| HI Matt,
Thanks for posting this. I had seen the earlier beta videos and was
happy to see the latest developments.
(The following is as much for me as for anyone else, hope no one minds
me thinking out loud here.)
The design raises some interesting concerns, some of which I have been
mulling over in my own mind for blue. What I see in AudioGL is access
to visualizing a lot of information at once, but so far not a large
overview of time, or the composition big-picture view. Seeing all the
details provides lots of opportunities for musical inspiration, but at
the same time, I think not having the larger big picture view misses
something. (Of course, this software is pre-release, and that is
something I imagine the author may address in future releases).
The blocks of code patched together in an essentially 2d space is
something I have been thinking about a lot. I see a close parallel to
Buzz; more recently, watching a video of TableTop for iOS had me
thinking about this paradigm more. With AudioGL, I think of it akin
to seeing multiple Max patches in a single larger space, or like Buzz
machines but seeing the internals in a way like Reaktor. TableTop I
think has a more interesting thing going for it, in that it's modeled
more on connecting heterogenous machines together with completely
different user interfaces, just as connecting hardware machines
together would.
Two videos were of interest:
* TableTop (http://createdigitalmusic.com/2012/05/from-the-ipads-screen-the-music-of-human-boot-project-tabletop/)
* King Britt in his studio
To me, this view of music as a connection of independent machines with
unique interfaces, as a concept, was one that I had not really given
much thought to previously, but am now. I have been trying to
brainstorm some design changes to blue that could accomodate this view
of music, yet integrate as another view. I think it can be very much
complimentary to a large-scale score view, as this is what already
happened in the past when MIDI-driven machines were connected to a
computer-based software sequencer. One thing that I need to figure
out exactly is how to rectify the view of instruments/mixer that is
currently in blue, with a newer machine/instrument/graph view. I
think these too can be complementary, and would be an advantage to
have as alternate views of the musical project, as each paradigm
offers different advantages/disadvantages.
Anyways, some thinking out loud here. :) AudioGL certainly has some
fantastic design to it and I'm sure it will make a splash when it is
released. My only real big negative to it is that it looks like it
will not be open source. (I've raised concerns about long-term
software and preservation of musical work before, so won't go into
that here. :P)
On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 12:03 AM, matt ingalls wrote:
> pretty impressive
> http://www.youtube.com/user/AudioGL
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