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[Csnd] 91 channel file input

Date2014-03-05 12:04
Fromjoachim heintz
Subject[Csnd] 91 channel file input
martin neukom is currently working on new ambisonics b-format UDOs. his 
b-format file have up to 91 channels. is there any way to read them in 
csound? (soundin is, according to the manual, limited to 40 channels.)

i think there was a similar request some time ago, and i seem to 
remember john worked on it, but i don't remember the result.

thanks -


Date2014-03-05 13:04
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectRe: [Csnd] 91 channel file input
I think you can read any number of channels with diskin2 using audio-rate arrays. John might be able to confirm this.

On 5 Mar 2014, at 12:04, joachim heintz  wrote:

> martin neukom is currently working on new ambisonics b-format UDOs. his b-format file have up to 91 channels. is there any way to read them in csound? (soundin is, according to the manual, limited to 40 channels.)
> i think there was a similar request some time ago, and i seem to remember john worked on it, but i don't remember the result.
> thanks -
> 	joachim
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Date2014-03-05 15:09
SubjectRe: [Csnd] 91 channel file input