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[Csnd] thank you thank you thank you

Date2010-02-02 01:40
FromAaron Krister Johnson
Subject[Csnd] thank you thank you thank you
Greeting dear Csounders,

I had a very successful UnTwelve (untwelve.org) concert on Saturday, Jan 30th, here in Evanston, IL. It was a concert of my music, much of it using Csound. It also took place in total darkness! The audience loved it.

I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere thanks to the Csound community, especially the developers. Your free, incredibly powerful software is a gift to electronic musicians everywhere, and you are always willing to help with questions. And, to the non-developers who share ideas and code that we can all study and share and build on.....what a wonderful thing to be able to build on each others' work like that!@gmail.com

Especially, I want to thank Iain McCurdy---your realtime Schedkwhen granulation example, which I modified for my needs, played a HUGE role in a couple of longer works on this concert. And to Jacob Joaquin---you blog rocks, I always refer to it and learn from it, and one piece in particular was not possible w/o being built on your 'splice and stutter' code --- I wrote an algorithmic beat generator frontend in Python that generates a text score to insert into your ".csd" code. I'm happy to share it back if anyone's interested---my small way of giving back.

If any of you write kick-ass microtonal music, and would like a piece or two to be featured on an UnTwelve dark concert, let me know, and I'll listen to what you have....if we like it, we'll do a variety show of Csounders doing microtones, and put it on!

Cheers to all!@gmail.com

Aaron Krister Johnson

Date2010-02-02 22:57
FromBrian Wong
Subject[Csnd] Baboon UDO
I have just added "Baboon" to the UDO repository http://www.csounds.com/udo/index.php , which is a UDO wrapper for the babo opcode. I have not made a suitable example yet for the entry, but will do so soon.
The babo opcode is a physical model reverberator, which allows you to place and move your instruments in a configurable virtual room, and Baboon allows detailed reverb and 3d spacialization settings on a per note basis. As you might expect, this can be quite processor intensive once you start using Baboon on multiple instruments.
You can check out my 1st experiments with it in my latest work in progress here :
I am finding Baboon useful, and hope others will too.

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