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[Csnd] overloading UDOs

Date2014-03-05 22:45
Fromjoachim heintz
Subject[Csnd] overloading UDOs
i have missed several times some flexibility of UDOs in respect to the 
number of input and/or output arguments. now i have read some code by 
martin neukom which shows that it's possible to re-define UDOs for 
overloading them. this is a simple example:

ksmps = 32

;one in, one out
opcode test, i, i
ibla xin
xout ibla

;two in, two out
opcode test, ii, ii
ibla, iblu xin
xout ibla, iblu

;one in, two out
opcode test, ii, i
ibla xin
xout ibla, ibla

instr 1
idruck test 1
print idruck
ia, ib test 2
print ia, ib
ix, iy test 3, 4
print ix, iy

i 1 0 1

instr 1:  idruck = 1.000
instr 1:  ia = 2.000  ib = 2.000
instr 1:  ix = 3.000  iy = 4.000

very nice feature ...


Date2014-03-05 23:04
FromRory Walsh
SubjectRe: [Csnd] overloading UDOs

Wow! That's powerful!

On 5 Mar 2014 22:46, "joachim heintz" <jh@joachimheintz.de> wrote:
i have missed several times some flexibility of UDOs in respect to the number of input and/or output arguments. now i have read some code by martin neukom which shows that it's possible to re-define UDOs for overloading them. this is a simple example:

ksmps = 32

;one in, one out
opcode test, i, i
ibla xin
xout ibla

;two in, two out
opcode test, ii, ii
ibla, iblu xin
xout ibla, iblu

;one in, two out
opcode test, ii, i
ibla xin
xout ibla, ibla

instr 1
idruck test 1
print idruck
ia, ib test 2
print ia, ib
ix, iy test 3, 4
print ix, iy

i 1 0 1

instr 1:  idruck = 1.000
instr 1:  ia = 2.000  ib = 2.000
instr 1:  ix = 3.000  iy = 4.000

very nice feature ...


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