitarix tube preamp models to Csound?
>>> I just ran your code here and I am not getting noise at the UDO output. 
>>> There is no distortion either, the output is generally clean.
>>> ========================
>>> Dr Victor Lazzarini
>>> Senior Lecturer
>>> NUI Maynooth, Ireland
>>> victor dot lazzarini at nuim dot ie
>>> On 7 Apr 2014, at 20:42, vallste@libero.it wrote:
>>>> Thanks Victor, it's sill not working as expected but at least the code 
>> looks 
>>>> better eh eh eh 
>>>> Stefano
>>>>> ----Messaggio originale----
>>>>> Da: Victor.Lazzarini@nuim.ie
>>>>> Data: 07/04/2014 21.32
>>>>> A: 
>>>>> Ogg: Re: [Csnd] Porting Guitarix tube preamp models to Csound?
>>>>> Other areas that can be simplified:
>>>>> Instead of implementing linear interpolation in the code, you can just 
>> a 
>>>> linear
>>>>> interp table reader, tabiei (in csound6  it accepts non-pow-of-two 
>> tables). 
>>>>> All of these lines 
>>>>> 				ki = int(af)
>>>>> 				if ki < 0 then
>>>>> 					aFtube tab 0, itableValve
>>>>> 				elseif ki >= itabsize then
>>>>> 					aFtube tab itabsize - 1, itableValve
>>>>> 				else
>>>>> 					af = af - ki
>>>>> 					kreadT1 tab ki, itableValve
>>>>> 					kreadT2 tab ki + 1, itableValve
>>>>> 					aFtube = kreadT1 * (1 - af) + kreadT2 * af
>>>>> 				endif
>>>>> get replaced by a single line
>>>>> aFtube tablei af, itableValve
>>>>> Victor
>>>>> On 7 Apr 2014, at 20:16, vallste@libero.it wrote:
>>>>>> Yes, I was trying this but unfortunately it's still a noise generator.
>>>>>>> ----Messaggio originale----
>>>>>>> Da: Victor.Lazzarini@nuim.ie
>>>>>>> Data: 07/04/2014 21.10
>>>>>>> A: 
>>>>>>> Ogg: Re: [Csnd] Porting Guitarix tube preamp models to Csound?
>>>>>>> In other words, removing the delayr/w,  we can have
>>>>>>> 			aFtubeOld init 0
>>>>>>> 			aIn_Ftube = aFtubeOld + aIn_tube - kVk0 
>>>>>>> 				;
>>>>>>> 				;itableValve;see table .cc
>>>>>>> 				;ktablow see table .cc for the valve type
>>>>>>> 				;ktabhigh see table .cc for the valve type
>>>>>>> 				;ktabistep see table .cc for the valve type
>>>>>>> 				;itabsize len of the table see table .cc for the valve type
>>>>>>> 				aVgk = aIn_Ftube
>>>>>>> 				af = (aVgk - ktablow) * ktabistep
>>>>>>> 				ki = int(af)
>>>>>>> 				if ki < 0 then
>>>>>>> 					aFtube tab 0, itableValve
>>>>>>> 				elseif ki >= itabsize then
>>>>>>> 					aFtube tab itabsize - 1, itableValve
>>>>>>> 				else
>>>>>>> 					af = af - ki
>>>>>>> 					kreadT1 tab ki, itableValve
>>>>>>> 					kreadT2 tab ki + 1, itableValve
>>>>>>> 					aFtube = kreadT1 * (1 - af) + kreadT2 * af
>>>>>>> 				endif
>>>>>>> 				;
>>>>>>> 			aFtubeOut = (aFtube + aVkC - kvplus)
>>>>>>> 			aFtubeOld butlp aFtubeOut * kRk/kRp, kfck
>>>>>>> On 7 Apr 2014, at 20:04, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>>>>>>>> why the delay line? If it's a 1-sample delay you want to do, it's a 
>> bit 
>>>>>> cumbersome to use it for that.
>>>>>>>> It's simpler to do this (ksmps = 1), for example for a 1st order 
>>>>>>>> adel init 0
>>>>>>>> ay = ain*ia + adel*ib
>>>>>>>> adel = ay
>>>>>>>> adel is a 1-sample feedback delay.
>>>>>>>> On 7 Apr 2014, at 18:07, vallste@libero.it wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>> I'm trying to port Gutarix tubes emulations to Csound ( I know that 
>> is 
>>>>>> possible to export as csound plugins but want to try the long way).
>>>>>>>>> Under Faust sources there are the examples
>>>>>>>>> http://sourceforge.
>>>> net/p/faudiostream/code/ci/master/tree/examples/faust-
>>>>>> tubes/
>>>>>>>>> and data used for transfer functions for each tube model (files 
>>>> h, 
>>>>>> tube.lib, preamp.dsp, and .cc files for tubes).
>>>>>>>>> Attached here is my tentative udo (plus a couple tube emulations 
>>>> transfer 
>>>>>> funcions used by gen23) and a file to test it but everything I can 
>> obtain 
>>>> is a 
>>>>>> nice noise generator with only one stage of amplification, go figure 
>> what 
>>>>>> happen if you add more than one...Suspect that there is a problem on 
>> I 
>>>>>> implemented recursion with delayw/r. 
>>>>>>>>> Anyone would like to give a look to the code to see what I'm doing 
>>>> wrong?
>>>>>>>>> I've put output to disk in the tubetest.csd to avoid bad surpises 
>>>> the 
>>>>>> speakers.
>>>>>>>>> Bye
>>>>>>>>> Stefano
>>>>>>>>> <12ax7_250k.inc><12ax7_68k.inc><12at7_250k.
>>>>>> inc><12at7_68k.inc>
>>>>>>>> Dr Victor Lazzarini
>>>>>>>> Senior Lecturer
>>>>>>>> Dept. of Music
>>>>>>>> NUI Maynooth Ireland
>>>>>>>> tel.: +353 1 708 3545
>>>>>>>> Victor dot Lazzarini AT nuim dot ie
>>>>>>>> Send bugs reports to
>>>>>>>>     https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>>>>>>>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
>>>>>>>> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body 
>> "unsubscribe 
>>>>>> csound"
>>>>>>> Dr Victor Lazzarini
>>>>>>> Senior Lecturer
>>>>>>> Dept. of Music
>>>>>>> NUI Maynooth Ireland
>>>>>>> tel.: +353 1 708 3545
>>>>>>> Victor dot Lazzarini AT nuim dot ie
>>>>>>> Send bugs reports to
>>>>>>>     https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>>>>>>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
>>>>>>> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body 
>> "unsubscribe 
>>>>>> csound"
>>>>>> Send bugs reports to
>>>>>>      https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>>>>>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
>>>>>> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body 
>>>> csound"
>>>>> Dr Victor Lazzarini
>>>>> Senior Lecturer
>>>>> Dept. of Music
>>>>> NUI Maynooth Ireland
>>>>> tel.: +353 1 708 3545
>>>>> Victor dot Lazzarini AT nuim dot ie
>>>>> Send bugs reports to
>>>>>      https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>>>>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
>>>>> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body 
>>>> csound"
>>>> Send bugs reports to
>>>>       https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>>>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
>>>> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe 
>> csound"
>>> Send bugs reports to
>>>       https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
>>> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe 
>> csound"
>> Send bugs reports to
>>        https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
>> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe 
>Send bugs reports to
>        https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
>To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe 

Date2014-04-08 17:30
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Porting Guitarix tube preamp models to Csound?
No noise here, I’m using Csound from yesterday’s sources, your code produces a clear output (see attached)

Dr Victor Lazzarini
Senior Lecturer
NUI Maynooth, Ireland
victor dot lazzarini at nuim dot ie

On 8 Apr 2014, at 16:42, vallste@libero.it wrote:

> I'm still confused since all I can obtain is a variable degree of noise (even 
> with an oscillator with a sinewave of  32768 points). 
> Depending on the input sound volume things get a little better , for example 
> replacing the diskin2 with this (0dbfs  = 1 in the header):
> asound oscili .05, 440, 1
> makes things a little bit intellegible but there is still a huge noise 
> component in the output sound.
>> ----Messaggio originale----
>> Da: Victor.Lazzarini@nuim.ie
>> Data: 08/04/2014 12.00
>> A: 
>> Ogg: Re: [Csnd] Porting Guitarix tube preamp models to Csound?
>> I’m actually using the code that you posted, just replacing the input file 
> with something I have here.
>> ========================
>> Dr Victor Lazzarini
>> Senior Lecturer
>> NUI Maynooth, Ireland
>> victor dot lazzarini at nuim dot ie
>> On 8 Apr 2014, at 10:40, vallste@libero.it wrote:
>>> Could you please post the udo code you have? I'm not getting the same 
> results.
>>> Stefano
>>>> ----Messaggio originale----
>>>> Da: Victor.Lazzarini@nuim.ie
>>>> Data: 08/04/2014 10.38
>>>> A: 
>>>> Ogg: Re: [Csnd] Porting Guitarix tube preamp models to Csound?
>>>> I just ran your code here and I am not getting noise at the UDO output. 
>>>> There is no distortion either, the output is generally clean.
>>>> ========================
>>>> Dr Victor Lazzarini
>>>> Senior Lecturer
>>>> NUI Maynooth, Ireland
>>>> victor dot lazzarini at nuim dot ie
>>>> On 7 Apr 2014, at 20:42, vallste@libero.it wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Victor, it's sill not working as expected but at least the code 
>>> looks 
>>>>> better eh eh eh 
>>>>> Stefano
>>>>>> ----Messaggio originale----
>>>>>> Da: Victor.Lazzarini@nuim.ie
>>>>>> Data: 07/04/2014 21.32
>>>>>> A: 
>>>>>> Ogg: Re: [Csnd] Porting Guitarix tube preamp models to Csound?
>>>>>> Other areas that can be simplified:
>>>>>> Instead of implementing linear interpolation in the code, you can just 
> use 
>>> a 
>>>>> linear
>>>>>> interp table reader, tabiei (in csound6  it accepts non-pow-of-two 
>>> tables). 
>>>>>> All of these lines 
>>>>>> 				ki = int(af)
>>>>>> 				if ki < 0 then
>>>>>> 					aFtube tab 0, itableValve
>>>>>> 				elseif ki >= itabsize then
>>>>>> 					aFtube tab itabsize - 1, itableValve
>>>>>> 				else
>>>>>> 					af = af - ki
>>>>>> 					kreadT1 tab ki, itableValve
>>>>>> 					kreadT2 tab ki + 1, itableValve
>>>>>> 					aFtube = kreadT1 * (1 - af) + kreadT2 * af
>>>>>> 				endif
>>>>>> get replaced by a single line
>>>>>> aFtube tablei af, itableValve
>>>>>> Victor
>>>>>> On 7 Apr 2014, at 20:16, vallste@libero.it wrote:
>>>>>>> Yes, I was trying this but unfortunately it's still a noise generator.
>>>>>>>> ----Messaggio originale----
>>>>>>>> Da: Victor.Lazzarini@nuim.ie
>>>>>>>> Data: 07/04/2014 21.10
>>>>>>>> A: 
>>>>>>>> Ogg: Re: [Csnd] Porting Guitarix tube preamp models to Csound?
>>>>>>>> In other words, removing the delayr/w,  we can have
>>>>>>>> 			aFtubeOld init 0
>>>>>>>> 			aIn_Ftube = aFtubeOld + aIn_tube - kVk0 
>>>>>>>> 				;
>>>>>>>> 				;itableValve;see table .cc
>>>>>>>> 				;ktablow see table .cc for the valve type
>>>>>>>> 				;ktabhigh see table .cc for the valve type
>>>>>>>> 				;ktabistep see table .cc for the valve type
>>>>>>>> 				;itabsize len of the table see table .cc for the valve type
>>>>>>>> 				aVgk = aIn_Ftube
>>>>>>>> 				af = (aVgk - ktablow) * ktabistep
>>>>>>>> 				ki = int(af)
>>>>>>>> 				if ki < 0 then
>>>>>>>> 					aFtube tab 0, itableValve
>>>>>>>> 				elseif ki >= itabsize then
>>>>>>>> 					aFtube tab itabsize - 1, itableValve
>>>>>>>> 				else
>>>>>>>> 					af = af - ki
>>>>>>>> 					kreadT1 tab ki, itableValve
>>>>>>>> 					kreadT2 tab ki + 1, itableValve
>>>>>>>> 					aFtube = kreadT1 * (1 - af) + kreadT2 * af
>>>>>>>> 				endif
>>>>>>>> 				;
>>>>>>>> 			aFtubeOut = (aFtube + aVkC - kvplus)
>>>>>>>> 			aFtubeOld butlp aFtubeOut * kRk/kRp, kfck
>>>>>>>> On 7 Apr 2014, at 20:04, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>>>>>>>>> why the delay line? If it's a 1-sample delay you want to do, it's a 
>>> bit 
>>>>>>> cumbersome to use it for that.
>>>>>>>>> It's simpler to do this (ksmps = 1), for example for a 1st order 
> filter
>>>>>>>>> adel init 0
>>>>>>>>> ay = ain*ia + adel*ib
>>>>>>>>> adel = ay
>>>>>>>>> adel is a 1-sample feedback delay.
>>>>>>>>> On 7 Apr 2014, at 18:07, vallste@libero.it wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>> I'm trying to port Gutarix tubes emulations to Csound ( I know that 
>>> is 
>>>>>>> possible to export as csound plugins but want to try the long way).
>>>>>>>>>> Under Faust sources there are the examples
>>>>>>>>>> http://sourceforge.
>>>>> net/p/faudiostream/code/ci/master/tree/examples/faust-
>>>>>>> tubes/
>>>>>>>>>> and data used for transfer functions for each tube model (files 
> valve.
>>>>> h, 
>>>>>>> tube.lib, preamp.dsp, and .cc files for tubes).
>>>>>>>>>> Attached here is my tentative udo (plus a couple tube emulations 
>>>>> transfer 
>>>>>>> funcions used by gen23) and a file to test it but everything I can 
>>> obtain 
>>>>> is a 
>>>>>>> nice noise generator with only one stage of amplification, go figure 
>>> what 
>>>>>>> happen if you add more than one...Suspect that there is a problem on 
> how 
>>> I 
>>>>>>> implemented recursion with delayw/r. 
>>>>>>>>>> Anyone would like to give a look to the code to see what I'm doing 
>>>>> wrong?
>>>>>>>>>> I've put output to disk in the tubetest.csd to avoid bad surpises 
> to 
>>>>> the 
>>>>>>> speakers.
>>>>>>>>>> Bye
>>>>>>>>>> Stefano
>>>>>>>>>> <12ax7_250k.inc><12ax7_68k.inc><12at7_250k.
>>>>>>> inc><12at7_68k.inc>
>>>>>>>>> Dr Victor Lazzarini
>>>>>>>>> Senior Lecturer
>>>>>>>>> Dept. of Music
>>>>>>>>> NUI Maynooth Ireland
>>>>>>>>> tel.: +353 1 708 3545
>>>>>>>>> Victor dot Lazzarini AT nuim dot ie
>>>>>>>>> Send bugs reports to
>>>>>>>>>    https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>>>>>>>>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
>>>>>>>>> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body 
>>> "unsubscribe 
>>>>>>> csound"
>>>>>>>> Dr Victor Lazzarini
>>>>>>>> Senior Lecturer
>>>>>>>> Dept. of Music
>>>>>>>> NUI Maynooth Ireland
>>>>>>>> tel.: +353 1 708 3545
>>>>>>>> Victor dot Lazzarini AT nuim dot ie
>>>>>>>> Send bugs reports to
>>>>>>>>    https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>>>>>>>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
>>>>>>>> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body 
>>> "unsubscribe 
>>>>>>> csound"
>>>>>>> Send bugs reports to
>>>>>>>     https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>>>>>>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
>>>>>>> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body 
> "unsubscribe 
>>>>> csound"
>>>>>> Dr Victor Lazzarini
>>>>>> Senior Lecturer
>>>>>> Dept. of Music
>>>>>> NUI Maynooth Ireland
>>>>>> tel.: +353 1 708 3545
>>>>>> Victor dot Lazzarini AT nuim dot ie
>>>>>> Send bugs reports to
>>>>>>     https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>>>>>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
>>>>>> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body 
> "unsubscribe 
>>>>> csound"
>>>>> Send bugs reports to
>>>>>      https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>>>>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
>>>>> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe 
>>> csound"
>>>> Send bugs reports to
>>>>      https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>>>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
>>>> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe 
>>> csound"
>>> Send bugs reports to
>>>       https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
>>> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe 
> csound"
>> Send bugs reports to
>>       https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
>> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe 
> csound"
> Send bugs reports to
>        https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"

Date2014-04-17 22:41
FromAaron Krister Johnson
SubjectRe: Re: [Csnd] Porting Guitarix tube preamp models to Csound?
Stefano, perhaps the UDO is not playing nicely with your buffer settings?

I've sometimes had noisey output due to wrong buffer settings....try doing something like -b128 -B128 (or even 64) and go up from there by doubling (although sometimes just going up by 64 works better, as I've had the experience on at least one laptop of the best buffer settings for instance for jack being 3 buffers of 64 frames each, or a buffer of 192 frames....)


Aaron Krister Johnson

On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 10:42 AM, vallste@libero.it <vallste@libero.it> wrote:
I'm still confused since all I can obtain is a variable degree of noise (even
with an oscillator with a sinewave of  32768 points).
Depending on the input sound volume things get a little better , for example
replacing the diskin2 with this (0dbfs  = 1 in the header):
asound oscili .05, 440, 1
makes things a little bit intellegible but there is still a huge noise
component in the output sound.

>----Messaggio originale----
>Da: Victor.Lazzarini@nuim.ie
>Data: 08/04/2014 12.00
>A: <csound@lists.bath.ac.uk>
>Ogg: Re: [Csnd] Porting Guitarix tube preamp models to Csound?
>I’m actually using the code that you posted, just replacing the input file
with something I have here.
>Dr Victor Lazzarini
>Senior Lecturer
>NUI Maynooth, Ireland
>victor dot lazzarini at nuim dot ie
>On 8 Apr 2014, at 10:40, vallste@libero.it wrote:
>> Could you please post the udo code you have? I'm not getting the same
>> Stefano
>>> ----Messaggio originale----
>>> Da: Victor.Lazzarini@nuim.ie
>>> Data: 08/04/2014 10.38
>>> A: <csound@lists.bath.ac.uk>
>>> Ogg: Re: [Csnd] Porting Guitarix tube preamp models to Csound?
>>> I just ran your code here and I am not getting noise at the UDO output.
>>> There is no distortion either, the output is generally clean.
>>> ========================
>>> Dr Victor Lazzarini
>>> Senior Lecturer
>>> NUI Maynooth, Ireland
>>> victor dot lazzarini at nuim dot ie
>>> On 7 Apr 2014, at 20:42, vallste@libero.it wrote:
>>>> Thanks Victor, it's sill not working as expected but at least the code
>> looks
>>>> better eh eh eh
>>>> Stefano
>>>>> ----Messaggio originale----
>>>>> Da: Victor.Lazzarini@nuim.ie
>>>>> Data: 07/04/2014 21.32
>>>>> A: <csound@lists.bath.ac.uk>
>>>>> Ogg: Re: [Csnd] Porting Guitarix tube preamp models to Csound?
>>>>> Other areas that can be simplified:
>>>>> Instead of implementing linear interpolation in the code, you can just
>> a
>>>> linear
>>>>> interp table reader, tabiei (in csound6  it accepts non-pow-of-two
>> tables).
>>>>> All of these lines
>>>>>                           ki = int(af)
>>>>>                           if ki < 0 then
>>>>>                                   aFtube tab 0, itableValve
>>>>>                           elseif ki >= itabsize then
>>>>>                                   aFtube tab itabsize - 1, itableValve
>>>>>                           else
>>>>>                                   af = af - ki
>>>>>                                   kreadT1 tab ki, itableValve
>>>>>                                   kreadT2 tab ki + 1, itableValve
>>>>>                                   aFtube = kreadT1 * (1 - af) + kreadT2 * af
>>>>>                           endif
>>>>> get replaced by a single line
>>>>> aFtube tablei af, itableValve
>>>>> Victor
>>>>> On 7 Apr 2014, at 20:16, vallste@libero.it wrote:
>>>>>> Yes, I was trying this but unfortunately it's still a noise generator.
>>>>>>> ----Messaggio originale----
>>>>>>> Da: Victor.Lazzarini@nuim.ie
>>>>>>> Data: 07/04/2014 21.10
>>>>>>> A: <csound@lists.bath.ac.uk>
>>>>>>> Ogg: Re: [Csnd] Porting Guitarix tube preamp models to Csound?
>>>>>>> In other words, removing the delayr/w,  we can have
>>>>>>>                         aFtubeOld init 0
>>>>>>>                         aIn_Ftube = aFtubeOld + aIn_tube - kVk0
>>>>>>>                                 ;<Ftube from valve.h>
>>>>>>>                                 ;itableValve;see table .cc
>>>>>>>                                 ;ktablow see table .cc for the valve type
>>>>>>>                                 ;ktabhigh see table .cc for the valve type
>>>>>>>                                 ;ktabistep see table .cc for the valve type
>>>>>>>                                 ;itabsize len of the table see table .cc for the valve type
>>>>>>>                                 aVgk = aIn_Ftube
>>>>>>>                                 af = (aVgk - ktablow) * ktabistep
>>>>>>>                                 ki = int(af)
>>>>>>>                                 if ki < 0 then
>>>>>>>                                         aFtube tab 0, itableValve
>>>>>>>                                 elseif ki >= itabsize then
>>>>>>>                                         aFtube tab itabsize - 1, itableValve
>>>>>>>                                 else
>>>>>>>                                         af = af - ki
>>>>>>>                                         kreadT1 tab ki, itableValve
>>>>>>>                                         kreadT2 tab ki + 1, itableValve
>>>>>>>                                         aFtube = kreadT1 * (1 - af) + kreadT2 * af
>>>>>>>                                 endif
>>>>>>>                                 ;</Ftube from valve.h>
>>>>>>>                         aFtubeOut = (aFtube + aVkC - kvplus)
>>>>>>>                         aFtubeOld butlp aFtubeOut * kRk/kRp, kfck
>>>>>>> On 7 Apr 2014, at 20:04, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>>>>>>>> why the delay line? If it's a 1-sample delay you want to do, it's a
>> bit
>>>>>> cumbersome to use it for that.
>>>>>>>> It's simpler to do this (ksmps = 1), for example for a 1st order
>>>>>>>> adel init 0
>>>>>>>> ay = ain*ia + adel*ib
>>>>>>>> adel = ay
>>>>>>>> adel is a 1-sample feedback delay.
>>>>>>>> On 7 Apr 2014, at 18:07, vallste@libero.it wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>> I'm trying to port Gutarix tubes emulations to Csound ( I know that
>> is
>>>>>> possible to export as csound plugins but want to try the long way).
>>>>>>>>> Under Faust sources there are the examples
>>>>>>>>> http://sourceforge.
>>>> net/p/faudiostream/code/ci/master/tree/examples/faust-
>>>>>> tubes/
>>>>>>>>> and data used for transfer functions for each tube model (files
>>>> h,
>>>>>> tube.lib, preamp.dsp, and .cc files for tubes).
>>>>>>>>> Attached here is my tentative udo (plus a couple tube emulations
>>>> transfer
>>>>>> funcions used by gen23) and a file to test it but everything I can
>> obtain
>>>> is a
>>>>>> nice noise generator with only one stage of amplification, go figure
>> what
>>>>>> happen if you add more than one...Suspect that there is a problem on
>> I
>>>>>> implemented recursion with delayw/r.
>>>>>>>>> Anyone would like to give a look to the code to see what I'm doing
>>>> wrong?
>>>>>>>>> I've put output to disk in the tubetest.csd to avoid bad surpises
>>>> the
>>>>>> speakers.
>>>>>>>>> Bye
>>>>>>>>> Stefano
>>>>>>>>> <GuitarixTubestage.udo><12ax7_250k.inc><12ax7_68k.inc><12at7_250k.
>>>>>> inc><12at7_68k.inc><tubetest.csd>
>>>>>>>> Dr Victor Lazzarini
>>>>>>>> Senior Lecturer
>>>>>>>> Dept. of Music
>>>>>>>> NUI Maynooth Ireland
>>>>>>>> tel.: +353 1 708 3545
>>>>>>>> Victor dot Lazzarini AT nuim dot ie
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>>>>>>> Dr Victor Lazzarini
>>>>>>> Senior Lecturer
>>>>>>> Dept. of Music
>>>>>>> NUI Maynooth Ireland
>>>>>>> tel.: +353 1 708 3545
>>>>>>> Victor dot Lazzarini AT nuim dot ie
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>>>>> Dr Victor Lazzarini
>>>>> Senior Lecturer
>>>>> Dept. of Music
>>>>> NUI Maynooth Ireland
>>>>> tel.: +353 1 708 3545
>>>>> Victor dot Lazzarini AT nuim dot ie
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